Rust Adventures: Abusing Serde
2021-11-14 09:32:45 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:25 收藏

written on Sunday, November 14, 2021

When programmers point to things they like about Rust they are relatively quickly pointing out serde as an example of something that is a pleasure to work with. Serde is a Serialization and Deserialization framework for Rust. It's relatively format independent and lets you work with JSON, YAML and a range of different formats.

Despite all of this, there is a lot that can be accomplished with it and some of the use cases I think are quite interesting and worth sharing.

Abusing Serialization

One of the very interesting use cases for serde is to use it as some form of reflection framework to expose structs to other “environments” that cannot natively support rust structs. These are situations where as a developer you serialize a serializable object just to immediately deserialize it again in a slightly different format. Instead of deserializing one can also get away with just a custom serializer that "captures" the serialization calls. For instance this is the pattern one typically uses for IPC, template engine context or format conversion.

What does this look like in practice? Let's have a look at my MiniJinja template engine from a user's perspective. MiniJinja uses serde as a core data model to pass structured data to the templates so they can evaluate at runtime. Here is what this looks like for the developer:

use minijinja::{context, Environment};
use serde::Serialize;

#[derive(Serialize, Debug)]
pub struct User {
    name: String,

fn main() {
    let mut env = Environment::new();
    env.add_template("hello.txt", "Hello {{ }}!")
    let template = env.get_template("hello.txt").unwrap();
    let user = User {
        name: "John".into(),
    println!("{}", template.render(context!(user)).unwrap());

As you can see we're defining a struct called User here that can be serialized to serde with the default Serialize implementation. This object is then passed to the template via context!(user). What this does is creating a map with a single key called user and set to the value of that variable. The goal here is to allow the template engine to access “attributes” of this user like name. Now Rust is not dynamic by nature which means that normally doing something like this at runtime is not possible. We can however do this because serde will implement the Serialize trait like this (in pseudocode):

impl Serialize for User {
    fn serialize(&self, serializer: S) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error>
        where S: Serializer
        let s = serializer.serialize_struct("User", 1);
        s.serialize_field("name", &;

Under normal circumstances the serializer would be something like a JSON serializer that writes the struct into a string or file, encoding it into JSON in the process. However the serde interface does not require this to happen. In fact MiniJinja directly encodes the struct into an in-memory structure which the template engine then knows how to deal with.

This pattern is not particularly novel, in fact that pattern is used even in serde itself. When you for instance use the flatten feature of serde (or some enum representations that require it), serde enables an internal buffering mode where data is stored in an internal Content type which can represent the entirety of the serde data model. This content then can in a separate step be again passed to another serializer.

I'm using this pattern not just in MiniJinja but also in my insta snapshot testing tool for redactions. To avoid instability in snapshots taken from test runs caused by non-deterministic data I'm first serializing into an internal format, then run a redaction step on it, to then serialize it to the final preferred format (for instance YAML).

TLS Shenanigans

What is however interesting about how MiniJinja uses serde here is that it allows passing data between serialize and serializer that is serde incompatible. As mentioned earlier, serde has a specific data model and what does not fit into that data model is going to run into issues. For instance the largest integer that serde can encode is an i128. If you want an arbitrary precision integer in your format you're out of luck. Well not entirely it turns out, because you can use in band signalling to pass additional data. This is for instance how the serde JSON serializer can represent arbitrary precision integers. It does it by reserving a special key in a single-value object to indicate to the internal JSON serialize/serializer combination that an arbitrary precision integer is supposed to be serialized. It looks like this:

{"$serde_json::private::Number": "value"}

But as you can tell from this, if one were to craft such a JSON document, it would be picked up by serde JSON as if it was an arbitrary precision integer. Not great. It also means that the “value” part in itself again needs to be serde compatible. For arbitrary precision integers that's okay because it can be represented as a string. But what if what you want to pass between serialize and serializer is not at all serializable?

This is where clever use of thread local state can be a neat workaround.

In case of MiniJinja the internal representation of runtime values is a type called Value. As you would expect it can hold integers, floating point values, strings, lists, objects and a bunch of more things. It can however also hold data that serde does not know anything about. In particular it can hold a special type of string called a “safe” string which is a string that holds safe HTML that does not need escaping or what's called “dynamic” values. The latter are particularly interesting because they cannot be serialized.

What are dynamic values? They are effectively handles to stateful objects that should be passed to the template directly. An example for this is the loop variable in a MiniJinja template:

{% for item in seq %}
    <li>{{ loop.index }}: {{ item }}</li>
{% endfor %}

MiniJinja (like Jinja2) provides the special loop variable to access the state of the loop itself. For instance you can access loop.index to get access to the current loop iteration number. The way this works in MiniJinja is that the “loop controller” is passed directly to the template and stored in the value itself as reference counted value. Effectively this is what is happening internally:

pub struct LoopState {
    len: AtomicUsize,
    idx: AtomicUsize,

let controller = Rc::new(LoopState {
    idx: AtomicUsize::new(!0usize),
    len: AtomicUsize::new(len),

When the loop iterates, it bumps the index on the controller:

controller.idx.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);

The controller itself gets added to the context directly through something like this:

let template_side_controller = Value::from_object(controller);

For this to work the controller needs to implement the MiniJinja internal Object trait. Here is the minimal implementation of this:

impl Object for LoopState {
    fn attributes(&self) -> &[&str] {
        &["index", "length"][..]

    fn get_attr(&self, name: &str) -> Option<Value> {
        let idx = self.idx.load(Ordering::Relaxed) as u64;
        let len = self.len.load(Ordering::Relaxed) as u64;
        match name {
            "index" => Some(Value::from(idx + 1)),
            "length" => Some(Value::from(len)),
            _ => None,

On the template engine side the system knows that when the index attribute is looked up, that get_attr() needs to be invoked.

