You Can't Do That: Abstracting over Ownership in Rust with Higher-Rank Type Bounds. Or Can You?
2022-9-11 08:0:0 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:20 收藏

written on Sunday, September 11, 2022

A few years ago I wrote about how to get better at Rust by knowing when what you want to do is impossible. Sadly in many ways I don't learn from my own mistakes and I keep running into a particular issue over and over again: Rust's restrictions about being able to abstract over the borrow status / ownership of a values in some hard to discover situations involving higher-kinded type bounds.

A few days ago I wrote a (now unpublished) article about how you can't express a certain problem I keep manuvering myself with Rust's lifetimes. However that post set in motion a chain of events that lead to a solution that actually works. Yet at the same time even though I thought it was impossible I don't think the solution is obvious, I could have found it myself and it does not even work reliably. But more about that later.

Let's set the stage first: The problem I'm talking about relates to abstracting over borrows and owned values when combined with functions or something that uses higher-kinded trait bounds. In other words: one wants to create an API where it's possible to either borrow or clone out of some input value. Think of a generic function that can produce both a String and a &str.

If you are toying around with this sort of stuff, the compiler messages you might run into look like this:

implementation of `X` is not general enough
= note: `X<'0>` would have to be implemented for the type `&str`, for any lifetime `'0`...
= note: ...but `X<'1>` is actually implemented for the type `&'1 str`, for some specific lifetime `'1`

With the recent talk about stabilization of GATs I tried diving into one of my issues again and discovered that the problem is really hard and full of dead ends. Let me make this less abstract and let's see what this is about, why it matters, and why GATs won't (necessarily) help this particular problem that I'm having even though it sounds like it should.

Setup: The Basic Abstraction

Let's take a very basic abstraction layer that wants to expose native Rust types from some piece of data that sits around somewhere. Note that the data is already somewhere, so our mind immediately thinks "borrowing". Typically this comes up when reading from a database layer or in some runtime reflection situations (serialization libraries, template engines that juggle with different types at runtime and so forth).

Imagine we have an abstract value type such as serde_json::Value which can contain one of multiple different types. For simplicity reasons let's pretend there are only two values in there:

enum Value {

This is a very simple example but it's enough to show the problem. Now let's say this type wants to be able to stringify itself. To that end it implements two utility functions that convert a value into a string. We have one which borrows out of Value::String if the value is indeed a string, and then we have a second version that stringifies even if the value is a number:

impl Value {
    fn as_str(&self) -> Option<&str> {
        match self {
            Value::String(s) => Some(s),
            _ => None,

    fn to_string(&self) -> String {
        match self {
            Value::String(s) => s.clone(),
            Value::Number(n) => n.to_string(),

So far, so good. What's important about this particular piece of code we just wrote is that a few things are happening that are quite fundamental to the problem. The first one is that as_str is not always able to borrow into the value. This should be obvious as not all values are strings. Even if one were willing to emulate this sort of behavior, it's very tricky to stringify the value on demand out of a borrowing function such as as_str as there is no mutable place to put this value. (One could use something like memo-map for some specific cases)

The above problem is pretty common in Rust. One wants to leverage borrowing when possible, and only fall back to some form of transformation or clone when necessary. There is a utility type in the standard library called Cow (Clone on Write) which can be used for this purpose.

use std::borrow::Cow;

impl Value {
    fn to_str(&self) -> Cow<'_, str> {
        match self {
            Value::String(s) => Cow::Borrowed(s),
            Value::Number(n) => Cow::Owned(n.to_string()),

Part 1: Abstract Conversions

Now let's say we don't want to see the Cow and similar things. There is quite often the desire to have something like this:

// option a: borrow
let a: &str = convert(&value)?;

// option b: clone
let b: String = convert(&value)?;

