Osmedeus is a Workflow Engine for Offensive Security
2022-5-19 17:16:55 Author: hakin9.org(查看原文) 阅读量:32 收藏

What is Osmedeus?

Osmedeus is a Workflow Engine for Offensive Security. It was designed to build a foundation with the capability and flexibility that allow you to automatically run your reconnaissance methodology on a large number of targets.






NOTE that you need some essential tools like curl, wget, git, zip and login as root to start

bash <(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/osmedeus/osmedeus-base/master/install.sh)

Install from a base repository

NOTE that you need some essential tools like curl, wget, git, zip, tmux and login as root to start

bash <(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/osmedeus/osmedeus-base/master/install.sh)

Install for MacOS (experimental)

NOTE that you need to install homebrew first.

bash <(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/osmedeus/osmedeus-base/master/install-macos.sh)

Some other changes you might need to make if you're really want to use Osmedeus on MacOS

 Install from a build release

Make sure you login as root otherwise run sudo su first then put build-osm.zip to any folder (e.g: /opt/)

unzip -q build-osm.zip && cd build-osm

# verify your installation with health command
osmedeus health

Using Docker

Pull the Docker image by running docker pull j3ssie/osmedeus and follow this page for in-depth usage.

 Verify the installation process

Just run the command osmedeus health. If you see the content like the image below then it means the installation process has been a success.

The installation process is still successful if you see this message. It's just one of many  Premium features

[-] Cloud config setup incorrectly. If you install osmedeus on a single machine then it's okay to ignore the cloud setup

Build the engine from the source

Make sure you installed golang >= v1.17

mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/github.com/j3ssie
git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/j3ssie/osmedeus $GOPATH/src/github.com/j3ssie/osmedeus
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/j3ssie/osmedeus
make build


go install -v github.com/j3ssie/[email protected]


# Scan Usage:
  osmedeus scan -f [flowName] -t [target]
  osmedeus scan -m [modulePath] -T [targetsFile]
  osmedeus scan -f /path/to/flow.yaml -t [target]
  osmedeus scan -m /path/to/module.yaml -t [target] --params 'port=9200'
  osmedeus scan -m /path/to/module.yaml -t [target] -l /tmp/log.log
  cat targets | osmedeus scan -f sample

# Practical Scan Usage:
  osmedeus scan -T list_of_targets.txt -W custom_workspaces
  osmedeus scan -t target.com -w workspace_name --debug
  osmedeus scan -f general -t www.sample.com
  osmedeus scan -f gdirb -T list_of_target.txt
  osmedeus scan -m ~/.osmedeus/core/workflow/test/dirbscan.yaml -t list_of_urls.txt
  osmedeus scan --wfFolder ~/custom-workflow/ -f your-custom-workflow -t list_of_urls.txt

# Provider Usage:
  osmedeus provider build
  osmedeus provider build --token xxx --rebuild --ic
  osmedeus provider create --name 'sample'
  osmedeus provider health --debug

# Cloud Usage:
  osmedeus cloud -f [flowName] -t [target]
  osmedeus cloud -m [modulePath] -t [target]
  osmedeus cloud -c 10 -f [flowName] -T [targetsFile]
  osmedeus cloud --token xxx -G -c 10 -f [flowName] -T [targetsFile]
  osmedeus cloud --chunk -c 10 -f [flowName] -t [targetsFile]

# Utilities Usage:
  osmedeus health
  osmedeus version --json
  osmedeus utils tmux ls
  osmedeus utils tmux logs -A -l 10
  osmedeus utils ps
  osmedeus utils ps --proc 'jaeles'
  osmedeus utils cron --cmd 'osmdeus scan -t example.com' --sch 60
  osmedeus utils cron --for --cmd 'osmedeus scan -t example.com'



Video Tutorials 


The main philosophy of Osmedeus was never meant to be the that replace your tools or any other tools. It was designed to build a foundation with the capability and flexibility that allow you to make your recon system faster, cleaner and much more powerful.

The structure of the Osmedeus

The tool has two main components:

  • Core Engine Written in Golang which is responsible for handling all the complex logic and provides a lot of built-in utilities to run your workflow much more efficiently.
  • Workflow is a collection of YAML files that describe your methodology.

Target can be the domain, URL, IP, CIDR, or anything that fit your workflow.

How does Osmedeus actually work?

Osmedeus will take your input along with the selected flow/module to create a routine that contains a list of commands and logic to complete the scan.

Behind the scene, it actually runs other 3rd party tools with a special logic generated by Osmedeus core.

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文章来源: https://hakin9.org/osmedeus-fully-automated-offensive-security-framework-for-reconnaissance-and-vulnerability-scanning/