Congratulations: We Now Have Opinions on Your Open Source Contributions
2022-7-9 08:0:0 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:12 收藏

written on Saturday, July 9, 2022

I wrote plenty about supply-chain issues and I'm afraid I have more opinions I would like to share. On Friday I along many others in the Python community "congratulated" me on having created a critical package. Once packages are within a certain level of adoption compared to the global downloads, they are considered critical. Currently if you maintain a "critical" package it means that you need to enroll a multi factor authenticator. It appears that the hypothetical consequence of not enrolling into 2FA is not being able to release new versions. My visceral reaction to this email was not positive.

From the package index' point of view increasing the protection for critical packages makes a lot of sense. Running a package index is expensive and the users of the package index really do want to reduce the chance that a package that they depend on is compromised. In theory that type of protection really should apply to every package. That's not what PyPI did, they decided to draw a line between “critical” and other packages.

From the index' point of view I really understand this, but as a developer of Open Source software I'm quite conflicted about this. The message to me as a maintainer is quite clear: once a project achieved criticality, then the index wants to exercise a certain amount of control. From the index' perspective it's within the bounds of it's terms of service to put further restrictions on such a project.

However when I create an Open Source project, I do not chose to create a “critical” package. It becomes that by adoption over time. Right now the consequence of being a critical package is quite mild: you only need to enable 2FA. But a line has been drawn now and I'm not sure why it wouldn't be in the index best interest to put further restrictions in place.

Instead of putting the burden to the user of packages, we're now piling stuff onto the developer who already puts their own labor and time into it. From the index' point of view there is a benefit to not enforce rules on everybody as some of these rules might make the use of the index burdensome, but putting the burden only on critical packages does not hurt the adoption just as much.

There is a hypothetical future where the rules tighten. One could imagine that an index would like to enforce cryptographic signing of newly released packages. Or the index wants to enable reclaiming of critical packages if the author does not respond or do bad things with the package. For instance a critical package being unpublished is a problem for the ecosystem. One could imagine a situation where in that case the Index maintainers take over the record of that package on the index to undo the damage. Likewise it's more than imaginable that an index of the future will require packages to enforce a minimum standard for critical packages such as a certain SLO for responding to critical incoming requests (security, trademark laws etc.).

I think as an Open Source developer who is using the index for free, I can't demand much from it. I'm in many ways beholden to the rules and requirements that the index upholds. In some ecosystems there is really not much of a choice because only the primary index is capable of providing packages or alternative indexes are hard to maintain. It's also not in the interest of the primary index to allow packages outside of the index to exist, as then the rules that the index wants to put in place cannot be enforced.

So if I were to wish for something, then that the index has no policies beyond immutability of assets, and instead we use an independent layer of the index to enforce policies.

In the Rust world Mozilla started a project that looks quite promising called cargo-vet. It's based on the idea that the users of packages can vet dependencies and most importantly individual versions of them. You can share your vettings with others or at least within your organization. There is an interactive tool that assists you in the vetting process. It will help you audit the source code, the diffs between vetted versions, show you the changelog and more. After you made a decision about the individual version you can commit your attestation and others can use it too. Others typically means same company, but one could imagine that this also turns into independent companies or others to perform these vettings.

For me the most critical part of vetting is that it's based on versions and not on the people behind it. In a sense people don't matter, the code does. I can be a perfectly functioning human one day, and the next one i develop a psychological disorder and do something stupid. I'm happy to accept specifically vetted versions but I don't necessarily want to just upgrade to the latest version of a package anyways. This also works better if packages transfer from one person to another.

What I like about the cargo-vet approach is that it separates the concerns of running an index from vetting. It also means that in theory that multiple competing indexes could be provided and vetting can still be done. Most importantly it puts the friction of the vetting to the community that most cares about this: commercial users. Instead of Open Source maintainers having to jump through more hoops, the vetting can be outsourced to others. Trusted "Notaries" could appear that provide vetting for the most common library versions and won't approve of a new release until it undergoes some vetting. The potential beauty of this system is also that a version resolver could constrain dependencies within vetted libraries. This can greatly reduce the total number of versions of packages in use in a company or project. Instead of developers in a commercial setting updating to the latest version and potentially upgrading to something that contains a worm, the upgrade would only go to the latest vetted version that the company already accepted.

Maybe we can find a future for package indexes where maintainers of packages are not burdened further because the internet started depending on it. It's not the fault of the creator that their creation became popular.
