Scaling Mastodon is Impossible
2022-11-14 08:0:0 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:8 收藏

written on Monday, November 14, 2022

In light of recent events at Twitter a lot of the people that I follow (or used to follow) on that platform have started evaluating (or moved) to Mastodon. And I also have a Mastodon account now. But after a few days with this thing I have a lot of thoughts on this that are too long for a Tweet or Toot. Since some of my followers asked though I decided do a longform version of this and explain my dissatifaction with Mastodon a bit better.

The short version of this is that I believe that Mastodon — more specifically federation and decentralization won't work out.

Claim: Decentralization is a Questionable Goal

In the last few years a lot of centralized services did not develop like people wanted which I believe resulted in the pendulum prominently swinging towards decentralization.

Decentralization promotes an utopian view of the world that I belief fails to address actual real problems in practice. Yet on that decentralization wave a lot of projects are riding from crypto-currencies [1], defi or things such as Mastodon. All of these things have one thing in common: distrust. Some movements come from the distrust of governments or taxation, others come from the distrust of central services.

In my mind the discussion about centralization and decentralization completely misses the point of the intended outcomes. Centralization or decentralization should really be an implementation detail of the solution to an actual problem. For that particular problem the solution might be one of those two things, or something in the middle. But out of principle it should be neither of those two things.

I rather understand what exactly the goals are that should be solved, and out of that the right approach on a technical level can be found.

[1]Decentralization is these days most commonly associated with the crypto space but I'm actually not entirely sure why. Traditional banks are also decentralized, but they follow shared rules. I can send from my Austrian bank to a bank in Estonia and it will work. The tech behind the scenes is not even all that terrible. It does not really look like a decentralized thing because there is a lot of regulation and you can't just start a bank, but it would be hard to argue that it's not decentralized.

What are we trying to solve?

Let's ignore Twitter for a second and let's talk about software engineering. Specifically dependency management. I think dependency management is an interesting proxy for the problem here and there are some lessons to be learned from it. As a frequent reader of this blog you might remember me writing quite a lot about scaling code dependencies. When I started writing Python developers used much fewer dependencies than today. When you did use dependencies, it was your own problem to figure out how to get it as automated depencency downloading originally was not a thing yet. The Python tools over time gained the ability to declare dependencies and they were able to pick them up from PyPI (or the cheese-shop as it was frequently called) but we did not yet have centralized package hosting.

We used to self host our dependencies. Even if we did not necessarily want to pay for the hosting cost, we had to host them. Many picked third party websites such as SourceForge, Berlios or others to avoid paying the cost of traffic. This decentralization however came with a lot of challenges and today decentralized package hosting is no longer supported by the Python ecosystem. This did not happen, because PyPI turned evil and really wanted to kill decentralized package hosting, but because it turns out that decentralized hosting came with a lot of challenges.

For one as time went on, a lot of these packages went away because the hosts they were hosted on shut down. So the first cracks that showed up just was an effect of things ageing. People walk away of projects, in some cases die and with that, their server bills go unpaid and domains eventually lapse. Some companies also go out of business. SourceForge did not really ever die, but they had financial challenges and made their hosting page ever more hostile for the installers to give access to the uploaded tarballs.

The second thing that became apparent over time was also that decentralized services came with a lot of security risks. Every one of those hosts allowed the re-publishing of already existing packages. Domains that lapsed could be re-registered by other people and new packages could be placed there.

NPM and PyPI today can help secure the ecosystem by setting minimum standards or by resurrecting accidentally published packages or to yank hacked versions. These are all clear benefits that we all get something from as community.

Now a lot of these issues can be solved in a decentralized design, but really there was a good reason why it went away, even in the entire absence of a bad player!

Obviously there are nuances here and it's clear that central services come with risks, but so do decentralized services and they don't have clear upsides. On decentralized systems in particular I encourage you to read Moxie's take on web3 which outlines the challenges of this much better than I ever could. In particular it makes two very important points, namely that people don't like self hosting (at scale) and that it's easier to move platforms than (decentralized) protocols. The latter in particular is also something that the Python ecosystem learned. PyPI today offers more secure checksums than when Python originally started out. It also has more stringient rules around package names and unpublishing. These are all protocol decisions that i was able to push out because the python packaging infrastructure in Python is rather tighly controlled.

