End of Q1 Check-in
2022-4-2 11:30:40 Author: textslashplain.com(查看原文) 阅读量:28 收藏

tl;dr: On track.

Back in January, I wrote about my New Years’ Resolutions. I’m now 90 days in, and things are continuing to go well.

  • Health and Finance: A dry January. Exceeded. I stopped drinking alcohol on any sort of regular basis; over spring break, I peaked at two drinks per day.
  • Health: Track my weight and other metrics. I’ve been using the FitBit Sense smartwatch to track my workouts and day-to-day, and I’ve been weighing in on a FitBit smart scale a few days per week. I’m down a bit over 25 pounds this quarter.
  • Health: Find sustainable fitness habits. Going great. I’ve been setting personal records for both speed (dropping 3 minutes from my mile time) and distance (I ran my first 10K on the treadmill this week). I have the Austin Capitol 10K coming up in two weeks, and I no longer plan to walk any of it.
  • TravelI cruised to Mexico with the kids over Spring break, will be visiting Seattle for work in May, will be taking the kids to Maryland in July, and have booked an Alaska cruise for September.
  • Finance: The stock market has recovered quite a bit recently, but I’m still a bit worried about my current cash burn rate.
  • Life: Produce more. I’ve been blogging a bit more lately. I decided to keep going with Hello Fresh– it’s much more expensive than I’d like, but it’s more enjoyable/rewarding than I expected.

Work continues to have more “downs” than “ups”, but almost everything else in life seems to be considerably better than a few months ago.

Impatient optimist. Dad. Author/speaker. Created Fiddler & SlickRun. PM @ MSFT '01-'12, and '18-, presently working on Microsoft Edge. My words are my own.

文章来源: https://textslashplain.com/2022/04/01/end-of-q1-check-in/