You can't Do That: Abstracting over Ownership in Rust with Type Inference (and GATs Don't Help)
2022-9-8 08:0:0 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:12 收藏

written on Thursday, September 8, 2022

A few years ago I wrote about how to get better at Rust by knowing when what you want to do is impossible. Sadly in many ways I don't learn from my own mistakes and I keep running into a particular issue over and over again: Rust's restrictions about being able to abstract over the borrow status / ownership of a values.

With the recent talk about stabilization of GATs I tried diving into the topic again and left quite disappointed.

Let me make this less abstract and let's see what this is about, why it matters, and why GATs won't help this particular problem that I'm having.

Setup: The Basic Abstraction

Let's take a very basic abstraction layer that wants to expose native Rust types from some piece of data that sits around somewhere. Note that the data is already somewhere, so our mind immediately thinks "borrowing". Typically this comes up when reading from a database layer or in some runtime reflection situations (serialization libraries, template engines that juggle with different types at runtime and so forth).

Imagine we have an abstract value type such as serde_json::Value which can contain one of multiple different types. For simplicity reasons let's pretend there are only two values in there:

enum Value {

This is a very simple example but it's enough to show the problem. Now let's say this type implements two utility functions that convert a value into a string. We have one which borrows out of Value::String if the value is indeed a string, and then we have a second version that stringifies even if the value is a number:

impl Value {
    fn as_str(&self) -> Option<&str> {
        match self {
            Value::String(s) => Some(s),
            _ => None,

    fn to_string(&self) -> String {
        match self {
            Value::String(s) => s.clone(),
            Value::Number(n) => n.to_string(),

So far, so good. What's important about this particular piece of code we just wrote is that a few things are happening that are quite fundamental to the problem. The first one is that as_str is not always able to borrow into the value. This should be obvious as not all values are strings. Even if one were willing to emulate this sort of behavior, it's very tricky to stringify the value on demand out of a borrowing function such as as_str as there is no mutable place to put this value. (One could use something like memo-map for some specific cases)

The above problem is pretty common in Rust. One wants to leverage borrowing when possible, and only fall back to some form of transformation or clone when necessary. There is a utility type in the standard library called Cow (Clone on Write) which can be used for this purpose:

use std::borrow::Cow;

impl Value {
    fn to_str(&self) -> Cow<'_, str> {
        match self {
            Value::String(s) => Cow::Borrowed(s),
            Value::Number(n) => Cow::Owned(n.to_string()),

Now we're getting closer. For the user of the function this is a very nice API because of one incredibly useful property of Cow: it uses the Deref abstraction from the standard library and implements many common traits. This means that the user for most operations does not need to care about if it's owned or borrowed, it just happens to work:

let value = Value::Number(42);
let s = value.to_str();
println!("{} ({} chars long)", s, s.len());

Here two things are happening. The first thing is that Cow implements some common traits that automatically dispatch down to the internal values if they implement this. The above example leverages the Display trait when used in the println! macro. For the call to .len() the Deref trait is internally used by the language. We could call this a functioning abstraction.

And it was good.

Part 1: The Problem

Almost. We don't want to see the Cow and similar things. And with that we are slowly entering the problematic territory because lifetimes get involved. There is quite often the desire to hide things more. For as long as we are holding on to the Cow the language keeps tracks of the lifetime of that object as it is. This means that it knows that when I hold a Cow::Borrowed the lifetime is bound to the internal value and when I have a Cow::Owned the lifetime is bound to the Cow itself. This is where things get tricky. There is quite often the desire to have something like this:

// option a: borrow
let a: &str = convert(&value)?;

// option b: clone
let b: String = convert(&value)?;

// option b2: clone / copy
let b2: i64 = convert(&value)?;

The above code is not possible and we will go into why in a bit. However let's pretend for a second that it was possible. How would it work? Let's implement this with an extra layer of indirection for a second. We will add a function called convert() which tries to perform the intended conversion based on the return value. Internally we will use our own utility trait called TryConvertValue:

trait TryConvertValue: Sized {
    fn try_convert_value(value: &Value) -> Option<Self>;

fn convert<T: TryConvertValue>(value: &Value) -> Option<T> {

A keen observer will have spotted an issue here already. There is no lifetime relationship defined between try_convert_value's input value and the resulting value. The above code can be implemented for i64 just fine:

impl TryConvertValue for i64 {
    fn try_convert_value(value: &Value) -> Option<i64> {
        match value {
            Value::Number(n) => Some(*n),
            _ => None,

We can also trivially implement it for String if we so desire. What however will have a hard time implementing is a conversion into &str. This becomes obvious the moment we try to do it:

impl<'a> TryConvertValue for &'a str {
    fn try_convert_value(value: &Value) -> Option<&str> {
        match value {
            Value::String(s) => Some(s),
            _ => None,

This will fail to compile because the lifetime of the type and the lifetime of the return value do not fit together:

error: `impl` item signature doesn't match `trait` item signature
  --> src/
23 |     fn try_convert_value(value: &Value) -> Option<Self>;
   |     ---------------------------------------------------- expected `fn(&'1 Value) -> Option<&'a str>`
42 |     fn try_convert_value(value: &Value) -> Option<&str> {
   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ found `fn(&'1 Value) -> Option<&'1 str>`
   = note: expected `fn(&'1 Value) -> Option<&'a str>`
              found `fn(&'1 Value) -> Option<&'1 str>`
help: the lifetime requirements from the `impl` do not correspond to the requirements in the `trait`
  --> src/
23 |     fn try_convert_value(value: &Value) -> Option<Self>;
   |                                                   ^^^^ consider borrowing this type parameter in the trait

And the compiler really tries to be helpful here. It's offering a solution: we can borrow the type parameter in the trait. How do we do this? Well we can change the definition of the trait instead:

trait TryConvertValue: Sized {
    fn try_convert_value(value: &Value) -> Option<&Self>;

Now we are required to borrow. In that case the implementation for i64 would have to return &i64. Obviously trivially to do for &i64, it wouldn't work for &String since we need to allocate there (for the to-string conversion for numbers) and we have nowhere to point.

