Use of Combination Resources in SAP TM
2023-11-7 19:42:59 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:7 收藏

In this blog I will focus on the setup for the usage of the Combination Resources (Truck + Trailer).

SAP TM, we use resources as Master Data and each of them can be use in different objects i.e planning and execution.

These are types of resources:

  • Calendar resource
  • Vehicle resource
  • Handling resource
  • Transportation unit resource

You can use resource classes to specify the kind of vehicle that is to be used for your transportation activities. When you enter the means of transport in the resource master data, the system automatically determines the resource class based on the means of transport.

The default values in for Resources category:

Transportation Mode Passive Default Resource Class
Road No Truck
Road Yes Trailer
Rail No Locomotive
Rail Yes Rail Car
Sea Not applicable Vessel
Air Not applicable Airplane

For that you need to create a Means of transport for Truck+Tralier and specify Trailer as Passive

Create MoT for Truck:

Create MoT for Trailer:

The Defnition of Combination of Resourses can be definied under this Customizing:

Here need to created Vehicle Group one for each means of transport and one for the combination.

And in the Combination one you map how is the sequence of the Truck + Trailer:

After making the customizing you need to create the resource in the Transaction /SCMTMS/RES01 – Resource

Insert the mane of your resource and create it:

Important to inform in the Combination Resource tab the same sequence you made in the customizing

Now, you can run your test! 😊

Refer to :

Definition of Combination Resources | SAP Help Portal

Definition of Resources | SAP Help Portal

Use of Combination Resources | SAP Help Portal

Hope that can help you.

Thanks and regards

Rogerio Lima.
