文件调用方法: python3 wx.py --help usage: wx.py [-h] [-w W] [-i I] [-o O] [-b B] optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -w W Wechat mini program ID. -i I A <folder name> which contains multiple wxapkg files, or a single wxapkg <file name>. -o O Output folder. -b B True/False means whether to beautify the JS code, True will result in a poor performance.
from Crypto.Cipher import AES import hashlib import os import json import urllib from helper import helper import jsbeautifier import execjs import argparse import os # 微信小程序文件格式 # 文件头 # 1字节 一定是190 # 4字节 一定是0 # 4字节 索引段长度 # 4字节 数据段长度 # 1字节 一定是237 # 4字节 文件总个数 # 索引段 # 4字节 文件名长度 # N字节 文件名 # 4字节 文件在数据段中的位置(相对于header的0偏移,而不是如下数据段的0偏移) # 4字节 文件长度 # 数据段 OUTPUT_FOLDER = "output" NEED_BEAUTIFY_JS = False iv = "the iv: 16 bytes" salt = "saltiest" global_wxml = ["",0] def decrypt(wx_package, wxid): fsize = os.path.getsize(wx_package) f = open(wx_package, "rb") f.seek(6) wx_header = f.read(1024) wx_others = f.read(fsize - 6 - 1024) f.close() aes_key = hashlib.pbkdf2_hmac('sha1', wxid.encode(), salt.encode(), 1000, 32) cipher = AES.new(aes_key, AES.MODE_CBC, iv.encode()) decrypted_wx_header = cipher.decrypt(wx_header) n = decrypted_wx_header[-1] if n > 0: decrypted_wx_header = decrypted_wx_header[:-n] xor_key = ord(str(wxid[-2])) decrypted_wx_others = [] for b in wx_others: decrypted_wx_others.append(b ^ xor_key) return decrypted_wx_header + bytes(decrypted_wx_others) def write_file(fname, buf, mode): items = fname.split("/") path = OUTPUT_FOLDER for i in range(0, len(items) - 1): path += "/" + items[i] md(path) f = open(path + "/" + items[-1], mode) f.write(buf) f.close() def process_package(buf): index = 0 # <editor-fold desc="处理微信头"> print("magic number is " + str(ord(buf[index:1]))) index += 1 print("always o is {0}".format(int.from_bytes(buf[index:index + 4], "big"))) index += 4 index_seg_length = int.from_bytes(buf[index:index + 4], "big") print("index segments length is {0}".format(index_seg_length)) index += 4 body_seg_length = int.from_bytes(buf[index:index + 4], "big") print("body segments length is {0}".format(body_seg_length)) index += 4 print("last mask must be 237 ---> {0}".format(int.from_bytes(buf[index:index + 1], "big"))) index += 1 file_count = int.from_bytes(buf[index:index + 4], "big") print("file count is {0}".format(file_count)) index += 4 # </editor-fold"> index_length = 0 # <editor-fold desc="处理微信数据段"> for fcount in range(0, file_count): if index_length + 4 >= index_seg_length: # 如果用while true break filename_length = int.from_bytes(buf[index:index + 4], "big") index += 4 fname = buf[index:index + filename_length].decode() index += filename_length offset_of_file_in_segment = int.from_bytes(buf[index:index + 4], "big") index += 4 file_size = int.from_bytes(buf[index:index + 4], "big") index += 4 print("File name length ={0}, file name = {1}, offset in segment = {2}, file size = {3}".format(filename_length, fname, offset_of_file_in_segment, file_size)) content = buf[offset_of_file_in_segment:offset_of_file_in_segment + file_size] if fname.endswith(".json"): content = urllib.parse.unquote(json.dumps(json.loads(content.decode()), indent=4)) write_file(fname, content, "w") elif fname.endswith(".js"): content = content.decode() if "app-service.js" not in fname and NEED_BEAUTIFY_JS is True: content = jsbeautifier.beautify(content) write_file(fname, content, "w") else: write_file(fname, content, "wb") index_length += 4 * 3 + filename_length # </editor-fold> def md(dir): if os.path.exists(dir) is False: os.mkdir(dir) def process_json(fname): if os.path.exists(fname) is False: return f = open(fname, "r") all_lines = f.readlines() f.close() token = ".json'] = {" jsons = ''.join(all_lines).split("__wxAppCode__[") for j in jsons: if token in j: index = j.index(token) fname = j[1:index] + ".json" print("Processing " + fname) content, index = helper.get_string_by_seperators(j[index + len(token) - 1:], "{", "};", 0) content = json.dumps(json.loads("{" + content + "}"), indent=4) write_file(fname, content, "w") def process_js(js_file): fname = OUTPUT_FOLDER + "/" + js_file