WAFNinja 一款用于攻击Web应用程序防火墙工具
2019-11-04 11:49:51 Author: mp.weixin.qq.com(查看原文) 阅读量:139 收藏

wafninja.py [-h] [-v] {fuzz, bypass, insert-fuzz, insert-bypass, set-db} ...例:
python wafninja.py fuzz -u "http://www.target.com/index.php?id=FUZZ" 
-c "phpsessid=value" -t xss -o output.html 旁路:
python wafninja.py bypass -u "http://www.target.com/index.php"  -p "Name=PAYLOAD&Submit=Submit"         
-c "phpsessid=value" -t xss -o output.html插入模糊:
python wafninja.py insert-fuzz -i select -e select -t sql
Which function do you want to use?fuzz                check which symbols and keywords are allowed by the WAF.
bypass              sends payloads from the database to the target.
insert-fuzz         add a fuzzing string
insert-bypass       add a payload to the bypass list
set-db              use another database file. Useful to share the same database with others.optional arguments:
-h, --help            show this help message and exit
-v, --version         show program's version number and exit文章来源及下载:



SQLassie 一款数据库防火墙工具

wafw00f 一款对Web应用防火墙侦察的工具

文章来源: http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzAxMjE3ODU3MQ==&mid=2650457884&idx=4&sn=43cbc112d1cc4e43cc101b60ab4c8e1c&chksm=83bba2f8b4cc2bee2ae9e5a99eabdde351b7f7d97b18667515fb12f665804b321fbaa8ccda37#rd