【工具精选】Hopper Disassembler 5.10.0 For macOS CrackEd
2023-5-22 00:4:59 Author: 利刃信安攻防实验室(查看原文) 阅读量:1248 收藏

HOmePage: https://www.hopperapp.com/index.html

Version 5.10.0 (2023-05-05 11:26:13)

  • Adds support for iOS and macOS Kernel Caches (only the ones that are not encrypted),

  • Slightly improve the disassembly of some bit shifting ARMv7 instructions.

Version 5.9.0 (2023-04-20 19:13:10)

  • Fixes an issue when decompiling conditional ARM instructions using the LS condition,

  • Improves the disassembly of ARM instructions using an imm12 encoded field.



文章来源: http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzU1Mjk3MDY1OA==&mid=2247504108&idx=5&sn=45bc43e2307fda27d2430e585fb5af77&chksm=fbfb6021cc8ce9373be154ccc40adacd8ea393aa56b5ff5aa42ae68008279c0f3e773379a605#rd