How can we make this work? Let's implement this with an extra layer of indirection for a second. We will add a function called convert() which tries to perform the intended conversion based on the return value. Internally we will use our own utility trait called TryConvertValue:

trait TryConvertValue<'a>: Sized {
    fn try_convert_value(value: &'a Value) -> Option<Self>;

fn convert<'a, T: TryConvertValue>(value: &'a Value) -> Option<T> {

We have a trait with a lifetime that can help us borrow or convert. We can now implement this for our types. For this example let's implement this for String and `&str`:

impl TryConvertValue<'a> for String {
    fn try_convert_value(value: &'a Value) -> Option<String> {
        match value {
            Value::String(s) => Some(s.clone())
            Value::Number(n) => Some(n.to_string()),

impl<'a> TryConvertValue for &'a str {
    fn try_convert_value(value: &'a Value) -> Option<&'a str> {
        match value {
            Value::String(s) => Some(s),
            _ => None,

This is a functioning API and you will find this type of stuff in a lot of places. Unfortunately the lifetime in that trait can cause some challenges when trying to use this with functions and closures.

Part 2: Higher-ranked Stuff

So we now want to use this API (which on the surface works) to abstract over different types of functions. We want users to be able to invoke different functions that all take a single argument that transparently convert. So imagine we want to enable this:

let to_upper = ArgCallback::new(|a: &str| Value::String(a.to_uppercase()));
let square = ArgCallback::new(|a: i64| a * a);

In this case let's just imagine that if the argument is incompatible, the invocation of this callback should fail. How can we define such a callback. Let's look first at how we would define this ArgCallback type:

struct ArgCallback(Box<dyn Fn(&Value) -> Value + Sync + Send + 'static>);

impl ArgCallback {
    pub fn new<F, Arg>(f: F) -> ArgCallback
        F: CallbackTrait<Arg>,
        Arg: for<'a> TryConvertValue<'a>,
        ArgCallback(Box::new(move |arg| -> Value {
            // since i'm lazy this will just panic for this demo

    pub fn invoke(&self, arg: &Value) -> Value {

We have a type that can hold a callback called ArgCallback. The most interesting bit here is the new method. We say we take a CallbackTrait<Arg> for the function. This trait does not exist yet, we will add it in a bit. The function takes a single argument which is typed Arg which uses our earlier TryConvertValue trait. Because that trait takes a lifetime, we need to come up with one. Since we do not have a lifetime we can use here, we can use for<'a> to “create” one by using the higher-ranked trait bounds feature.

As for the CallbackTrait we still need to declare and implement it:

trait CallbackTrait<Arg>: Send + Sync + 'static {
    fn invoke(&self, args: Arg) -> Value;

impl<Func, Arg> CallbackTrait<Arg> for Func
    Func: Fn(Arg) -> Value + Send + Sync + 'static,
    Arg: for<'a> TryConvertValue<'a>,
    fn invoke(&self, arg: Arg) -> Value {

This should say that a CallbackTrait has an invoke method which takes one Arg which is again using out TryConvertValue trait and we again use for<'a> for similar reasons as above.

Quick aside: what would happen if we pass in the lifetime instead? This does not work as at the time we declare the function that lifetime does not exist yet. At most we can make it refer to the lifetime of the function, but that would be quite pointless. What we want that lifetime to point to is the lifetime of the value that is passed in when the function is called. So for<'a> is our tool of choice here.

This works beautifully with our square method. The following code compiles and will print 4:

let square = ArgCallback::new(|a: i64| Value::Number(a * a));

However when we try to use this with &str run into a peculiar issue:

let to_upper = ArgCallback::new(|a: &str| Value::String(a.to_uppercase()));

It won't compile:

error: implementation of `TryConvertValue` is not general enough
--> src/
21 |     let to_upper = ArgCallback::new(|a: &str| Value::String(a.to_uppercase()));
|                    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ implementation of `TryConvertValue` is not general enough
= note: `TryConvertValue<'0>` would have to be implemented for the type `&str`, for any lifetime `'0`...
= note: ...but `TryConvertValue<'1>` is actually implemented for the type `&'1 str`, for some specific lifetime `'1`

Here we are hitting a roadblock and it seems really puzzling. Rust basically tells us that our trait is only implemented for a specific lifetime yet it has to be valid for all lifetimes.

Part 3: Hacking Together A Solution

The problem appears to stem from the fact that when higher-ranked trait bounds are involved things that used to work, stop working. It's quite tricky to understand why it doesn't work and in particular it can be hard to understand before you go down the rabbit hole, why it doesn't.

