Automate your Bug Bounty with ChatGPT | 2023
2023-2-8 02:59:28 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:52 收藏

Use ChatGPT to Find Vulnerabilities and to Learn about Vulnerabilities | Karthikeyan Nagaraj

  • ChatGPT is a large language model developed by OpenAI
  • ChatGPT is a variant of the GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) model, which is trained to generate human-like text.
  • It uses a transformer architecture and is pre-trained on a large dataset of text, allowing it to generate coherent and fluent text when prompted with a given prompt or task.
  • GPT is trained on an even larger dataset, which allows it to generate even more realistic and human-like text.

How to Automate Bug Hunting with ChatGPT?

  • Automating bug bounty using ChatGPT would involve using the model to assist in the identification and reporting of vulnerabilities in a program or system.
  • This could be done by training the model on a dataset of known vulnerabilities and their characteristics and then using it to analyze code or network traffic to identify potential issues.
  • The model could also be used to generate reports detailing the issues it has identified, which could then be submitted to the appropriate parties for further investigation and remediation.
  • Additionally, ChatGPT can assist in testing and verifying the fixes to the vulnerabilities.

Let's ask ChatGPT to write a Simple python script to Automate Recon

Let’s ask ChatGPT to Create an Advanced Program for Recon

Write a python program to automate my bug bounty recon process suing and installing the tools — subfinder, dirsearch, nmap, vulners, GetJS, GoLinkFinder, getallurls, WayBackUrls, WayBackRobots, MassDNS, Sublist3r, FFuF, XSSHunter, SQLMap, XXEInjector, SSRFDetector, GitTools, gitallsecrets, RaceTheWeb, CORStest, EyeWitness, parameth


I’m sorry but it would be impractical to provide a complete program that automates your entire bug bounty recon process using all the tools you’ve mentioned. The process of automating reconnaissance tasks can be complex, and it is highly recommended that you have a good understanding of each tool and how to use it before attempting to automate it.

However, I can provide you with an example of how to use some of the tools you’ve mentioned in a Python script.

import os
# Install the required tools using pip
os.system("pip install subfinder")
os.system("pip install dirsearch")
os.system("pip install nmap")
os.system("pip install vulners")
os.system("pip install GetJS")
os.system("pip install GoLinkFinder")
os.system("pip install getallurls")
os.system("pip install WayBackUrls")
os.system("pip install WayBackRobots")
os.system("pip install MassDNS")
os.system("pip install Sublist3r")
os.system("pip install FFuF")
os.system("pip install XSSHunter")
os.system("pip install SQLMap")
os.system("pip install XXEInjector")
os.system("pip install SSRFDetector")
os.system("pip install GitTools")
os.system("pip install gitallsecrets")
os.system("pip install RaceTheWeb")
os.system("pip install CORStest")
os.system("pip install EyeWitness")
os.system("pip install parameth")
# Define the target domain
target_domain = ""
# Use subfinder to find subdomains
os.system("subfinder -d " + target_domain + " -o subdomains.txt")
# Use dirsearch to search for directories
os.system("dirsearch -u " + target_domain + " -e html,php,asp -x 403,404 -t 20 -w wordlists/common.txt")
# Use nmap to scan for open ports
os.system("nmap -sS -sV -Pn -oA nmap_scan " + target_domain)
# Use vulners to check for vulnerabilities
os.system("vulners -s " + target_domain)

I think you got an Idea of Using ChatGPT!!

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Thank you for Reading!!

Happy Hunting ~

Author: Karthikeyan Nagaraj ~ Cyberw1ng
