PoC: Cobalt Strike mitm Attack
2022-5-27 08:0:0 Author: blog.didierstevens.com(查看原文) 阅读量:32 收藏

PoC: Cobalt Strike mitm Attack

I did this about 6 months ago, but this blog post didn’t get posted back then. I’m posting it now.

I made a small Proof-of-Concept: cs-mitm.py is a mitmproxy script that intercepts Cobalt Strike traffic, decrypts it and injects its own commands.

In this video, a malicious beacon is terminated by sending it a sleep command followed by an exit command. I just included the sleep command to show that it’s possible to do this for more than one command.

I selected this malicious beacon for this PoC because it uses one of the leaked private keys, enabling the script to decrypt the metadata and obtain the necessary AES and HMAC keys.

The PoC does not support malleable C2 data transforms, but the code to do this can be taken from my other cs-* tools.

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文章来源: https://blog.didierstevens.com/2022/05/27/poc-cobalt-strike-mitm-attack/