The root of the issue stems from the first introduction of for<'a> to TryConvertValue<'a>:

T: for<'a> TryConvertValue<'a>,

This really says that it's defined for all T for which TryConvertValue<'a> holds for all lifetimes. Rust calls this universally quantified. It also means that while Rust monomorphizes the function (that means it creates one instance per typed passed) it does not monomorphize based on lifetimes. This means the function has the same body no matter if a static or any other lifetime is passed in. Unfortunately the above bound cannot be satisfied for non 'static lifetimes. This means you would need to be able express something like for<'a> impl<'a> TryConvertValue<'a> for &'a str which is not valid Rust.

We can however work around this somewhat. The trick here which was generously shared with me by David Tolnay involves a small modification to TryConvertValue<'value>:

trait TryConvertValue<'a> {
    type Output;
    fn try_convert_value(value: &'a Value) -> Option<Self::Output>;

Here we use an associated type (not quite a GAT, but similar idea). With this we no longer have the relationship of type implementing the trait to the output value. The implementation for i64 still looks very familiar:

impl<'a> TryConvertValue<'a> for i64 {
    type Output = i64;
    fn try_convert_value(value: &'a Value) -> Option<i64> {
        match value {
            Value::String(_) => None,
            Value::Number(number) => Some(*number),

The implementation for &str however changes now. The lifetime of the trait is now only used in the return value, not in the type it's implemented for. Note how there are two different lifetimes being used:

impl<'a> TryConvertValue<'a> for &str {
    type Output = &'a str;
    fn try_convert_value(value: &'a Value) -> Option<&'a str> {
        match value {
            Value::String(string) => Some(string),
            Value::Number(_) => None,

However this is only half the trick. The second change is with how the ArgCallback is declearing it's bounds:

impl ArgCallback {
    pub fn new<Func, Arg>(f: Func) -> Self
        Arg: for<'a> TryConvertValue<'a>,
        Func: CallbackTrait<Arg> + for<'a> Callback<<Arg as TryConvertValue<'a>>::Output>,
        ArgCallback(Box::new(move |arg| {

    pub fn invoke(&self, arg: &Value) -> Value {

Note how the Func bound is now much more involved. We now express it be a CallbackTrait<Arg> which itself doesn't define a lifetime and we constrain it with a HRTB for the TryConvertValue<'a> behind the trait. This shockingly enough works.

This also has the benefit that this can now be extended to functions with multiple arguments. We can create a trait called FunctionArgs<'a> and implement it for tuples of different arities which then dispatch to TryConvertValue<'a> for each argument:

trait CallbackArgs<'a> {
    type Output;
    fn convert(values: &'a [Value]) -> Option<Self::Output>;

// example implementation for a function with two args
impl<'a, A, B> CallbackArgs<'a> for (A, B)
    A: TryConvertValue<'a>,
    B: TryConvertValue<'a>,
    type Output = (A::Output, B::Output);

    fn convert(values: &'a [Value]) -> Option<Self::Output> {

For some reason unknown to me that requires at least a Rust compiler version of 1.61.0 or higher as older Rusts refuse to compile the version involving tuples. If you compile it with an older Rust compiler you are presented with this obscure error:

error[E0277]: the trait bound `for<'a> [closure@src/ 122:91]:
  Callback<<(&str, i64) as CallbackArgs<'a>>::Output>` is not satisfied
--> src/
122 |     let append = BoxedCallback::new(|s: &str, n: i64| Value::String(format!("{}{}", s, n)));
    |                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ the trait `for<'a> Callback<<(&str, i64) as
    |        CallbackArgs<'a>>::Output>` is not implemented for `[closure@src/ 122:91]`
note: required by a bound in `BoxedCallback::new`
--> src/
98  |     pub fn new<Func, Args>(f: Func) -> Self
    |            --- required by a bound in this
101 |         Func: Callback<Args> + for<'a> Callback<<Args as CallbackArgs<'a>>::Output>,
    |                                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ required by this bound in `BoxedCallback::new`

Why that is I cannot tell. I was unable at least to find something in the changelog that would obviously point to some changes here.

You can play with the complete example on

Why and What Now?