You might now get the impression that I'm really into centralization. I'm not really, but I think my position here is complicated. Going back to the topic of decentralized dependency hosting you might remember that I was recently quite critical of PyPI. I'm very well aware that a centralized service comes with risks and that you need to follow whatever rules that service sets.

Decentralization is appealing, particularly when things are very centralized and we're exposed to it's faults much more.

In my mind in recent years decentralization mostly gained a lot of popular support because of the erosion of society. There is a backlash by some against western governments which are seen as behaving irresponsibly with regulatory over-reach, increasing levels of corruption, decreasing quality of public services and frustration about taxation. And there is some merit to these ideas. There is also a proxy war going on about freedom of speech and expression and the desire to create safe spaces. I welcome you to watch Jonathan Haidt's talk about the moral roots of liberals and conservatives for a bit of context on that.

So really before we talk about centralization and decentralization, I think we actually need to understand what we want to accomplish. And really I think this is where we likely already disagree tremendously. Mastodon encourages not just decentralization, but federation. You can pick your own mastodon server but you can also communicate with people on other instances. I will make the point that this is the root of the issue here.

We can't agree

So let's talk more about Mastodon here. I have been using this for a few weeks now in different ways and it's pretty clear that this thing is incredibly brittle. The ActivityPub is a pretty messy protocol, and it also appears to not have been written with scalability in mind much. The thing does not scale to the number of users it currently has and there is probably no trivial way to fix it up.

But before we even hit the issue of the technology, we hit the issue of there being absolutely no agreement of what the thing should look like or what the issue actually is and that's I think much more interesting.

Some people claim the solution to the technical scalability issue is huge instances, some other people have the belief that the actual intended design and solution were micro-instances of in extreme cases a user each.

On the topic of moderation the very same issue is even more absurd. Some instances want uncontrolled free speech where some instances effectively are pure shit-posting instances which are completely de-federated from the most of the fediverse as a result. Other instances really like to control their content, where some popular ones such as fosstodon ban all languages than English as a result to allow moderation. There also is no real agreement on if larger or smaller instance are going to make the problem of moderation better or worse.

Yet there is the belief that you can somehow create a coherent experience into a “whatever”. Whatever it is actually. My first mastodon instance was de-federated by accident from my current instance. I moved to that instance though because many other hackers in the Open Source space did, and unlike Fosstodon it seems to allow non English content which I do care about quite a bit. (After all my life and household is multilingual and I don't live in an English speaking country.) Yet that instance still defederates qoto and I'm guessing because qoto permits unpopular opinions and does not block servers itself.

Federation makes all of these questions play out chaotically and there is no consistency. My first experience of being on Mastodon was in fact that I got shitposted at by accounts on The n-word was thrown at me within hours of signed up. Why? I'm not sure. So moderation is something of an issue.

Unpaid Labour and Opsec

We clearly won't come to an agreement across all of mastodon about what acceptable behavior is, and there is no central entity controlling it. It will always be a messy process. I guess this is something that Mastodon will have to learn living with, even though I can't imagine what that means. That is however a second aspect to this mess which is money.

Unlike Twitter which was a public company with a certain level of responsibility and accountability, Mastodon is messy legally speaking as well. It's not above the law, even if it maybe wants to be, and instances will have to follow the laws of the countries they are embedded in. We already know how messy this is even for centralized services. But at least those enterprises were large enough to pay lawyers and figures this out in courts.

For large mastodon instances this might turn into a problem, and for small instances the legal risk of hosting the wrong thing might be completely overwhelming. I used to host a pastebin for a few years. It was Open Source and with that others also hosted it. I had to shut it down after it became (by a small percentage of users) used to host illegal content. In some cases links to very, very illegal content. Even today I still receive emails from users who beg me to take down pastes of that software from other domains, because people use it to host doxxed content. I really hard a hard few weeks when I first discovered what my software ended up being used for.

