Using Rust Macros for Custom VTables
2024-5-16 08:0:0 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:2 收藏

written on Thursday, May 16, 2024

Given that building programming languages and interpreters is the developer's most favorite hobby, I will never stop writing templating engines. About three years ago I first wanted to see if I can make an implementation of my Jinja2 template engine for Rust. It's called MiniJinja and very close in behavior to Jinja2. Close enought that I have seen people pick it up more than I thought they would. For instance the Hugging Face Text Generation Inference uses it for chat templates.

I wrote it primarily just to see how you would introduce dynamic things into a language that doesn't have much of a dynamic runtime. A few weeks ago I released a major new version of the engine that has a very different internal object model for values and in this post I want to share a bit how it works, and what you can learn from it. At the heart of it is a type_erase! macro originally contributed by Sergio Benitez. This post goes into the need and usefulness of that macro.

Runtime Values

To understand the problem you first need to understand that a template engine like Jinja2 has requirements for runtime types that are a bit different from how Rust likes to think about data. The runtime is entirely dynamic and requires a form of garbage collection for those values. In case of a simple templating engine like Jinja2 you can largely get away with reference counting. The way this works in practice is that MiniJinja has a type called Value which can be cloned to increment the refcount, and when it's dropped the refcount is decremented. The value is the basic type that can hold all kinds of things (integers, strings, functions, sequences, etc.). In MiniJinja you can thus do something like this:

use minijinja::Value;

// primitives
let int_val = Value::from(42);
let str_val = Value::from("Maximilian");
let bool_val = Value::from(true);

// complex objects
let vec_val = Value::from(vec![1, 2, 3]);

// reference counting
let vec_val2 = vec_val.clone();   // refcount = 2
drop(vec_val);                    // refcount = 1
drop(vec_val2);                   // refcount = 0 -> gone

Inside the engine these objects have all kinds of behaviors to make templates like this work:

{{ int_val }}
{{ str_val|upper }}
{{ not bool_val }}
{{ vec_val }}
    [1, 2, 3]
{{ vec_val|reverse }}
    [3, 2, 1]

Some of that functionality is also exposed via Rust APIs. So for instance you can iterate over values if they contain sequences:

let vec_val = Value::from(vec![1, 2, 3]);
for value in vec_val.try_iter()? {
    println!("{} ({})", value, value.kind());

If you run this, this will print the following:

1 (number)
2 (number)
3 (number)

So each value in this object has itself been “boxed” in a value. As far as the engine is concerned, everything is a value.


But how do you get something interesting into these values that is not just a basic type that could be hardcoded (such as a vector)? Imagine you have a custom object that you want to efficently expose to the engine. This is in fact even something the engine itself needs to do internally. For instance Jinja has first class functions in the form of macros so it needs to expose that into the engine as well. Additionally Rust functions passed to the engine also need to be represented.

This is why a Value type can hold objects internally. These objects also support downcasting:

// box a vector in a value
let value = Value::from_object(vec![1i32, 2, 3]);
println!("{} ({})", value, value.kind());

// downcast it back into a reference of the original object
let v: &Vec<i32> = value.downcast_object_ref().unwrap();
println!("{:?}", value);

In order to do this, MiniJinja provides a trait called Object which if a type implements can be boxed into a value. All the dynamic operations of the value are forwarded into the internal Object. These operations are the following:

  • repr(): returns the “representation” of the object. The representation define is how the object is represented (serialized) and how it behaves. Valid representations are Seq (the object is a list or sequence), Map (the object is a struct or map), Iterable (the object can be iterated over but not indexed), Plain (the object is just a plain object, for instance used for functions)
  • get_value(key): looks up a key in the object
  • enumerate(): returns the contents of the object if there are any

Additionally there is quite a few extra API (to render them to strings, to make them callable etc.) but we can ignore this for now. In addition there are a few more but some of them just have default implementations. For instance the “length” of an object by default comes from the length of the enumerator returned by enumerate().

