Billing of Returnable Materials Which Were Not Returned in SAP S/4HANA On premise
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Create Returnable Material Issue Order


In this activity, you create a Returnable Material issue order for unreturned Material. The customer has not returned one or more Returnable Materials. The reason could be that they have been broken or simply forgotten.

Open manage sales orders.

The Create Sales Order: Initial screen displays.

From the menu, choose Sales-Sales Order Processing and Create Sales Order.

Make the following entries and choose Enter:

● Sales Document Type: <Sales Order Type> For example, DR (Debit Memo Request)

● Sales organization: <Sales Organization>

● Distribution channel: <Distribution channel>

●Division: <Division>

The Create Debit Memo Request Overview screen displays.

Make the following entries and choose Enter:

● Target Quantity: <Quantity> For example, 1

● price :

Save your entries.

Don’t ignore any pop-up windows.

The debit memo request for material RP001 is saved with the delivery.

Create delivery immediately

This indicator controls whether a delivery should be created as soon as the order is saved. You can differentiate between whether this happens generally for all items, or just for items that have a confirmed quantity on that date.

Post Goods Issue

This process step shows you how to post a goods issue.

Open manage outbound deliveries.

The manage outbound deliveries screen displays.

Make the following entries and Choose Go.

Outbound Delivery: delivery number created previously

Select it then Choose Post Goods Issue

The goods issue is posted.


Display returnable material Stock


This process step shows you how to display the returnable material stock.

Open Display Stock Overview (MMBE). The Stock Overview: Company Code/plant/Storage Location/Batch screen displays.

Make the following entries:

● Material : <Material Number> For example, RP001

● Plant: <Plant>

● Display Version: 01 The Stock Overview: Basic List screen displays.

Choose Execute.

Create Billing Document


This process step shows you how to create a billing document.

Open Create Billing Documents (F0798). The Create Billing Document screen displays.

Select row(s) of delivery document created previously and choose button Create Billing Documents.

There is one window Create Billing Documents (F0798) displaying.

choose OK button .

The draft billing document with ID Sxxxxxxxx will be displayed.

Save you entries.

Make a note of the billing document number: __________.

The system generates an invoice for billing.

Material : EMPTIES,ND (LEIH)

Debited Accounts: 10100001; Rcvbls Domestic DE 1

Credited Accounts: 41000000; Revenue Domestic – Product; 22000000; Output tax (MWS)

Cost Element / CO Object: none