So what did we learn? I at least learned that HRTBs, GATs and all this fancy pantsy stuff is incredible complex and a very leaky abstraction. I had plenty of versions involving GATs for this problem that lead some somewhere which ended up nowhere. Ultimately the solution turned out to not require modern language features such as GATs. Yet at the same time putting more abstractions on it made the type checker not happy on older Rust versions without a clear indication of why.

These interaction of obscure features leak up to Rust programmers that don't want to be bothered with these internals. Rust is normally quite capable of hiding the complexities of type theory, but it's completely failing here.

For me the interesting story here is that when I went out to originally write this post, I did not think this was solvable. I tried a plenty of times. I was generally aware I could build a solution that requires excessive amounts of generated code based on the solution by @quinedotfrom the forums for a similar issue in gtk-rs. However even with that, it turned out quite complex and tedious and inapplicable for my problem.

I also gave this problem to quite a few other Rust programmers and the general sentiment was that it cannot be solved today. It wasn't until I wrote about my earlier attempts of solving this that David Tolnay reached out and came up with a clever solution.

The final solution feels a bit like a hack and weirdly enough it doesn't quite work with older Rust compilers when held the wrong way. A lot of this advanced level of hackery runs into all kinds of weird edge cases and it's never quite clear if what ends up compiling was actually intended to do so, and if what doesn't compile really shouldn't compile. As an example some of the intended changes to the compiler involving this kinds of stuff is on hold, because the change would break wasm-bindgen.

But it's not just third party libraries that are noticing limitations in expressiveness involving lifetimes and hacks are creeping in. The standard library is also starting to notice that. The new thread::scope also involves some advanced black magic. And when you end up googling for the error messages or related error messages from the compiler, you run into many confused users that encountered similar error messages via normal looking futures and async/await. The hidden transformations the compiler is generating, behind the scenes can cause code to be generated that exhibits the problem just that it's even harder to spot.

In fact, you can get this confusing error message by just using Derive wrong:

struct A(fn(&u32));

I originally wanted to try to explain this problem in a way that makes it possible to understand what is going on, but after multiple attempts I failed doing so. In fact I left so confused that I'm not even sure if my attempt of explaining it here is even correct. Instead I would like to point you towards some discussions involving this problem if you are curious about the nitty-gritty bits:

  • Rust issue about HRTBs "implementation is not general enough", but is is an issue in the Rust bug tracker which has some discussion about a related problem. It also shows quite a few workarounds which only work in some cases and some of these workarounds almost look like bugs in their own way.
  • There is a Rust RFC to Allow using for<'a> syntax when declaring closures. I'm also not sure if this would solve my particular problem but it has a lot discussion about very related issues and also about how it affects async blocks.
  • There is also another RFC with very little activity or participation for Extended HRTBs which again tries to make some stabs at solving issues related to type system restrictions today.
  • One of the most eye opening texts related to this entire family of issues is the explanation of Early and Late Bound Variables in the Rust compiler. It explains a bit how rust substitues generics.
  • A forum thread where @quinedot explains how to implement signal callbacks for gtk-rs that have exactly the same issue as outlined in this blog post. This together with another post I have since lost to my browser history provided some path with a GAT like solution that however ultimately ended up not being a realistic choice for me.

Where does this leave us? Unclear. If you go down the rabbit hole of reading about all the issues surrounding GATs and HKTBs you get a strong sense that it's better to avoid creating APIs that invole abstracting over ownership and borrowing when possible. You will run into walls and the workarounds might be ugly and hard to understand. So I guess a new thing I can recommend not to try to do: do not abstact over borrows and ownership if functions are involved (unless you really know what you are doing).

If you want to to around with it, you can find a full implementation of this post's code on

Another note here: in an attempt to reduce the problem to a blog post, I earlier made a pretty terrible attempt of doing so. I have since declared teaching bancryptcy on this issue and instead leave you with a very basic post that explains my own pain and suffering and does not attempt to explain too much about what is happening. I also made the mistake to reduce the problem in an incorrect way which ultimately reduced it so much, that it was trivially solvable as pointed out by dtolay on reddit which is why I unpublished the first version of this post.

Also a big thank you goes to quinedot on rust-lang users who helped me understand the problem better and provided solutions that helped me move further.
