Dependency Risk and Funding
2022-1-10 08:0:0 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:11 收藏

written on Monday, January 10, 2022

I have a love/hate relationship with dependencies. I wrote about this extensively on this blog. Once about the challenges with scaling trust in dependencies and earlier about the problem with micro dependencies. Somehow very unsurprisingly nothing has actually improved in that regard in the last 5 years. In fact, I think the problem has become significantly worse. Where a few years back the main fear here was high profile developers being targeted, the dependency discussion is now overlapped and conflated with discussions about funding and sustainability.

I'm sure everybody remembers the XKCD on dependencies:

What I like about this comic is that you can insert a whole bunch of projects in your head into that comic. I like to imagine that the mentioned project is Curl. It's maintained largely by a single person — Daniel Stenberg — for more than 20 years. Curl is a good example of an actual crucial dependency. It's everywhere. I have seen it on game consoles, in cars, on MP3 players, smart speakers, bluray players, embedded devices, command line utilities, backend servers, … It's not only an incredible useful software, it's also solving a hard problem. It's also not a small dependency either. Curl is a whole package of useful functionality. If curl ceases to exist it would be clearly bad for society.

However. How can curl disappear? Curl is not just one of the most important dependencies, it's also one of the most resilient dependencies. When you or me install curl, we rarely install it from the official website. Curl is more likely to come from a mirror, vendored into a library we're using, there are a lot of forks in proprietary code bases etc. Curl is an unkillable dependency. Not only can the website go down, also the original developer could probably go away and someone would pick up the work, it's that useful.

Let's contrast this for a second with the situation on npm. One of the most dependent on libraries is in fact colors. The library is effectively emitting ANSI codes for colorization. A useful feature for sure, but not world shattering. I would go out on a lib and say that this type of functionality very often is implemented directly instead of dependent on. For instance when I wrote click I purposefully decided to implement ANSI coloring right in my own library without depending on something. My hunch is that it wouldn't take long to rip out and replace that library.

A few days ago the developer behind that library decided to release a new version of the library that no longer does what it advertised on the tin. Since it was a minor update quite a few people ended up with that version. They didn't however even know that they were depending on “that one package”, they probably pulled it in because something else in their dependency chain needed it.

If you went to the GitHub repo of that developer you found two things: some conspirational content in the readme of the repo, but also a justification for why their library no longer did what it was supposed to do: the developer was dissatisfied with “fortune 500” using their code for free and asked for a six figure contract or for people to fork it.

What I wish people would actually start discussing when it comes to these things is that npm (and other package managers) have developed into incredible levers. Someone who has a package with a lot of dependents one can easily knock out that piece of all modern digital infrastructure. Daniel Stenberg of curl doesn't wield that power (and probably also doesn't want to).

The risk a dependency poses is high with small, more commonly used dependencies, by a single unvetted developer, installed through a package manager like npm, cargo, pypi or similar. Yet when something goes wrong there, everybody immediately notices and people quickly call for funding. Yet those are not the dependencies that actually support our economy. Many of those dependencies became that foundational, not because they are solving a hard problem, but because we collectively started embracing laziness over everything else. When we then focus our funding discussions around these types of dependencies, we're implicitly also putting the focus away from the actually important packages.

I appreciate what GitHub does with sponsors and I think it's an awesome idea. I also appreciate that GitHub puts a finger at funding Open Source being an issue, but unfortunately there is a dark side to this: it points the finger to where it's easy. GitHub like npm point the finger to what computers can easily explain. My code flew to mars. That's awesome. But that Badge of honor I now carry on my GitHub profile I got because they crawled the Python dependency list. Together with my badge the folks that created lxml got a badge. However Daniel Veillard who maintains the underling libxml2 library received no such badge. In fact many people probably forget that libxml2 even exists or that they might be using it, because it's hidden behind a much more fancy high level facade that hides it. Unlike an npm package, you don't download libxml2 from somewhere when you install lxml. libxml2 like curl doesn't have the lever or visibility. Yet the amount of work and dedication that went into the library is significant. And he's just one of thousands of developers who have created incredible libraries we all still use.

Clearly we need to solve funding of Open Source projects and I love that GitHub sponsors is a thing. But I think we need to find a better way to assess impact of libraries than just how many people depend on this on npm or other package managers. Because that's by far not the whole picture.

This entry was tagged javascript, opensource and thoughts
