PAM 2022 论文录用列表
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The Passive and Active Measurement (PAM)会议关注网络测量和分析领域的研究工作 (同类型会议还有IMC),也是CCF C类会议,2022年共录用30篇 (2019 : 20 ),录用率为48.39%,其中包含网络测量方法、DNS、隐私保护等。小编将一些跟自己相关的论文标记出来供大家查阅,所有录用论文标题如下:


LogoMotive: detecting logos on websites to identify online scams - a TLD case study

  • Thijs van den Hout, Thymen Wabeke, Giovane C. M. Moura, and Cristian Hesselman (SIDN Labs)

Early Detection of Spam Domains with Passive DNS and SPF

  • Simon Fernandez, Maciej Korczyński, and Andrzej Duda (Univ. Grenoble Alpes, CNRS, Grenoble INP, LIG)

Changing of the Guards: Certificate and Public Key Management on the Internet

  • Carl Magnus Bruhner, Oscar Linnarsson, and Matus Nemec (Linkoping University), Martin Arlitt (University of Calgary), Niklas Carlsson (Linkoping University)


Design and Implementation of Web-based Speed Test Analysis Tool Kit

  • Rui Yang (ETH Zürich), Ricky K. P. Mok (CAIDA/UC San Diego), Shuohan Wu and Xiapu Luo (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University), Hongyu Zou (UC San Diego), Weichao Li (Peng Cheng Laboratory)

BatteryLab: A Collaborative Platform for Power Monitoring

  • Matteo Varvello (Bell Labs, Nokia), Kleomenis Katevas (Telefonica Research), Mihai Plesa and Hamed Haddadi (Brave Software), Fabian Bustamante (Northwestern University), Ben Livshits (Imperial College London)

GPS-Based Geolocation of Consumer IP Addresses

  • James Saxon and Nick Feamster (University of Chicago)


Jitterbug: A new framework for jitter-based congestion inference

  • Esteban Carisimo (Northwestern University), Ricky K. P. Mok and k claffy (CAIDA, UC San Diego), David D. Clark (MIT)

Can 5G mmWave support Multi-User AR?

  • Moinak Ghoshal (Northeastern University), Pranab Dash, Zhaoning Kong, Qian Xu, and Y. Charlie Hu (Purdue University), Dimitrios Koutsonikolas (Northeastern University), Yuanjie Li (Tsinghua University)


A First Measurement with BGP Egress Peer Engineering

  • Ryo Nakamura (The University of Tokyo), Kazuki Shimizu (Juniper Networks), Teppei Kamata (Cisco Systems), Cristel Pelsser (University of Strasbourg)

RouteInfer: Inferring Interdomain Paths by Capturing ISP Routing Behavior Diversity and Generality

  • Tianhao Wu, Jessie Hui Wang, Jilong Wang, and Shuying Zhuang (Institute for Network Sciences and Cyberspace, BNRist, Tsinghua University)

DNS and Routing

Measuring the Practical Effect of DNS Root Server Instances: A China-Wide Case Study

  • Fenglu Zhang and Chaoyi Lu (Tsinghua University), Baojun Liu (Tsinghua University; Beijing National Research Center for Information Science and Technology), Haixin Duan (Tsinghua University; QI-ANXIN Technology Research Institute; Peng Cheng Laboratory), Ying Liu (Tsinghua University)

Old but Gold: Prospecting TCP to Engineer and Live Monitor DNS Anycast

  • Giovane Moura (SIDN Labs/TU Delft), John Heidemann (University of Southern California / Information Sciences Institute), Wes Hardaker (USC/ISI), Pithayuth Charnsethikul (University of Southern California), João M. Ceron and Cristian Hesselman (SIDN Labs)

A Matter of Degree: Characterizing the Amplification Power of Open DNS Resolvers

  • Ramin Yazdani, Roland van Rijswijk-Deij, Mattijs Jonker, and Anna Sperotto (University of Twente)