So how would one design a trait like this? For sake of keeping this post brief let's pretend there is only repr, get_value and enumerate. Remember that we need to reference count, so we might be encouraged to make a trait like the following:

pub trait Object: Debug + Send + Sync {
    fn repr(self: &Arc<Self>) -> ObjectRepr {

    fn get_value(self: &Arc<Self>, key: &Value) -> Option<Value> {

    fn enumerate(self: &Arc<Self>) -> Enumerator {

This trait looks pretty appealing. The self receiver type is reference counted (thanks to &Arc<Self>) and the interface is pretty minimal. [1] Enumerator maybe needs a bit of explanation before we go further. In Rust usually when you iterate over an object you have something called an Iterator. Iterators usually borrow and you use traits to give the iterator additional functionality. For instance a DoubleEndedIterator can be reversed. In a template engine like Jinja we however need to do everything dynamically and we also need to ensure that we do not end up borrowing with lifetimes from the object. The engine needs to be able to hold on to the iterator independent of the object that you iterate. To simplify this process the engine uses this Enumerator type internally. It looks a bit like the following:

pub enum Enumerator {
    // object cannot be enumerated
    // object is empty
    // iterate over static strings
    Str(&'static [&'static str]),
    // iterate over an actual dynamic iterator
    Iter(Box<dyn Iterator<Item = Value> + Send + Sync>),
    // iterate by calling `get_value` in senquence from 0 to `usize`

There are many more versions (for instance for DoubleEndedIterators and a few more) but again, let's keep it simple.

Why Arc Receiver?

So why do you need an &Arc<Self> as receiver? Because in a lot of cases you really need to bump your own refcount to do something useful. For instance here is how the iteration of an object is implemented for sequences:

fn try_iter(self: &Arc<Self>) -> Option<Box<dyn Iterator<Item = Value> + Send + Sync>>
    Self: 'static,
    match self.enumerate() {
        Enumerator::Seq(l) => {
            let self_clone = self.clone();
            Some(Box::new((0..l).map(move |idx| {
        // ...

If we did not have a way to bump our own refcount, we could not implement something like this.

Boxing Up Objects

We can now use this to implement a custom struct for instance (say a 2D point with two attributes: x and y):

struct Point(f32, f32);

impl Object for Point {
    fn repr(self: &Arc<Self>) -> ObjectRepr {

    fn get_value(self: &Arc<Self>, key: &Value) -> Option<Value> {
        match key.as_str()? {
            "x" => Some(Value::from(self.0)),
            "y" => Some(Value::from(self.1)),
            _ => None,

    fn enumerate(self: &Arc<Self>) -> Enumerator {
        Enumerator::Str(&["x", "y"])

Or alternatively as a custom sequence:

struct Point(f32, f32);

impl Object for Point {
    fn repr(self: &Arc<Self>) -> ObjectRepr {

    fn get_value(self: &Arc<Self>, key: &Value) -> Option<Value> {
        match key.as_usize()? {
            0 => Some(Value::from(self.0)),
            1 => Some(Value::from(self.1)),
            _ => None,

    fn enumerate(self: &Arc<Self>) -> Enumerator {

Now that we have the object, we need to box it up into an Arc. Unfortunatley this is where we hit a hurdle:

error[E0038]: the trait `Object` cannot be made into an object
   --> src/
29  |     let val = Arc::new(Point(1.0, 2.5)) as Arc<dyn Object>;
    |               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ `Object` cannot be made into an object
note: for a trait to be "object safe" it needs to allow building a
      vtable to allow the call to be resolvable dynamically

The reason it cannot be made into an object is because we declare the receiver as &Arc<Self> instead of &Self. This is a limitation because Rust is not capable of building a vtable for us. A vtable is nothing more than a struct that holds a field with a function pointer for each method on the trait. So our plan of using Arc<dyn Object> won't work, but we can in fact build out own version of this. To accomplish this we just need to build something like a DynObject which internally implements trampolines to call into the original methods and to manage the refcounting for us.

Macro Magic

Since this requires a lot of unsafe code, and we want to generate all the necessary trampolines to put into the vtable automatically, we will use a macro. The invocation of that macro which generates the final type looks like this:

type_erase! {
    pub trait Object => DynObject {
        fn repr(&self) -> ObjectRepr;
        fn get_value(&self, key: &Value) -> Option<Value>;
        fn enumerate(&self) -> Enumerator;

You can read this as “map trait Object into a DynObject smart pointer”. The actual macro has a few extra things (it also supports building the necessary vtable entries for fmt::Debug and other traits) but let's focus on the simple pieces. This macro generates some pretty wild output.

