In today’s fast-paced business environment, Human Resources (HR) departments are constantly seeking ways to streamline their processes and improve efficiency. One powerful solution that has emerged to tackle these challenges is the integration of OpenText Extended ECM with SAP SuccessFactors. This integration offers a centralized and streamlined approach to HR document management, helping organizations automate document-related processes, ensure compliance, and enhance the overall employee experience. In this blog post, we’ll explore the best practices for integrating OpenText Extended ECM for SAP SuccessFactors and highlight its key features and benefits.
Integration with SAP SuccessFactors Modules
OpenText seamlessly connects with several SAP SuccessFactors modules, including Recruiting Management, Onboarding, Employee Central, Talent Management, Performance and Goals Management, Compensation, Succession and Development.
Integration with SuccessFactors involves the use of a component called CMIS repository. This component allows the storage of documents even before a ‘Central workspace’ for an employee is established. Users can upload attachments from the SuccessFactors portlet field and save the associated record.
Once a central workspace is created for an employee, the documents stored in CMIS can be transferred to the central workspace using a configuration component called ‘Attachment Declaration.’ This step happens automatically for configured documents.
A tile on the SuccessFactors home page can be set up to launch the OpenText central workspace. Here, documents migrated from CMIS can be viewed, and new documents can be uploaded directly to the central workspace.
Custom documents from SuccessFactors to OpenText
SuccessFactors provides a feature to create custom screens called MDF portlets, which can capture information not available in standard portlets. In cases where employees need to submit documents along with information, you can define a ‘document type’ and allocate attachments to this type. This allows SuccessFactors and OpenText xECM to automatically store the attachment in the designated folder for future reference.
Onboarding integration with OpenText
SuccessFactors Onboarding (version 2.0) can integrate with OpenText. Custom portlets can be designed to configure attachments and route documents to OT, with specific document types, filing them under desired folders in the central workspace.
User data sync from SuccessFactors to OpenText
Sync jobs within OpenText facilitate the flow of information from SuccessFactors to OT, including User Sync Job, Create-update workspace Job, Permission Sync job, and Group Sync Job.
Role-based permissions (RBP) synchronization with OpenText permissions
OpenText employs, by default, three functional roles: Employee, Manager, and HR Administrator. To address the need for multiple administrator roles in complex business processes, a configuration called ‘HR Functional Rights’ is provided. This configuration maps multiple permission roles from SuccessFactors to the single functional right, HR Administrator. This ensures that the correct administrators gain access to employee documents by synchronizing the ‘Granted’ and ‘Target’ permission groups from SuccessFactors with OpenText.
Setting Up Integration with OpenText
Note: Please wait few hour or do RBP refresh to reflect Configure Document Management in RBP.
Note: The above point no 3 details will provide by OpenText team. Please create a support case to OpenText team to get the details.
In conclusion, integrating OpenText Extended ECM for SAP SuccessFactors is a powerful step towards improving HR document management, increasing efficiency, and ensuring compliance. By following best practices and involving the right experts, organizations can make the most of this integration to enhance the HR experience for both employees and the HR team. It’s a strategic move that can lead to significant long-term benefits in the ever-evolving world of HR management.