Routing I

 IRR Hygiene In the RPKI Era

  • Ben Du, Gautam Akiwate, and Thomas Krenc (UC San Diego), Cecilia Testart (MIT), Alexander Marder, Bradley Huffaker, Alex C. Snoeren, and KC Claffy (UC San Diego)

Peering only? Analyzing the Reachability Benefits of Joining large IXPs today

  • Lars Prehn (MPII), Christoph Dietzel (DE-CIX, MPII), Franziska Lichtblau and Anja Feldmann (MPII)

On the Latency Impact of Remote Peering

  • Fabricio Mazzola (UFRGS), Pedro Marcos (FURG), Ignacio Castro (Queen Mary, University of London), Matthew Luckie and Marinho Barcellos (University of Waikato)

Internet Applications

Know Thy Lag: In-Network Game Detection and Latency Measurement

  • Sharat Madanapalli, Hassan Habibi Gharakheili, and Vijay Sivaraman (UNSW Sydney)

Differences in Social Media Usage Exist Between Western and Middle-East Countries

  • Jens Helge Reelfs and Oliver Hohlfeld (Brandenburg University of Technology), Niklas Henckell (The Jodel Venture GmbH)

Measuring the (Over)use of Service Workers for In-Page Push Advertising Purposes

  • George Pantelakis (FORTH/University of Crete), Panagiotis Papadopoulos and Nicolas Kourtellis (Telefonica Research, Barcelona, Spain), Evangelos P. Markatos (FORTH/University of Crete)

Network Properties

ISP Probing Reduction with Anaximander

  • Emeline Marechal (Université de Liège), Pascal Mérindol (Université de Strasbourg), Benoit Donnet (Université de Liège)

Lights on Power Plant Control Networks

  • Stefan Mehner, Franka Schuster, and Oliver Hohlfeld (Brandenburg University of Technology)


Assessing Support for DNS-over-TCP in the Wild

  • Jiarun Mao and Michael Rabinovich (Case Western Reserve University), Kyle Schomp (Akamai)

Measuring the Accessibility of Domain Name Encryption and Its Impact on Internet Filtering

  • Nguyen Phong Hoang (University of Chicago), Michalis Polychronakis (Stony Brook University), Phillipa Gill (Google Inc.)

One to Rule them All? A First Look at DNS over QUIC

  • Mike Kosek, Trinh Viet Doan, Malte Granderath, and Vaibhav Bajpai (Technical University of Munich)

Application Performance

Zoom Session Quality: A Network-Level View

  • Albert Choi, Mehdi Karamollahi, Carey Williamson, and Martin Arlitt (University of Calgary)

Zoomiversity: A Case Study of Pandemic Effects on Post-Secondary Teaching and Learning

  • Mehdi Karamollahi, Carey Williamson, and Martin Arlitt (University of Calgary)

SSQoE: Measuring Video QoE from the Server-Side at a Global Multi-tenant CDN

  • Anant Shah, Juan Bran, Kyriakos Zarifis, and Harkeerat Bedi (Edgecast)

Security II

Routing Loops as Mega Amplifiers for DNS-based DDoS Attacks

  • Yevheniya Nosyk, Maciej Korczyński, and Andrzej Duda (Univ. Grenoble Alpes, CNRS, Grenoble INP, LIG)

Quantifying Nations' Exposure to Traffic Observation and Selective Tampering

  • Alexander Gamero-Garrido (CAIDA, UC San Diego | Northeastern University), Esteban Carisimo (Northwestern University), Shuai Hao (Old Dominion University), Bradley Huffaker (CAIDA, UC San Diego), Alex C. Snoeren (UC San Diego), Alberto Dainotti (CAIDA, UC San Diego | Georgia Institute of Technology)

Longitudinal Study of Internet-Facing OpenSSH Update Patterns

  • Jonathan Codi West and Tyler Moore (The University of Tulsa)



