MiniJinja: Learnings from Building a Template Engine in Rust
2024-8-27 08:0:0 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:1 收藏

written on Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Given that I can't stop creating template engines, I figured I might write a bit about my learnings of creating MiniJinja which is an implementation of my Jinja2 template engine for Rust. Disclaimer: this post might be a bit more technical.

There is a good chance you have come across Jinja2 templates before as they became quite common place in various places over the years. They look a bit like this:

{% extends "layout.html" %}
{% block body %}
  <p>Hello {{ name }}!</p>
{% endblock %}

If you want to play around it yourself, here are some links:

Why MiniJinja?

Maybe we start with the initial question of why I wrote MiniJinja. It's the year 2024 and people don't create a ton of HTML with server side rendered template engines any more. While there is some resurgence of that model thanks to HTMX, hotwire and livewire, I personally use SolidJS for my internal UI needs. There is however always a need to generate some form of text and so somehow Jinja2's need never really went away. When I originally created it, it was clearly meant for generating HTML with some JavaScript sprinkled on top, but in the years since I have encountered Jinja templates in many more places, primarily for generating YAML and similar formats. Lately it comes up for LLM prompt generation.

My personal need for MiniJinja came out of an experiment I built for infrastructure automation. Since the templates had to be loaded dynamically I could not use a system like Askama. Askama has type-safe templates that just generate Rust code. On the other hand most Jinja inspired template engines that are dynamic in Rust really do not try very hard to be Jinja compatible. Because writing template engines is also fun, I figured I might give it another try.

Over the last two years I kept adding to the engine until it got to the point where it's at almost feature parity with Jinja2 and quite enjoyable to use.

Runtime Values

When building a template engine for Rust you end up building a little dynamic programming language that is optimized for text generation. Consequently you pull in most of the challenges of building a dynamic language. Particularly when working in Rust the immediate challenge is memory management and exposing native Rust objects to the embedded language. So the interesting bit here is how to create a system that allows interactions between the template engine and the Rust world around it.

MiniJinja, unlike Jinja2 does not use code generation but has a basic stack based VM and a AST based bytecode compiler. Since MiniJinja follows Jinja2 it inherits a lot of the realities of the underlying object system that Jinja2 inherits from Python. For instance macros (functions) are first class objects and they can have closures. This has challenges because it's easy to create cycles and Rust has no garbage collector that can help with this problem.

The core object model in MiniJinja is a Value type which is represented by an enum that looks as follows (some less important variants removed):

pub struct Value(ValueRepr);

pub(crate) enum ValueRepr {
    String(Arc<str>, StringType),

Externaly everything is a Value. If you Clone it, you usually bump a reference count or you make a cheap memcopy. Values are either primitives such as strings, numbers etc. or objects.

For objects MiniJinja provides a tait called Object which can be implemented by most Rust types. The engine provides a DynObject wrapper is a fancy Arc<dyn Object> which supports borrowing and object safety. I wrote about this before. What you will notice is that quite a few of the types involved have an Arc. That's because these values are for the most part reference counted. Since values here are really fat (they are 24 bytes in memory) a SmallStr type is used to hold up to 22 bytes of string data inline. One byte is used to encode the length of the string, and another byte is then used by the ValueRepr to mark which enum variant is in use. In pure theory this is all wrong. We never use weak references, so the weak count in the Arc is not used and clever bit hackery could be used to greatly reduce the size of the value type. I think one could get the whole thing down to 16 bytes trivially or even 8 bytes with NaN tagging. However I did not want to walk into the world of unsafe code more than feels appropriate.

MiniJinjia is also plenty fast.

One variant that is worth calling out is Invalid. That's a value that can exist in the system but it carries an error. When you're trying to interact with it in most cases it will propagate this error. That's used in the engine in places where the API assumes infallability (particularly during iteration) but it needs a way to emit an error. This concept is quite common when writing an engine in C though typically the actual error is carried out of bounds. For instance in QuickJS there is a marker value that indicates a failure, but the actual error is held on the interpreter runtime.

