Safari 15.5 embedded content slow to load
2022-5-19 04:30:37 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:121 收藏

Home > Mac administration, macOS, Safari > Safari 15.5 embedded content slow to load

Safari 15.5 embedded content slow to load

As part of the release of Safari 15.5, there seems to be an issue with Safari being able to load embedded content on some websites. One example is the US State Department’s site for reporting a lost or stolen passport:

This site has embedded content and Safari is very slow to load that site. The behavior seems to be tied to the Hide IP address from trackers setting in Safari’s privacy settings:

Screen Shot 2022 05 18 at 4 09 53 PM

With that setting enabled, slow website loading:

With that setting disabled, normal website loading:
