Go implant using Discord as a C2 team server
Still in development
- Executing shell commands (cmd, powershell, wmic)
- Files and Directories (listing, removing...)
- Uploading and Downloading files
- Taking screenshots
- List attatched Drives
- Simple network scanner
- Processes listing
- Registry operations
- Clearing event logs
- Shellcode injection using HellsGate technique
- CLR binary injection
- Create a discord Bot, and invite it to your Discord server.
- Change "TOKEN" and "CHANNEL_ID" variables in "setup_config.py" to your Bot's settings accordingly.
- run "setup_config.py".
- Compile "willie.go" by running
go build -ldflags="-s -w -H windowsgui" -trimpath
Everytime you run "setup_config.py" a new "config.go" file gets created with a randomized RC4 key responsible for decrypting strings to avoid triggering AV/EDR during static checks. The program uses Mutex lock to prevent it from running more than once simultaneously.
- Process Migration
- Process Token Manipulation
- Priviliage Escilation