思路:hook DragQueryFileW 函数,先取出拖拽的文件列表,如果是文件夹则遍历文件添加入文件列表。等程序请求文件列表时,将整理好的列表返回给程序。
UINT DragQueryFileW(
HDROP hDrop,
UINT iFile,
LPWSTR lpszFile,
UINT cch
When the function copies a file name to the buffer, the return value is a count of the characters copied, not including the terminating null character. If the index value is 0xFFFFFFFF, the return value is a count of the dropped files. Note that the index variable itself returns unchanged, and therefore remains 0xFFFFFFFF. If the index value is between zero and the total number of dropped files, and the lpszFile buffer address is NULL, the return value is the required size, in characters, of the buffer, not including the terminating null character.
library Project1; { Important note about DLL memory management: ShareMem must be the first unit in your library's USES clause AND your project's (select Project-View Source) USES clause if your DLL exports any procedures or functions that pass strings as parameters or function results. This applies to all strings passed to and from your DLL--even those that are nested in records and classes. ShareMem is the interface unit to the BORLNDMM.DLL shared memory manager, which must be deployed along with your DLL. To avoid using BORLNDMM.DLL, pass string information using PChar or ShortString parameters. } uses windows, Winapi.ShellAPI, System.IOUtils, System.Types, HookUtils, HookIntfs, messages, sysutils, tlhelp32; {$R *.res} var old_DragQueryFileW: function(hDrop: hDrop; iFile: UINT; lpszFile: LPWSTR; cch: UINT): UINT; stdcall; type Tfilename = record filename: array [0 .. 255] of WideChar; end; var g_files: array [0 .. 9999] of Tfilename; function _DragQueryFileW(hDrop: hDrop; iFile: UINT; lpszFile: LPWSTR; cch: UINT) : UINT; stdcall; var res: UINT; i, k: Integer; tmp: array [0 .. 255] of WideChar; LList: TStringDynArray; str: string; begin if iFile = $FFFFFFFF then begin res := old_DragQueryFileW(hDrop, iFile, lpszFile, cch); k := 0; for i := 0 to res - 1 do begin // ZeroMemory(@tmp,Length(tmp)*SizeOf(WideChar)); old_DragQueryFileW(hDrop, i, @tmp, Length(tmp) * SizeOf(WideChar)); if DirectoryExists(string(tmp)) then begin LList := TDirectory.GetFiles(tmp, '*.*', TSearchOption.soAllDirectories); for str in LList do begin ZeroMemory(@g_files[k].filename, 256 * SizeOf(WideChar)); CopyMemory(@g_files[k].filename, PWideChar(str), Length(str) * SizeOf(WideChar)); inc(k); if k > 9999 then begin MessageBoxW(0, '文件数量不能超过10000个', '错误', MB_OK + MB_ICONSTOP + MB_TOPMOST); Exit; end; end; end else begin ZeroMemory(@g_files[k].filename, 256 * SizeOf(WideChar)); CopyMemory(@g_files[k].filename, @tmp, Length(tmp) * SizeOf(WideChar)); inc(k); if k > 9999 then begin MessageBoxW(0, '文件数量不能超过10000个', '错误', MB_OK + MB_ICONSTOP + MB_TOPMOST); Exit; end; end; end; end else begin CopyMemory(lpszFile, @g_files[iFile].filename, 256 * SizeOf(WideChar)); end; Result := k; end; procedure hook(); begin if not Assigned(old_DragQueryFileW) then begin HookProc(shell32, 'DragQueryFileW', @_DragQueryFileW, @old_DragQueryFileW); end else begin if Assigned(old_DragQueryFileW) then begin UnHookProc(@old_DragQueryFileW); end; @old_DragQueryFileW := nil; end; end; procedure DllEntryPoint(fdwReason: DWORD); begin case fdwReason of DLL_THREAD_ATTACH: hook; DLL_THREAD_DETACH: hook; DLL_PROCESS_DETACH: hook; DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: hook; end; end; begin DLLProc := @DllEntryPoint; end.
# DelphiHookUtils Delphi API Hook 工具项目 ![LOGO](https://github.com/delphilite/DelphiHookUtils/raw/master/Doc/Logo.jpg) ## 由来 国庆帝都雾霾,一直闷家里发霉,也终于有时间搞搞自己的东东了! 年初基于 wr960204 武稀松大哥的 HookUtils 写了个 x64 的东东,效果很 8 错,不过呢,这个实现基于 BeaEngine 的静态库,额外胖了几百 K,对于我这只有“洁癖”的程序员,着实不爽! 之前关注过 BeaEngine 官网还有个 LDE64(Length Disassembler Engine)的东东,事实上对于武大哥那份 Hook 的实现,BeaEngine 只是为了查找足够的“代码间隙”,其实单个 LDE 应该是 ok 的! 遂,花了两天时间搞了这个东东: [https://github.com/delphilite/DelphiHookUtils](https://github.com/delphilite/DelphiHookUtils) ## 实现 基于 LDE64 相对 BeaEngine 的优势非常明显,新 HookUtils 代码编译大约 10K 左右,相对武大哥“原版”,新版 HookUtils 主要修改: 1. 参考 wr960204 武稀松 的原始实现: [https://code.google.com/p/delphi-hook-library](https://code.google.com/p/delphi-hook-library) 2. 修改 BeaEngine 引擎为 LDE64 长度反编译引擎,大幅降低大小 [https://github.com/BeaEngine/lde64](https://github.com/BeaEngine/lde64) 3. 去除原始实现对多线程冻结的处理,通常建议 Hook/Unhook 放到单元初始化、析构中做,否则可能因改写内存没挂起其他线程造成错误 4. 由 HookUtils 中拆分 COM 相关函数至 HookIntfs 单元 ## 其他 初步 Delphi 2007-10.3, Lazarus/Typhon/FPC/FMX x86/x64 for Win 一切正常,大家有问题及时反馈 !?
全文完。 By Lxm 2019.9.30
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