I cleaned it up and added some comments about what it does. Later I will show you the macro that generates it. First let's start with the definition of the fat pointer:

use std::sync::Arc;
use std::mem::ManuallyDrop;
use std::any::{type_name, TypeId};

pub struct DynObject {
    /// ptr points to the payload of the Arc<T>
    ptr: *const (),
    /// this points to our vtable.  The actual type is hidden
    /// (`VTable`) in a local scope.
    vtable: *const (),

And this is the implementation of the vtable and the type:

// this is a trick that is useful for generated macros to hide a type
// at a local scope
const _: () = {
    /// This is the actual vtable.
    struct VTable {
        // regular trampolines
        repr: fn(*const ()) -> ObjectRepr,
        get_value: fn(*const (), key: &Value) -> Option<Value>,
        enumerate: fn(*const ()) -> Enumerator,
        // method to return the type ID of the internal type for casts
        __type_id: fn() -> TypeId,
        // method to return the type name of the internal type
        __type_name: fn() -> &'static str,
        // method used to increment the refcount by one
        __incref: fn(*const ()),
        // method used to decrement the refcount by one
        __decref: fn(*const ()),

    /// Utility function to return a reference to the real vtable.
    fn vt(e: &DynObject) -> &VTable {
        unsafe { &*(e.vtable as *const VTable) }

    impl DynObject {

        /// Takes ownership of an Arc<T> and boxes it up.
        pub fn new<T: Object + 'static>(v: Arc<T>) -> Self {
            // "shrinks" an Arc into a raw pointer.  This returns the
            // address of the payload it carries, just behind the
            // refcount.
            let ptr = Arc::into_raw(v) as *const T as *const ();

            let vtable = &VTable {
                // example trampoline that is generated for each method
                repr: |ptr| unsafe {
                    // now take ownership of the ptr and put it in a
                    // ManuallyDrop so we don't have to manipulate the
                    // reference count.
                    let arc = ManuallyDrop::new(Arc::<T>::from_raw(ptr as *const T));
                    // and invoke the original method via the arc
                    <T as Object>::repr(&arc)
                get_value: |ptr, key| unsafe {
                    let arc = ManuallyDrop::new(Arc::<T>::from_raw(ptr as *const T));
                    <T as Object>::get_value(&arc, key)
                enumerate: |ptr| unsafe {
                    let arc = ManuallyDrop::new(Arc::<T>::from_raw(ptr as *const T));
                    <T as Object>::enumerate(&arc)
                // these are pretty trivial, they are modelled after
                // rust's `Any` type.
                __type_id: || TypeId::of::<T>(),
                __type_name: || type_name::<T>(),
                // on clone we need to increment the refcount.  Due to
                // potential alignment issues we need to go via the vtable too.
                __incref: |ptr| unsafe {
                    std::sync::Arc::<T>::increment_strong_count(ptr as *const T);
                // on drop take ownership of the pointer (decrements
                // refcount by one)
                __decref: |ptr| unsafe {
                    Arc::from_raw(ptr as *const T);
            Self {
                vtable: vtable as *const VTable as *const (),

        /// DynObject::repr() just calls via the vtable into the
        /// original type.
        pub fn repr(&self) -> ObjectRepr {

        pub fn get_value(&self, key: &Value) -> Option<Value> {
            (vt(self).get_value)(self.ptr, key)

        pub fn enumerate(&self) -> Enumerator {


At this point the object is functional, but it's kind of problematic because it does not yet have memory management so we would just leak memory. So we need to add that:

Memory management:

/// Clone increments the refcount via a method in the vtable.
impl Clone for DynObject {
    fn clone(&self) -> Self {
        Self { ptr: self.ptr, vtable: self.vtable }

/// Drop decrements the refcount via a method in the vtable.
impl Drop for DynObject {
    fn drop(&mut self) {

Additionally to make the object useful, we need to add support for downcasting which is surprisingly easy at this point. If the type ID matches we're good to cast:

impl DynObject {
    pub fn downcast_ref<T: 'static>(&self) -> Option<&T> {
        if (vt(self).__type_id)() == TypeId::of::<T>() {
            unsafe {
                return Some(&*(self.ptr as *const T));

    pub fn downcast<T: 'static>(&self) -> Option<Arc<T>> {
        if (vt(self).__type_id)() == TypeId::of::<T>() {
            unsafe {
                Arc::<T>::increment_strong_count(self.ptr as *const T);
                return Some(Arc::<T>::from_raw(self.ptr as *const T));

    pub fn type_name(&self) -> &'static str {

The Macro

So now that we know what we want, we can actually use a Rust macro to generate this stuff for us. I will leave most of this undocumented given that you know now what it expands to. Here just some notes to better understand what is going on:

  1. The const _:() = { ... } trick is useful as macros today cannot generate custom identifiers. Unlike with C macros where you can concatenate identifiers to create temporary names, that is unavailable in Rust. But you can use that to hide a type in a local scope as we are doing with the VTable struct.
  2. Since we cannot prefix identifiers, there is a potential conflict with the names in the struct for the methods and the internal names (__type_id etc.) To reduce the likelihood of collision the internal names are prefixed with two underscores.
  3. All names are fully canonicalized (eg: std::sync::Arc instead of Arc) to make the macro work without having to bring types into scope.