The trait definition for objects looks like this:

pub trait Object: Debug + Send + Sync {
    fn repr(self: &Arc<Self>) -> ObjectRepr { ... }
    fn get_value(self: &Arc<Self>, key: &Value) -> Option<Value> { ... }
    fn enumerate(self: &Arc<Self>) -> Enumerator { ... }
    fn enumerator_len(self: &Arc<Self>) -> Option<usize> { ... }
    fn is_true(self: &Arc<Self>) -> bool { ... }
    fn call(
        self: &Arc<Self>,
        state: &State<'_, '_>,
        args: &[Value],
    ) -> Result<Value, Error> { ... }
    fn call_method(
        self: &Arc<Self>,
        state: &State<'_, '_>,
        method: &str,
        args: &[Value],
    ) -> Result<Value, Error> { ... }
    fn render(self: &Arc<Self>, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result
       where Self: Sized + 'static { ... }

Some of these methods are implemented automatically. For instance many of the methods such as is_true or enumerator_len have a default implementation that is based on object repr and the return value from enumerate. But they can be overridden to change the default behavior or to add some potential optimizations.

One of the most important types in Jinja is a map as it holds the template context. They are implemented as you can imagine as Object. The implementation is in fact pretty trivial:

impl<V> Object for BTreeMap<Value, V>
    V: Into<Value> + Clone + Send + Sync + fmt::Debug + 'static,
    fn get_value(self: &Arc<Self>, key: &Value) -> Option<Value> {
        self.get(key).cloned().map(|v| v.into())

    fn enumerate(self: &Arc<Self>) -> Enumerator {
        self.mapped_enumerator(|this| Box::new(this.keys().cloned()))

This reveals two interesting aspects of the object model: First that Value implements Hash. That means any value can be used as the key in a value. While this is untypical for Rust and even not what happens in Python, it simplifies the system greatly. When in the template engine you write {{ object.key }}, behind the scenes object.get_value(Value::from("key")) is called. Since most keys are typically less than 22 characters, creating a dummy Value wrapper around is not too problematic.

The second and probably more interesting part here is that you can sort of borrow out of an object for the enumerator. The mapped_enumerator helper takes a reference to self and invokes a closure which itself can borrow from self. This adjacent borrowing is implemented with unsafe code as there is no other way to make it work. The combination of repr (defaults to Map), get_value and enumerate gives the object the behavior, shape and contents.

Vectors look quite similar:

impl<T> Object for Vec<T>
    T: Into<Value> + Clone + Send + Sync + fmt::Debug + 'static,
    fn repr(self: &Arc<Self>) -> ObjectRepr {

    fn get_value(self: &Arc<Self>, key: &Value) -> Option<Value> {
        self.get(key.as_usize()?).cloned().map(|v| v.into())

    fn enumerate(self: &Arc<Self>) -> Enumerator {

Enumerators and Object Behaviors

Enumeration in MiniJinja is a way to allow an object to describe what's inside of it. In combination with the return values from repr() the engine changes how iteration is performed. These are possible enumerators:

pub enum Enumerator {
    Iter(Box<dyn Iterator<Item = Value> + Send + Sync>),

It's probably easier to explain how enumerators turn into iterators by showing you the try_iter method in the engine:

impl DynObject {
    fn try_iter(self: &Self) -> Option<Box<dyn Iterator<Item = Value> + Send + Sync>>
        Self: 'static,
        match self.enumerate() {
            Enumerator::NonEnumerable => None,
            Enumerator::Empty => Some(Box::new(None::<Value>.into_iter())),
            Enumerator::Seq(l) => {
                let self_clone = self.clone();
                Some(Box::new((0..l).map(move |idx| {
            Enumerator::Iter(iter) => Some(iter),
            Enumerator::Values(v) => Some(Box::new(v.into_iter())),

Some of the trivial enumerators are quick to explain: Enumerator::NonEnumerable just does not support iteration and Enumerator::Empty does but won't yield any values. The more interesting one is Enumerator::Seq(n) which basically tells the engine to call get_value from 0 to n to yield items from the object. This is how sequences are implemented. The rest are enumerators that just directly yield values.

So when you want to iterate over a map, you will usually use something like Enumerator::Iter and iterate over all the keys in the map.

The engine then uses ObjectRepr to figure out what to do with it. For a value marked as ObjectRepr::Seq it will display like a sequence, you can index it with integers, and that it iterates over the values in the sequence. If the repr is ObejctRepr::Map then the expectation is that it will be indexable by key and it will iterate over the keys when used in a loop. Its default rendering also is a key-value pair list wrapped in curly braces.

Now quite frankly I don't like that iteration protocol. I think it's more sensible for maps to naturally iterate over the key-value pairs, but since MiniJinja follows Jinja2 and Jinja2 follows Python emulating was important.

