QRS 2021 论文录用列表
2022-1-13 11:23:49 Author: mp.weixin.qq.com(查看原文) 阅读量:46 收藏

IEEE Conference on Software Quality, Reliability, and Security(QRS)会议关注计算机软件质量、可靠性与安全性领域的研究工作,属于计算机学会的软件工程/系统软件/程序设计语言领域的 C 级会议。QRS 2021年共收到论文243篇,录取61篇,录用率为25.1%,部分跟安全相关Session的录用论文标题如下:

Session I-A: System and Software Security I

Chair: Zhiyi Zhang

  • Impact of Datasets on Machine Learning based Methods in Android Malware Detection: An Empirical Study

Xiuting Ge, Yifan Huang, Zhanwei Hui, Ya Pan, Yong Fan, Xiaojuan Wang, and Xu Cao

  • ConcSpectre: Be Aware of Forthcoming Malware Hidden in Concurrent Programs

Yang Liu, Ming Fan, Ting Liu, Yu Hao, Zisen Xu, Kai Chen, Ha Chen, and Yan Cai

  • CTScopy: Hunting Cyber Threats within Enterprise via Provenance Graph based Analysis

Rui Mei, Hanbing Yan, Zhihui Han, and Jianchun Jiang

  • Explainable APT Attribution for Malware using NLP Technique

Qinqin Wang, Hanbing Yan, and Zhihui Han

  • Dynamic Interval-based Watermarking for Tracking down Network Attacks

Lian Yu

  • A Novel Method t- Prevent Multiple Withdraw Attack on ERC20 Tokens

Jinlei Sun, Song Huang, Changyou Zheng, Meijuan Wang, and Zhanwei Hui

Session III-B: Dependability Testing and Evaluation of Safety-CriticalSystems

Chair: Shunkun Yang

  • Research on Fault Diagnosis in Early Stage of Software Development based on Object-oriented Bayesian Networks

Hongman Li, Peng Xu, Qilin Zhao, and Yihong Liu

  • A Review of Reliability, Vulnerability and Resilience Analysis of Smart Grid based on Complex Network

Linglin Gong, Yizhu Zhang, Mingha Yang, Fang Liu, Yujia Li, and Qi Yao

  • Quantitative Analysis of Software Fault-tolerance Design Modes based on Probabilistic Model Checking

Qi Shao, Weiwei Chen, Fuping Zeng, Zhijie Gao, Zhiyu Duan, and Ouya Lin

  • An Automatic Analysis Framework of Detailed-level Software Fault Modes and Effects based on Code Model

Fuping Zeng, Yiran Ma, and Guoqing Pan

  • Detection Software Content Failures using Dynamic Execution Information

Shiyi Kong, Minyan Lu, B- Sun, Jun Ai, and Shuguang Wang

  • Uplink Transmission Performance Evaluation and Prediction of Railway Balises based on AHP-WNN

Qingyang Xu, Jinghui Meng, Yimeng Luo, and Shuzhong Yang

  • VrFy: Verification of Formal Requirements using Generic Traces

Jorrit J. Olthuis, Rodolf- Jordão, Francesc- Robino, and Sina Borrami

  • Dirmap: Web Application Vulnerability Detection Platform based on Script Code

Chi Zhang, Jinfu Chen, Xinxue Lin, Saihua Cai, Haib- Chen, and Ye Geng

  • An Identification Algorithm of Attacking Programs based on Quadratic Feature Selection and Fast Decision Tree

Jinfu Chen, Dengzhou Shi, Saihua Cai, Songling Qin, Zhenxin Wang, and Qiyong Zhong

Session IV-B: System and Software Security II

Chair: Dongcheng Li

  • The Security Risk of Lacking Compiler Protection in WebAssembly

Quentin Stiévenart, Coen De Roover, and Mohammad Ghafari

  • Analyzing Structural Security Posture t- Evaluate System Design Decisions

Joe Frederick Samuel, Jason Jaskolka, and George O. M. Yee

  • Security-aware Multi-user Architecture for IoT

Marcus MSB Birgersson, Cyrille Artho, and Musard Balliu

  • Security Header Fields in HTTP Clients

Pascal Gadient, Oscar Nierstrasz, and Mohammad Ghafari

  • Strategies for Reducing Traffic Volume and Security on Smart Grid

Chih-Wei Hsu and Sun-Yuan Hsieh

  • DeepDetect: A Practical On-device Android Malware Detector

Saurabh Kumar, Debadatta Mishra, Biswabandan Panda, and Sandeep Kumar Shukla

  • Cryptography Vulnerabilities on HackerOne

Mohammadreza Hazhirpasand and Mohammad Ghafari

  • Sound Predictive Atomicity Violation Detection

Xiaoxue Ma, Imran Ashraf, Ha Zhang, and W.K. Chan

  • EcoAndroid: An Android Studi-Plugin for Developing Energy-efficient Java Mobile Applications