So far the theory, but how does this pass through serde? When Value::from_object is called the passed value is directly moved into the value object. That works fine and does not require special handling, particularly because refcounts are already in use. However now the question is how does the value serialize for something like a LoopState which itself does not implement Serialize? The answer involves thread local storage and a co-operating serializer and deserializer.

Out of Bound State

So hidden in the value implementation in MiniJinja this piece of code lives:

const VALUE_HANDLE_MARKER: &str = "\x01__minijinja_ValueHandle";

thread_local! {
     static INTERNAL_SERIALIZATION: AtomicBool = AtomicBool::new(false);
     static LAST_VALUE_HANDLE: AtomicUsize = AtomicUsize::new(0);
     static VALUE_HANDLES: RefCell<BTreeMap<usize, Value>> = RefCell::new(BTreeMap::new());

 fn in_internal_serialization() -> bool {
     INTERNAL_SERIALIZATION.with(|flag| flag.load(atomic::Ordering::Relaxed))

The idea here is that value knows when a special form of internal serialization is used. This internal serialization is a special form of serialization where we know that the recipient of our serialized data is a deserializer that also understands this. Instead of then serializing the data directly, we stash it into TLS and just serialize a handle into the serde serializer. The deserializer then deserializes the handle and picks the value from TLS again.

So our loop controller from above serializers something like this:

impl Serialize for Value {
    fn serialize<S>(&self, serializer: S) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error>
        S: Serializer,
        // enable round tripping of values
        if in_internal_serialization() {
            use serde::ser::SerializeStruct;
            let handle = LAST_VALUE_HANDLE.with(|x| x.fetch_add(1, atomic::Ordering::Relaxed));
            VALUE_HANDLES.with(|handles| handles.borrow_mut().insert(handle, self.clone()));
            let mut s = serializer.serialize_struct(VALUE_HANDLE_MARKER, 1)?;
            s.serialize_field("handle", &handle)?;
            return s.end();

        // ... here follows implementation for serializing to JSON etc.

If this were to be written to JSON we would see something like this:

{"\u0001__minijinja_ValueHandle": 1}

And the loop controller would be stored at handle 1 in VALUE_HANDLES. Now how does one get the value out of there? In case of MiniJinja deserialization in fact never happens. Instead there is only serialization and the serializer just assembles the in-memory objects. So all that is needed is that the serializer understands the in-band signalled handle to find the out-of-band value:

impl ser::SerializeStruct for SerializeStruct {
    type Ok = Value;
    type Error = Error;

    fn serialize_field<T: ?Sized>(&mut self, key: &'static str, value: &T) -> Result<(), Error>
        T: Serialize,
        let value = value.serialize(ValueSerializer)?;
        self.fields.insert(key, value);

    fn end(self) -> Result<Value, Error> {
        match {
            VALUE_HANDLE_MARKER => {
                let handle_id = self.fields["handle"].as_usize();
                Ok(VALUE_HANDLES.with(|handles| {
                    let mut handles = handles.borrow_mut();
                        .expect("value handle not in registry")
            _ => /* regular struct code */


Now the above example is one way in which you can abuse this, but the same pattern can also be utilized when actual serialization _and_ deserialization is used. In MiniJinja I can get away with serialization only because I'm effectively using the serialization code to transform from one in-memory format into another in-memory format. The situation gets slightly tricker if one wants to pass data between processes where actual serialization is necessary. For instance imagine you want to build an IPC system to exchange data between processes. The challenge here is that for efficiency reasons it can be necessary to use shared memory for large memory segments or to pass open files in the form of file descriptors (as these files might be sockets etc.). In my experimental unix-ipc crate this is exactly what I did.

What I'm doing there is establishing a secondary stash area where the serializer can place file descriptors. Again, TLS has to be used here.

API wise it looks something like this:

pub fn serialize<S: Serialize>(s: S) -> io::Result<(Vec<u8>, Vec<RawFd>)> {
    let mut fds = Vec::new();
    let mut out = Vec::new();
    enter_ipc_mode(|| bincode::serialize_into(&mut out, &s), &mut fds)
    Ok((out, fds))

From the user's perspective this is all transparent. When a Serialize implementation encounters a file object it can check if serialization for IPC should be used and in that case it can stash away the FD. enter_ipc_mode basically binds the fds to a thread local variable and register_fd then registers it. For instance this is how the internal handle type serializes:

impl<F: IntoRawFd> Serialize for Handle<F> {
    fn serialize<S>(&self, serializer: S) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error>
        S: ser::Serializer,
        if is_ipc_mode() {
            // effectively a weird version of `into_raw_fd` that does
            // consume
            let fd = self.extract_raw_fd();
            let idx = register_fd(fd);
        } else {
            Err(ser::Error::custom("can only serialize in ipc mode"))

And on the other side:

impl<'de, F: FromRawFd + IntoRawFd> Deserialize<'de> for Handle<F> {
    fn deserialize<D>(deserializer: D) -> Result<Handle<F>, D::Error>
        D: de::Deserializer<'de>,
        if is_ipc_mode() {
            let idx = u32::deserialize(deserializer)?;
            let fd = lookup_fd(idx).ok_or_else(|| de::Error::custom("fd not found in mapping"))?;
            unsafe { Ok(Handle(Mutex::new(Some(FromRawFd::from_raw_fd(fd))))) }
        } else {
            Err(de::Error::custom("can only deserialize in ipc mode"))

From the user's perspective one just passes a Handle::new(my_file) between through the IPC channel and it just works.

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