The macro is surprisingly only a bit awful:

macro_rules! type_erase {
    ($v:vis trait $t:ident => $erased_t:ident {
        $(fn $f:ident(&self $(, $p:ident: $t:ty $(,)?)*) $(-> $r:ty)?;)*
    }) => {
        $v struct $erased_t {
            ptr: *const (),
            vtable: *const (),

        const _: () = {
            struct VTable {
                $($f: fn(*const (), $($p: $t),*) $(-> $r)?,)*
                $($($f_impl: fn(*const (), $($p_impl: $t_impl),*) $(-> $r_impl)?,)*)*
                __type_id: fn() -> std::any::TypeId,
                __type_name: fn() -> &'static str,
                __incref: fn(*const ()),
                __decref: fn(*const ()),

            fn vt(e: &$erased_t) -> &VTable {
                unsafe { &*(e.vtable as *const VTable) }

            impl $erased_t {
                $v fn new<T: $t + 'static>(v: std::sync::Arc<T>) -> Self {
                    let ptr = std::sync::Arc::into_raw(v) as *const T as *const ();
                    let vtable = &VTable {
                            $f: |ptr, $($p),*| unsafe {
                                let arc = std::mem::ManuallyDrop::new(
                                    std::sync::Arc::<T>::from_raw(ptr as *const T));
                                <T as $t>::$f(&arc, $($p),*)
                        __type_id: || std::any::TypeId::of::<T>(),
                        __type_name: || std::any::type_name::<T>(),
                        __incref: |ptr| unsafe {
                            std::sync::Arc::<T>::increment_strong_count(ptr as *const T);
                        __decref: |ptr| unsafe {
                            std::sync::Arc::from_raw(ptr as *const T);
                    Self { ptr, vtable: vtable as *const VTable as *const () }

                    $v fn $f(&self, $($p: $t),*) $(-> $r)? {
                        (vt(self).$f)(self.ptr, $($p),*)

                $v fn type_name(&self) -> &'static str {

                $v fn downcast_ref<T: 'static>(&self) -> Option<&T> {
                    if (vt(self).__type_id)() == std::any::TypeId::of::<T>() {
                        unsafe {
                            return Some(&*(self.ptr as *const T));


                $v fn downcast<T: 'static>(&self) -> Option<Arc<T>> {
                    if (vt(self).__type_id)() == std::any::TypeId::of::<T>() {
                        unsafe {
                            std::sync::Arc::<T>::increment_strong_count(self.ptr as *const T);
                            return Some(std::sync::Arc::<T>::from_raw(self.ptr as *const T));


            impl Clone for $erased_t {
                fn clone(&self) -> Self {
                    Self {
                        ptr: self.ptr,
                        vtable: self.vtable,

            impl Drop for $erased_t {
                fn drop(&mut self) {

The full macro that is in MiniJinja is a bit more feature rich. It also generates documentation and implementations for other traits. If you want to see the full one look here:

Putting it Together

So now that we have this DynObject internally it's trivially possible to use it in the internals of our value type:

pub(crate) enum ValueRepr {
    String(Arc<str>, StringType),

pub struct Value(pub(crate) ValueRepr);

And make the downcasting and construction of such types directly available:

impl Value {
    pub fn from_object<T: Object + Send + Sync + 'static>(value: T) -> Value {

    pub fn downcast_object_ref<T: 'static>(&self) -> Option<&T> {
        match self.0 {
            ValueRepr::Object(ref o) => o.downcast_ref(),
            _ => None,

    pub fn downcast_object<T: 'static>(&self) -> Option<Arc<T>> {
        match self.0 {
            ValueRepr::Object(ref o) => o.downcast(),
            _ => None,

What do we learn from this? Not sure. I at least learned that just because Rust tells you that you cannot make something into an object does not mean that you actually can't. It just requires some creativity and the willingness to actually use unsafe code. Another thing is that this yet again makes a pretty good argument in favor of compile time introspection. Zig programmers will laugh / cry about this since comptime is a much more powerful system to make something like this work compared to the ridiculous macro abuse necessary in Rust.

Anyways. Maybe this is useful to you.

[1]Important note: You can actually make an Arc<Self> object safe but that involves moving the object which means manipulating the reference count. If you are okay with the implication that this requires, you can avoid most of what this blog post talks about and just use Arc<Self>.

This entry was tagged rust