Part 2: Using GATs

So let's go back to the original type we had and implement it again for &str. But this time we will try something else which is the new GAT support which is currently in nightly. What are GATs if you are asking? GAT stands for Generic Associated Types and it allows us to define a type with an associated generic type. Partially this is something you are already used from the iterator trait where the iterator has an associated type called Item. What's new with GATs is that you can define some bounds on them.

Let's go with an example where we change TryConvertValue to use a GAT for the output type:

trait TryConvertValue {
    type Output<'output> where Self: 'output;

    fn try_convert_value<'value>(value: &'value Value) -> Option<Self::Output<'value>>;

This looks quite similar to how you define an iterator. The only "new" thing here is that our associated type now has a bound which sets a relationship of the return type to the lifetime of the object. Let's implement this for our i64 again:

impl TryConvertValue for i64 {
    type Output<'output> = i64;

    fn try_convert_value<'value>(value: &'value Value) -> Option<Self::Output<'value>> {
        match value {
            Value::Number(val) => Some(*val),
            _ => None,

This compiles just fine. Let's use it:

let val = Value::Number(42);
let a: i64 = TryConvertValue::try_convert_value(&val).unwrap();

Sadly this will not compile:

error[E0283]: type annotations needed
--> src/
64 |     let a: i64 = TryConvertValue::try_convert_value(&val).unwrap();
|                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ cannot infer type
= note: cannot satisfy `_: TryConvertValue`

The reason for this is that our type inference now is no longer kicking as before. Previously Rust knew that we returned Self. Now that we are using GATs a type might return completely different type in Output. Thankfully this is an easy fix if we change our convert function from before with a new constraint:

fn convert<T>(value: &Value) -> Option<T>
    T: TryConvertValue + for<'a> TryConvertValue<Output<'a> = T>,

This tells the compiler that the return value of convert needs to match the Output type. Let's try it again:

let val = Value::Number(42);
let a: i64 = convert(&val).unwrap();

Great. So this works again, now let's do the same for &str which is what we wanted to enable in the first place. But again, we won't be able to do this. In fact GATs are surprisingly a dead end here. The reason is that we can't implement the trait for &str (for the already known lifetime issues) only for str:

impl TryConvertValue for str {
    type Output<'output> = &'output str;

    fn try_convert_value<'value>(value: &'value Value) -> Option<Self::Output<'value>> {
        match value {
            Value::String(val) => Some(val),
            _ => None,

This sort of works if we would use it like this:

let val = Value::String("hello".to_string());
let a: &str = str::try_convert_value(&str_val).unwrap();

However we now broke our convert contract with this. We use str::try_convert_value which returns an &str, not a str. As such convert will fail to compile since the types are no longer matching:

error[E0277]: the trait bound `&str: TryConvertValue` is not satisfied
  --> src/
79 |     let a: &str = convert(&str_val).unwrap();
   |                   ^^^^^^^ the trait `TryConvertValue` is not implemented for `&str`
   = help: the trait `TryConvertValue` is implemented for `str`
note: required by a bound in `convert`
  --> src/
40 | fn convert<T>(value: &Value) -> Option<T>
   |    ------- required by a bound in this
41 | where
42 |     T: TryConvertValue + for<'a> TryConvertValue<Output<'a> = T>,
   |        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ required by this bound in `convert`

So this is a dead end.

And it does not feel satisfying. We now have GATs but there is still not enough expressiveness in Rust to allow us to do this.

Why Bother?

So why would it be nice to do this? Here are some examples from my own libraries where I would love to be able to abtract over this.


MiniJinja is a template engine in Rust which is modelled after Jinja2 from Python. One of the features that Jinja2 has is that it allows you to define filter functions. These can be applied to many different types of values. It would be incredible convenient to be able to borrow out of the runtime value type or take ownership, depending on what the function argument type implements. For instance I would like to be able to write things of this nature:

fn trim(s: &str) -> String {

fn pow(x: i64, y: i64) -> i64 {
    x.pow(y as u32)

let mut env = Environment::new();
env.add_filter("trim", trim);
env.add_filter("pow", pow);

Today I have to make the choice if filters borrow or own. There is no sensible workaroud for this problem today so MiniJinja chose to require cloning of filter arguments, incuring a performance hit.


The redis driver has a similar problem. It lets you fetch data from the redis server and convert in one go to a Rust type. This is done by using the FromRedisValue trait behind the scenes:

let (k1, k2, k3) : (String, String, u32) = con.get(&["k1", "k2", "k3"])?;

This is a very convenient API but again you will notice that the strings are owned which involves cloning. It would be super convenient to be able to do something like this instead:

let result = con.get(&["k1", "k2", "k3"])?;
let (k1, k2, k3) : (&str, &str, u32) = result.convert()?;

This way we could directly borrow out of the parse results which would be held in the row without having to do pointless clones.


Where to go from there? I'm not sure. GATs are super useful and I'm looking forward to using them in a lot of places. However they won't solve the problem where we depend on things like return type inference as they cannot set up a relationship between the type for the inference with the associated type. This from what I can tell would be crucial for a nice API.

I'm not sure what can be done to solve this problem. It seems hard. Somehow I keep running into this wall, even after multiple years of using Rust. It feels like it should be possible and because of that I keep wasting time on trying to make it work.

But it won't budge.