But at least you could make the argument that a pastebin is “just” hosting content. I think running a Mastodon server is worse and being hosted by one that you're not on comes with a whole lot of extra risks.

First of all there is the issue of what illegal content might be hosted there, but then there is also the issue of what happens if someone popular joins the instance. Imagine you're a rather small server and suddenly Eli Lilly and Company joins your instance. Today they have around 140K followers on Twitter and they are a publicly traded company. First of all with an account that large, every one of their posts will cause a lot of load on your infrastructure. Secondly though, they are a very interesting target to attack. A fake tweet attributed to them recently caused their stock to plumet after it became possible to verify on Twitter for 8 USD no questions asked. That problem is only worse on Mastodon. Not only is this a problem for the server operator, it is also one for a company.

But you don't even need to be that popular to be worried about what your instance is like. People put a lot of trust into Twitter accounts over the years. I had plenty of exchanges over private DMs with people which I really would not want to be public. Yet how do I know that my instance operator does not really like to secretly read my communication? Do I know if my instance operator could even keep the communication private in the light of hackers? I'm sure over the years thousands of credit card numbers, token access credentials or passwords were exchanged in Twitter DMs. Imagine what a juicy target that would be on Mastodon servers.

For a large company there at least the money aspect helps a bit here. Particularly public companies have a desire to exist, not go under and invest into security. I'm not so convinced that a business model can be found for most Mastodon hosts that aligns the incentives right for all users.

Mastodon is Old

Mastodon is getting some traction today, but Mastodon is around for a long time. And with that, may of the problems it had over the years are still unresolved. For instance you might read about Wil Wheaton's failure to use Mastodon due to his popularity and another server operator's take on the issue. You might be interested to learn that the oldest open Mastodon issue is six years old and asks for backfilling posts after first subscribing and is still unsolved. Or that the most controversial and replied to issue is about optionally disabling replies to posts like on Twitter.

Or that there are popular forks of Mastodon with different goals than Mastodon who can't get their changes merged back. There is also glitch-soc which has even more of a departure from core Mastodon from what I can tell.

And alongside the Mastodon forks, there are countless of other ActivityPub implementations around as well. This will make protocol changes going forward even harder.

Technical Challenges

To be honest, code is simple in comparison, but actually making Mastodon scale technically too will require changes if it wants to absorb some of the larger users on Twitter.

One thing seems relatively certain: if Mastodon wants to host a sizable community where some people have followers from most other instances, then the size of an individual instance will matter a lot and I'm pretty sure that the only sensible approach will be to either not permit small instances to participate at all, or for those to come with some other restrictions that will require special handling.

Many developers don't want to accept the problem of back-pressure. (A topic I wrote about quite a bit incidentally). Unfortunately some bad servers can really break you, and you will have to avoid federating to them. In general too many small servers will likely cause issues for very popular accounts on popular servers.

A Market Based Approach

In my mind a better alternative to these two extremes of Twitter and Mastodon would be to find a middle ground. A service like Twitter is much cheaper and easier to run if it does not have to deal with federation on a technical level. An Open Source implementation of Twitter that is significantly cheaper to run than a Mastodon host that can scale to larger user numbers should be possible. And that being Open Source would potentially permit us to see this work out in practice by letting different communities exist side by side if we can't agree on common rules.

Ideally at least some of these communities would try to be run like non profit foundations, then maybe they have a chance of hanging around.

Wikipedia for all it's faults shows quite well that a centralized thing can exist with the right model behind it. The software and the content is open, and if WikiMedia were to fuck up too much, then someone else could step into place and replace it. But the risk of that happening, keeps the organization somewhat in check.

Wikipedia is also not unique in that regard. The very popular chess platform lichess is both Open Source and a foundation. I personally would love to see more than this.

A “Not Twitter Foundation” that runs an installation of an Open Source implementation of a scalable micro blogging platform is very appealing to me. And maybe with a foundation behind it, it could become a “town square”. And maybe that means that there will be different town squares with different languages and following different local laws.

And then let the market figure out if that foundation does a good job at running it, and if not someone else will replace it.
