Henrik, Johan, Magnus and I are all Swedish “FOSS people” and friends since many years back.

We like open source. We work with Open Source. We have contributed to Open Source since a long time back. We also have slightly different backgrounds and areas of expertise so we don’t all just totally overlap.

We decided we wanted to try putting together a podcast and talk about all things FOSS: from lightweight news down to more deep dives and interviews and discussions with peeps who know more. With our takes and personal views applied of course.

We named it Fossified. We have recorded a first pilot where we test the concept a little, but more importantly this is just the beginning and we have created a GitHub repository where we collect program ideas and proposals.

We certainly need and appreciate your help. With ideas for topics and guests. Perhaps even with a logo or why not an intro song?

The Pilot

We have recorded our first episode. You can find it on our very fancy website fossified.com.