Ana Ribeiro, Joa- F. Ferreira, and Alexandra Mendes

Session IV-C: Program Debugging and Vulnerability Analysis

Chair: Shou-Yu Lee

  • Time-traveling Debugging Queries: Faster Program Exploration

Maximilian Willembrinck, Steven Costiou, Anne Etien, and Stéphane Ducasse

  • Exception-driven Fault Localization for Automated Program Repair

Davide Ginelli, Olivier- Riganelli, Daniela Micucci, and Leonard- Mariani

  • Fuzzing Deep Learning Models against Natural Robustness with Filter Coverage

Zhengyuan Wei and W.K. Chan

  • Confuzzion: A Java Virtual Machine Fuzzer for Type Confusion Vulnerabilities

William Bonnaventure, Ahmed Khanfir, Alexandre Bartel, Mike Papadakis, and Yves Le Traon

  • Vulnerability Analysis of Similar Code

Azin Piran, Chepin Chang, and Amin Milani Fard

  • Towards More Reliable Automated Program Repair by Integrating Static Analysis Techniques

Omar Bataineh, Anastasiia Grishina, and Leon Moonen

  • A Possibilistic Evolutionary Approach t-Handle the Uncertainty of Software Metrics Thresholds in Code Smells Detection

Sofien Boutaib, Maha Elarbi, Slim Bechikh, Fabi- Palomba, and Lamjed Ben Said

  • SSpinJa: Facilitating Schedulers in Model Checking

Nhat-Hoa Tran and Toshiaki Aoki

  • Practical Online Debugging of Spark-like Applications

Matte- Marra, Guillerm- Polito, and Elisa Gonzalez Boix

Session V-C: Empirical Study I

Chair: Shou-Yu Lee

  • The Relation between Bug Fix Change Patterns and Change Impact Analysis

Ekincan Ufuktepe, Tugkan Tuglular, and Kannappan Palaniappan

  • Mapping Breakpoint Types: An Exploratory Study

Eduard- Andreetta Fontana and Fabi-Petrillo

  • The Challenge of Reproducible ML: An Empirical Study on The Impact of Bugs

Emili- Rivera-Landos, Foutse Khomh, and Amin Nikanjam

  • Analyzing Software Security-related Size and its Relationship with Vulnerabilities in OSS

Elaine Venson, Ting Fung Lam, Bradford Clark, and Barry Boehm

  • Analyzing the Impact of Cyberattacks on Industrial Control Systems using Timed Automata

Alvi Jawad and Jason Jaskolka

  • Log Severity Levels Matter: A Multivocal Mapping

Eduard- Mendes de Oliveira and Fabi-Petrillo

  • A Preliminary Investigation of Seveloper Profiles based on their Activities and Code Quality: Wh-does what

Cristina Aguilera González, Laia Albors Zumel, Jesús Antoñanzas Acero, Sonia Rabanaque Rodríguez, Valentina Lenarduzzi, and Silveri- Martínez-Fernández

  • Understanding the Resilience of Neural Network Ensembles against Faulty Training Data

Abraham Chan, Niranjhana Narayanan, Arpan Gujarati, Karthik Pattabiraman, and Sathish Gopalakrishnan

  • On Understanding Contextual Changes of Failures

Francisc- José Torres Ribeiro, Rui Maranhao, and Joã-Saraiva

  • Phish What You Wish

Pascal Gadient, Pascal Gerig, Oscar Nierstrasz, and Mohammad Ghafari

Session VI-A: Quality Assurance

Chair: Hezhen Liu

  • An Online Model Integration Framework for Server Resource Workload Prediction

Tong Xu, Hua Li, and Yunfei Bai

  • ConLAR: Learning t-Allocate Resources t-Docker Containers under Time-varying Workloads

Diwei Chen, Beijun Shen, and Yuting Chen

  • Automatic Identification of High Impact Bug Report by Test Smells of Textual Similar Bug Reports