Enumerators are a bit different than iterators because they might only define how iteration is performed (see: Enumerator::Seq). To actually create an iterator, the object is then passed to it. They are also asked to provide a length. When an enumerator provides a length it's an indication to the engine that the object can be iterated over more than once (you can re-create the enumerator). This is why objects land in a MiniJinja template that looks like a list, but is actually just an iterable object with a known length. For this MiniJinja uses a trick where it will inspect the size hint of the iterator to make assumptions about it. Internally every enumerator allows the engine to query the length of it:

impl Enumerator {
    fn query_len(&self) -> Option<usize> {
        Some(match self {
            Enumerator::Empty => 0,
            Enumerator::Values(v) => v.len(),
            Enumerator::Iter(i) => match i.size_hint() {
                (a, Some(b)) if a == b => a,
                _ => return None,
            Enumerator::RevIter(i) => match i.size_hint() {
                (a, Some(b)) if a == b => a,
                _ => return None,
            Enumerator::Seq(v) => *v,
            Enumerator::NonEnumerable => return None,

The important part here is the call to size_hint. If the upper bound is known, and the lower bound matches the upper bound then MiniJinja will assume the iterator will always have that length (for as long as not iterated). As a result it will change the way the object is interacted with. This for instance means that if you run range(10) in a template it looks like a list when printed even though iteration and number creation is lazy. On the other hand if you use the Value::make_one_shot_iterator API the length hint will always be disabled and MiniJinja will not attempt to interact with the iterator when printing it:

{{ range(4) }}         -> prints [0, 1, 2, 3]
{{ a_real_iterator }}  -> prints <iterator>

Building a VM

Lexing and parsing I think is not too puzzling in Rust, but making an AST and making a VM is kinda unusual. The first thing is that Rust is just not particularly amazing at tree structures. In MiniJinja I really wanted to avoid having the AST at all, but it does come in in handy to implement some of the functionality that Jinja2 requires. For instance to establish closures it will just walk the AST to figure out which names are looked up within a function. I tried a few things to improve how memory allocations work with the AST. There are great crates out there for doing this, but I really wanted MiniJinja to be light on dependencies so I ended up opting against all of them.

For the AST design I went with large enums that hold Spanned<T> values:

pub enum Expr<'a> {

pub struct Var<'a> {
    pub id: &'a str,

pub struct Const {
    pub value: Value,

You might now be curious what Spanned<T> is. It's a wrapper type that does two things: it boxes the inner node and it stores and adjacent Span which is basically the code location in the original input template for debugging:

pub struct Spanned<T> {
    node: Box<T>,
    span: Span,

It implements Deref like a smart pointer so you can poke right through it to interact with the node. The code generator just walks the AST and emits instructions for it.

The instructions themselves are a large enum but the number of arguments to the variants is kept rather low to not waste too much memory. The base size of the instruction is dominated by it being able to hold a Value which as we have established is a pretty hefty thing:

pub enum Instruction<'source> {
    EmitRaw(&'source str),
    StoreLocal(&'source str),
    Lookup(&'source str),

The VM keeps most of the runtime state on a State object that is passed to a few places. For instance you have already seen this in the call signature further up. The state for instance holds the loaded instructions or the template context. The VM itself maintains a stack of values and then just steps through a list of instructions on the state in a loop. Since there are a lot of instructions you can have a look on GitHub to see it in its entirety. Here however is a small part that shows roughly how this works:

let mut pc = 0;
loop {
    let instr = state.instructions.get(pc) {
        Some(instr) => instr,
        None => break,

    let a;
    let b;

    match instr {
        Instruction::EmitRaw(val) => {
        Instruction::Emit => {
            self.env.format(&stack.pop(), state, out)?;
        Instruction::StoreLocal(name) => {
  , stack.pop());
        Instruction::Lookup(name) => {
        Instruction::GetAttr(name) => {
            a = stack.pop();
            stack.push(match a.get_attr_fast(name) {
                Some(value) => value,
                None => undefined_behavior.handle_undefined(a.is_undefined())?,
        Instruction::LoadConst(value) => {
        Instruction::Jump(jump_target) => {
            pc = *jump_target;
        Instruction::JumpIfFalse(jump_target) => {
            a = stack.pop();
            if !undefined_behavior.is_true(&a)? {
                pc = *jump_target;
        // ...
    pc += 1;

Basically the current instruction is held in pc (short for program counter), normally it's advanced by one but jump instructions can change the pc to any other location. If you run out of instructions the evaluation ends.

