Remember file locations and sort by time and frequency.
This plugin is used to mark any position of the file and jump to it. It can add notes when marking and persist the mark to the file when nvim exits for the next load.
Each time you jump from a bookmark, the update time of the current bookmark will be updated and the usage frequency will be increased by one. You can sort bookmarks by time or frequency when browsing the bookmark list.
The data file is based on the cwd of each project for separate storage.
Support switching between multiple sessions.
Show virt text at the end of bookmarked lines.
The storage location is underecho stdpath("data")
, mac is ~/.local/share/nvim/bookmarks/
The storage data is lua code and load with dofile
require("bookmarks.list").load{ filename = '/Users/crusj/Project/bookmarks.nvim/', description = 'readme', fre = 3, id = '429b65925c650553dfcc8576231837a2', line = 2, updated_at = 1651588531, } require("bookmarks.list").load{ filename = '/Users/crusj/Project/bookmarks.nvim/lua/bookmarks/config.lua', description = 'keymap', fre = 11, id = 'a22afa41979db45c6a8215cb7df6304f', line = 6, updated_at = 1651588572, } require("bookmarks.list").load{ filename = '/Users/crusj/Project/bookmarks.nvim/lua/bookmarks/event.lua', description = 'add keymap', fre = 5, id = 'a2e79c4b86b533f43fe3aa5a545a5073', line = 10, updated_at = 1651580490, }
bookmarks list
- Neovim >= 0.7
{ 'crusj/bookmarks.nvim', branch = 'main', requires = { 'kyazdani42/nvim-web-devicons' } }
Default config
require("bookmarks").setup({ keymap = { toggle = "<tab><tab>", -- Toggle bookmarks add = "\\z", -- Add bookmarks jump = "<CR>", -- Jump from bookmarks delete = "dd", -- Delete bookmarks order = "<space><space>", -- Order bookmarks by frequency or updated_time delete_on_virt = "\\dd", -- Delete bookmark at virt text line }, width = 0.8, -- Bookmarks window width: (0, 1] height = 0.6, -- Bookmarks window height: (0, 1] preview_ratio = 0.4, -- Bookmarks preview window ratio (0, 1] preview_ext_enable = false, -- If true, preview buf will add file ext, preview window may be highlighed(treesitter), but may be slower. fix_enable = true, -- If true, when saving the current file, if the bookmark line number of the current file changes, try to fix it. hl_cursorline = "guibg=Gray guifg=White" -- hl bookmarsk window cursorline. virt_text = "💫" , -- Show virt text at the end of bookmarked lines virt_pattern = { "*.go", "*.lua", "*.sh", "*.php", "*.rust" } -- Show virt text only on matched pattern })
- Fix bookmarks when file changed
- Categorize