Stop Data Loss in Real Time with Automated Policy Enforcement
2024-8-19 20:10:21 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:4 收藏

Automation has turned into a loaded word that could cover just about anything, from a robot that cleans your kitchen floor to a robot that makes your pizza.

(Different robots, of course).

When it comes to security, there’s a clear use case: protecting data. Automated policy enforcement is a proactive approach to data security that enables real-time policy adjustments based on user behavior to prevent loss of sensitive information.

Unlike most automation you’ll hear about, the only people it’s putting out of work are threat actors. Here’s how automated policy enforcement lets you have your pizza and eat it too.

What is Automated Policy Enforcement?

Automated policy enforcement intertwines technology, algorithms and context to take pre-existing policies and adjust them based on threats as they present themselves.

The larger the organization is and the more widespread its data is, the more important this capability becomes. By automating these policy adjustments, businesses can enforce the proper action based on user access, regulations and other important factors – without manual intervention.

Automated policy enforcement can have an outsized impact on preventing insider threats and helping companies maintain compliance with regional, global and industry-specific regulations.

  • The real-time policy fine-tuning can limit the activities of high-risk individuals while giving greater freedom to lower-risk users, enhancing the productivity of the latter without putting data in danger.
  • Improved incident response and threat prevention can streamline the often-burdensome task of maintaining effective security policies to adhere to data governance frameworks, helping organizations to comply with regulatory requirements more easily and efficiently.

An Example of Automated Policy Enforcement in Action

Forcepoint delivers automated policy enforcement through its Risk-Adaptive Protection (RAP).

Included in Forcepoint ONE Data Security, RAP enables dynamic threat prevention by using Indicators of Behavior (IoBs) to determine a user’s risk to the organization and adjust how that user can interact with data accordingly.  

Below, Forcepoint Channel Sales Engineer, Mitchell Powell, gives an example of what automated policy enforcement looks like and the capabilities of Forcepoint RAP.

Benefits of Real-Time Risk Response

The benefits of automated policy enforcement stretch beyond the tangible outcome of real-time risk response.

Automated policy enforcement reduces risk across the organization in a multitude of ways:

  • Insider risk of sensitive information or intellectual property exfiltration.
  • Regulatory risk of not having the proper controls in place to prevent data loss.
  • Reputational and financial risk of reporting a security incident.

What’s more, Forcepoint RAP can drive significant improvements in productivity, including:

  • Allowing low-risk individuals frictionless access to data.
  • Reducing practitioners’ time spent updating policies.
  • Cutting back on the resources required for manual enforcement.

Together, these benefits generate incremental cost savings that can be rerouted to technological innovation across the business.

Talk to an expert today to learn how your organization can implement automated policy enforcement with Forcepoint Risk-Adaptive Protection.