One piece of complexity in the VM comes down to macros. That's because lifetimes make that really tricky. A macro is just a Value that holds a Macro Object internally. So how can that macro reference the instructions, if the instructions themselves have a lifetime to the template 'source? The answer is that they can't (at least I have not found a reasonable way). So instead a macro has an ID which acts as a handle to look up the instructions dynamically from the execution state. Additionally each state has a unique ID so the engine can assert that nothing funny was happening. The downside of this is that a macro cannot be "returned" from a template. They can however be imported from one template into another.

Here is what a macro object looks like in code (abbreviated):

pub(crate) struct Macro {
    pub name: Value,
    pub arg_spec: Vec<Value>,
    pub macro_ref_id: usize,  // id of the macro
    pub state_id: isize,
    pub closure: Value,
    pub caller_reference: bool,

impl Object for Macro {
    fn call(self: &Arc<Self>, state: &State<'_, '_>, args: &[Value]) -> Result<Value, Error> {
        // we can only call macros that point to loaded template state.
        // if a template would be returned from a template this will
        // fail.
        if != self.state_id {
            return Err(Error::new(
                "cannot call this macro. template state went away.",

        // ... argument parsing
        let arg_values = ...;

        // find referenced instructions
        let (instructions, offset) = &state.macros[self.macro_ref_id];

        // created a nested vm and evaluate the macro
        let vm = Vm::new(state.env());
        let mut rv = String::new();
        let mut out = Output::with_string(&mut rv);
        let closure = self.closure.clone();
            &mut out,

        // return rendered template as string from the call
        Ok(if !matches!(state.auto_escape(), AutoEscape::None) {
        } else {

Additionally the closure is a good source of cycles. For that reason the engine keeps track of all closures during the execution and breaks cycles caused by closures manually by clearning them out.

Cool APIs

The last part that I want to go over is the magic that makes this work:

fn slugify(value: String) -> String {

fn timeformat(state: &State, ts: f64) -> String {
    let configured_format = state.lookup("TIME_FORMAT");
    let format = configured_format
        .and_then(|x| x.as_str())
    format_unix_timestamp(ts, format)

let mut env = Environment::new();
env.add_filter("slugify", slugify);
env.add_filter("timeformat", timeformat);

You might have seem something like this in Rust before, but it's still a bit magical. How can you make functions with seemingly different signatures register with the add_filter function? How does the engine perform the type conversions (as we know the engine has Value types, so where does the String conversion take place?). This is a topic for a blog post on its own but the answer behind this lies in a a lot of clever trait hackery. The add_filter function reveals a bit of that hackery:

pub fn add_filter<N, F, Rv, Args>(&mut self, name: N, f: F)
    N: Into<Cow<'source, str>>,
    F: Filter<Rv, Args> + for<'a> Filter<Rv, <Args as FunctionArgs<'a>>::Output>,
    Rv: FunctionResult,
    Args: for<'a> FunctionArgs<'a>,
    let filter = BoxedFilter(Arc::new(move |state, args| -> Result<Value, Error> {
        f.apply_to(Args::from_values(Some(state), args)?).into_result()
    self.filters.insert(name.into(), filter);

Hidden behind this rather complex set of traits are some basic ideas:

  1. FunctionArgs is a helper trait for type conversions. It's implemented for tuples of different sizes made of ArgType values. These tuples represent the signature of the function. It has a method called from_values which performs that conversion via ArgType.
  2. ArgType which you can't really see in the code above, is a trait that knows how to convert a Value into whatever the function desires as argument.
  3. Filter is a trait implemented for function with qualifying FunctionArgs signatures returning a FunctionResult.
  4. A FunctionResult is a trait that represents potential return values from the function such as a Value, something that can be converted into a Value or a Result.
  5. The BoxedFilter type is what converts the passed closure into a reference counted object that is held in the environment.


I think a lot of the patterns in MiniJinja are useful for projects outside of MiniJinja. Quite is quite a bit more hidden in it that I have talked about before such as how MiniJinja is abusing serde. If you have a need for a Jinja2 compatible template engine I would love if you get some use out of it. If you're curious about how to build a runtime and object system in Rust, you might also find some utility in the codebase.

I myself learned quite a bit about what creative API design can look like in Rust by building it. At this point I am incredibly happy with how the public API of the engine shaped out to be. The engine is extensively documented both internally and publicly and you can read all about it in the API docs.

This entry was tagged jinja and rust
