Multiversion Python Thoughts
2024-9-9 08:0:0 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:2 收藏

written on Monday, September 9, 2024

Now that uv is rapidly advancing I have started to dive back into making multi-version imports for Python work. The goal here is to enable multiple resolutions from the solver in uv so that two incompatible versions of a library can be installed and used simultaniously.

Simplified speaking it should be possible for a library to depend on both pydantic 1.x and 2.x simultaniously.

I have not made it work yet, but I have I think found all of the pieces that stand in the way. This post mostly exists to share how it could be done with the least amount of changes to Python.

Basic Operation

Python's import system places modules in a module cache. This cache is exposed via sys.modules. Every module that is imported is placed in that container prior to initialization. The key is the import path of the module. This in some ways presents the first issue.

Note on Terms for Packages, Modules and Distributions

Python's terms for packages are super confusing. Here is what I will use in this article:

  • this is a python “module”. It gets registered in sys.modules as 'foo' and has an attribute __name__ set to 'foo'.
  • foo/ declares also a Python “module” named 'foo' but it is simultaniously a “package”. Unlike a normal module it also has two extra attributes: __path__ which is set to ['./foo'] so that sub modules can be found and it has an attribute __package__ which is also set to 'foo' which marks it as package.
  • Additionally on PyPI one can register things. These things were called packages at one point and are now mostly called "projects". Within Python however they are not called Projects but “distribution packages”. For instance this is what you see when you try to use the importlib.metadata API. For now I will just call this a “distribution”.

Note that a distribution can ship both modules and multiple at once. You could have a package called whatever and it reports a file and a bar/ file which in turn would make foo and bar.baz be importable.

Say you have two Python distributions both of which provide the same toplevel package. In that case they are going to clash in sys.modules. As there is actually relationship of the distribution name to the entry in sys.modules this is a problem that does not just exist with multi version imports but it's one that does not happen all that much.

So let's say we have two distributions: [email protected] and [email protected]. Both expose a toplevel module called foo which is a true Python package with a single file. The installer would already fail to place these because one fully overrides the other.

So step 1 would be to place these modules in different places. So where they normally would be in site-packages, in this case we might want to not have these packages there. That solves us the file system clashes.

So we might place them in some extra cache that looks like this:

        [email protected]/
        [email protected]/

Now that package is entirely non-importable since nothing looks at multi-version-packages. We will need a custom import hook to get them imported. That import hook will also need to change the name of what's stored in sys.modules.

So instead of registering foo as sys.modules['foo'] we might want to try to register it as sys.modules['[email protected]'] and sys.modules['[email protected]'] instead. There is however a catch and that is this very common pattern:

import sys

def import_module(name):
    return sys.modules[name]

That poses a bit of a problem because someone is probably going to call this as import_module('foo') and now we would not find the entry in sys.modules.

This means that in addition to the new entries in sys.modules we would also need to register some proxies that “redirect” us to the real names. These proxies however would need to know if they point to 1.0.0 or 2.0.0.

Import Context

The goal is that when slow_package/ imports foo we get [email protected] version, when myapp/ improts foo we get the [email protected] version. What is needed for this to work is that the import system understands not just what is imported, but who is importing. In some sense Python has that. That's because __import__ (which is the entry point to the import machinery) gets the module globals. Here is what an import statement roughly maps to:

# highlevel import
from foo import bar

# under the hood
_rv = __import__('foo', globals(), locals(), ['bar'])
bar =

The name of the package that is importing can be retrieved by inspecting the globals(). So in theory for instance the import system could utilize this information. globals()['__name__'] would tell us slow_package vs myapp. There however is a catch and that is that the import name is not the distribution name. The PyPI package could be called mycompany-myapp and it exports a python package just called myapp. This happens very commonly in all kinds of ways. For instance on PyPI one installs Scikit-learn but the python package installed is sklearn.

There is however another problem and that is interpreter internals and C/Rust extensions. We have already established that Python packages will pass globals and locals when they import. But what do C extensions do? The most common internal import API is called PyImport_ImportModule and only takes a module name. Is this a problem? Do C extensions even import stuff? Yes they do. Here is an example from pygame:

     PyObject *colordict;

     colordict = PyImport_ImportModule ("pygame.colordict");

     if (colordict)
         PyObject *_dict = PyModule_GetDict (colordict);
         PyObject *colors = PyDict_GetItemString (_dict, "THECOLORS");
         /* TODO */

     /* snip */

And that makes sense. A sufficiently large python package will have inter dependencies between the stuff written in C and Python. It's also complicated by the fact that the C module does initialize a module, but it does not have a natural module scope. The way the C extension initializes the module is with the PyModule_Create API:

static struct PyModuleDef module_def = {
    "foo", /* name of module */

    return PyModule_Create(&module_def);

So both the name of the module created as well as the name of what is imported is entirely hardcoded. A C extension does not “know” what the intended name is, it must know this on its own.

In some sense this is already a bit of a disconnect beween the Python and C world. Python for instance has relative imports (from .foo import bar). This is implemented by inspecting the globals. There is however no API to do these relative imports on the C layer.

The only workaround I know right now would be to perform stack walking. That way one would try to isolate the shared library that triggered the import to understand which module it comes from. An alternative would be to carry the current C extension module that is active on the interpreter state, but that would most likely be quite expensive.

The goal would be to find out which .so/.dylib file triggered the import. Stack walking is a rather expensive operation and it can be incredibly brittle but there might not be a perfect way around it. Ideally Python would at any point know which c extension module is active.

Distributions from Modules

So let's say that we have the calling python module figured out: now we need to figure out the associated PyPI distribution name. Unfortunately such a mapping does not exist at all. Ideally when a sys.module entry is created, we either record a special attribute there (say __distribution__) which carries the name of the PyPI distribution name so we can call importlib.metadata.distribution(__distribution__).requires to get the requirements or we have some other API to map it.

In the absence of that, how could we get it? There is an expensive way to get a reverse mapping (importlib.metadata.packages_distributions) but unfortunately it has some limitations:

  1. it's very slow
  2. it has situations where it does not manage to reveal the distribution for a package
  3. it can reveal more than one distribution for a package

Because of namespace packages in particular it can return more than one distribution that provides a package such as foo (eg: foo-bar provides and foo-baz provides foo.baz. In that case it will just return both foo-bar and foo-baz for foo).

The solution here might just be that installers like uv start materializing the distribution name onto the modules in one way or another.

Putting it Together

The end to end solution might be this:

  1. install multi-version packages outside of site-packages
  2. materialize a __distribution__ field onto modules or provide an API that maps import names to their PyPI distribution name so that meta data (requirements) can be discovered.
  3. patch __import__ to resolve packages to their fully-qualified, multi version name based on who imports it
    • via globals() for python code
    • via stack-walking for C extensions (unless a better option is found)
  4. register proxy entries in sys.modules that have a dynamic __getattr__ which redirects to the fully qualified names if necessary. This would allow someone to access sys.modules['foo'] and automatically proxy it to [email protected] or [email protected] respectively.

There are lots of holes with this approach unfortunately. That's in parts because people patch around in sys.modules. Interestingly enough sys.modules can be manipulated but it can't be replaced. This might make it possible to replace that dictionary with some more magical dictionary in future versions of Python potentially.

This entry was tagged python