Jianshu Ding, Guisheng Fan, Huiqun Yu, and Zijie Huang

  • A Deep Method Renaming Prediction and Refinement Approach for Java Projects

Jiahui Liang, Weiqin Zou, Jingxuan Zhang, Zhiqiu Huang, and Chenxing Sun

  • Estimating the Attack Surface from Residual Vulnerabilities in Open Source Software Supply Chain

Dapeng Yan, Yuqing Niu, Kui Liu, Zhe Liu, Zhiming Liu, and Tegawendé F. Bissyandé

  • The Bidirectional Safety Analysis & Validation Framework of System and Software with its Techniques and Applications

Haifeng Li, Chang Liu, and Huancheng Su

Session X-B: Cyber Forensics, Security, and E-discovery & Testing and Verification of Programmable Chips

Chair: Jigang Liu

  • Application of Risk Assessment Method t- Local Government Security Models

Ryoichi Sasaki

  • Reliability-disguised Attacks on Social Network t- Accelerate Fake News Dissemination

Kent-Yoshikawa, Takumi Awa, Risa Kusano, Masatsugu Ichino, and Hiroshi Yoshiura

  • Implementation of Extended FIDO2 Authenticator using Attribute-based Signatures

Yut-Ookawa, Shuji Yamaguchi, Hidehit-Gomi, and Tetsutar-Uehara

  • Cyber-security Incident Analysis by Causal Analysis using System Theory (CAST)

Tomok- Kaneko, Nobukazu Yoshioka, and Ryoichi Sasaki

  • Formalising UPTANE in CSP for Security Testing

Rhys D. Kirk, Jeremy Bryans, Hoang Nga Nguyen, Siraj Shaikh, David Evans, and David Price

  • Application Research of Formal Verification in Aerospace FPGA

Shiyu Liu, Dongfang Li, Wei Shen, Zhiha- Wang, Guang Yang, and Xiaojing Song

  • (Semi) Automatic Assertion Generation from Controlled Chinese Natural Language: A Practice in Aerospace Industry

Shiyu Liu and Dongfang Li

  • Modeling and Simulation of Social E-commerce User Behavior based on Social E-commerce Simulator

Junjie Lv, Linyu Li, Qiuchen Wu, and Chuan Zhao

  • An Approach for Detecting Tourists Satisfaction based on Physical Data and Internet Data

Chi Zhang and Qinyun Liu

Session XV-B: Quality, Reliability, and Security II

Chair: Linghuan Hu

  • A Code Clone Detection Algorithm based on Graph Convolution Network with AST Tree Edge

Zhicheng Lu, Ruochen Li, Huamia- Hu, and Wenan Zhou

  • Stock Prediction with Stacked-LSTM Neural Networks

Xiaochun Zhang, Chen Li, Kuanlin Chen, and Hongji Yang

  • Let's Supercharge the Workflows: An Empirical Study of GitHub Actions

Tingting Chen, Yang Zhang, Shu Chen, Ta- Wang, and Yiwen Wu

  • A Large-scale Study on Vulnerabilities in Linux using Vtopia

Yanjie Shao, Yanjun Wu, Mutian Yang, Jingzheng Wu, and Chen Zhao

  • Multiscale Empirical Analysis of Software Network Evolution

Xiaodong Gou, Long Fan, Li Zhao, Qi Shao, Chong Bian, and Shunkun Yang

  • The Influence of Handwriting and Word-processing on Creativity in the Fiction Production: A Case Study of Fay Weldon’s Fictions

Hongji Yang and Tian Liu

  • Automatic Bug Triage using Hierarchical Attention Networks

Huoliang He and Shunkun Yang

  • An Adaptive Random Test Method based on Variable Probability Density Function with Particle Swarm Optimization

Shengran Wang, Jinfu Chen, Saihua Cai, Jiaxiang Xi, Haib- Chen, and Jingyi Chen

  • An Empirical Study on Vulnerability Detection for Source Code Software based on Deep Learning

Jinfu Chen, Wei Lin, Saihua Cai, and Haib- Chen

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文章来源: http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzU5MTM5MTQ2MA==&mid=2247486985&idx=1&sn=13f6a0b5a1c1e87b4ec8dc15b8dcdae1&chksm=fe2ef182c95978940532b20d9479eb540341b857a179a0e5256de5c9291552c781f949ebf028#rd