Discussing standard versus admin rights, hosted by Kandji
2022-5-19 04:7:57 Author: derflounder.wordpress.com(查看原文) 阅读量:21 收藏

Home > Mac administration, macOS > Discussing standard versus admin rights, hosted by Kandji

Discussing standard versus admin rights, hosted by Kandji

Kandji invited me to discuss the topic of whether you should set up users in your work environment with standard user rights or admin user rights. It’s a great topic and was a lot of fun to dig into, so I’m happy to say that they recorded the discussion between me and Steven Vogt. If you’re interested, the discussion is available on YouTube and I’ve linked it below:

文章来源: https://derflounder.wordpress.com/2022/05/18/discussing-standard-versus-admin-rights-hosted-by-kandji/