if os.path.exists(js_file) is False: return f = open(js_file, "r") all_lines = f.readlines() f.close() items = ''.join(all_lines).split('define("') for i in range(1,len(items)): line = items[i] index = line.index(",") fname = line[0:index].replace('"','') index = line.index("{") line = line[index+1:].strip() index = line.rindex("});") line = line[0:index] if "}" in line: index = line.rindex("}") line = line[0:index] if line.startswith("'use strict';") or line.startswith('"use strict";'): line = line[13:] elif (line.startswith('(function(){"use strict";') or line.startswith( "(function(){'use strict';")) and line.endswith("})();"): line = line[25:][:-5] print("Processing " + fname) if NEED_BEAUTIFY_JS: write_file(fname, jsbeautifier.beautify(line), "w") else: write_file(fname, line, "w") def process_wxss(fname): fname = OUTPUT_FOLDER + "/"+fname if os.path.exists(fname) is False: return f = open(fname, "r") all_lines = f.readlines() f.close() token = ".wxss" jsons = ''.join(all_lines).split("setCssToHead(") for j in jsons: if token in j: index = j.find('",],', 0) if index == -1: continue buf = j[0:index] + ";}" content = buf[:-2].replace('",[1],"', '').replace("\\n", '\n') items = content.split("\n") content = "" for item in items: if item == ";}": continue if item.startswith('["'): item = item[2:] c2 = item.replace("{", " {\n\t").replace(";", ";\n\t").replace("}", "\n}\n\n").replace("\\x3d", "=").replace( "\\x22", '"').replace('",[0,', "").replace('],"', 'px').replace(":", ": ").replace("wx-", "") c3 = c2.replace("\n}\n\n", ";\n}\n\n") if c3.startswith(";"): c3 = c3[1:] content += c3 fname = helper.get_string_by_seperators(j, ',{path:"', '"})', 0)[0].replace("./", "") print("Processing " + fname) write_file(fname, content.replace("body {", "page {").replace(": : ", "::"), "w") def process_wxml_nodes(nodes): wxml = "" if global_wxml[1]>0: wxml = "\t"*global_wxml[1] if type(nodes).__name__ != "dict": global_wxml[0] += str(nodes) return tag = nodes["tag"].replace("wx-", "") wxml += "<" + tag if nodes.get("attr") is not None: for attr in nodes["attr"].keys(): wxml += " " + attr + "=\"" + str(nodes["attr"][attr]) + "\"" wxml += ">" wxml += "\n" global_wxml[0] += wxml global_wxml[1] += 1 for child in nodes["children"]: process_wxml_nodes(child) global_wxml[1] -= 1 global_wxml[0] += "</" + tag + ">\n" return def process_wxml_remove_useless(wxml_source): source = wxml_source tmp = helper.get_string_by_seperators(wxml_source,"<script>","</script>",0)[0] if len(tmp)>0: index = tmp.find("var setCssToHead") index2 = tmp.rindex(");") source = tmp[0:index]+tmp[index2+2:] else: first_token = 'if (!noCss)' last_token = 'var __subPageFrameEndTime__ = Date.now();' index = wxml_source.find(first_token) index2 = wxml_source.find(last_token, index) if index>-1 and index2>-1: source = wxml_source[0:index] + wxml_source[index2:] return source def process_wxml(pageframe): pageframe = OUTPUT_FOLDER + "/" + pageframe if os.path.exists(pageframe) is False: return source = open(pageframe).read() if source=="/* This file is left intentionally blank */": return flist = "\n" patch = 'var window={};var navigator={};navigator.userAgent="iPhone";window.screen={};document={};function define(){};function require(){};function setCssToHead(file, _xcInvalid, info){};' items = source.split("else __wxAppCode__[") x = [] index = 0 for item in items: func = helper.get_string_by_seperators(item,"=",";",0)[0] if "$" not in func: continue flist += "fuck_{0}={1};\n".format(index,func.strip()) index+=1 x.append(helper.get_string_by_seperators(item,"'","'",0)[0]) source = process_wxml_remove_useless(source) patched_source = patch + source + flist # patched_source,x = process_wxml_method_1(source,patch) # if len(x) == 0: # patched_source,x = process_wxml_method_2(source,patch) # if len(x)==0: # patched_source, x = process_wxml_method_3(source, patch) # if len(x) == 0: # raise Exception("Need more analysis for $gwx wxml format.") # js = execjs.compile(patched_source) for func_no in range(0, len(x)): try: nodes = js.call("fuck_{0}".format(func_no),[],[],[],[]) except Exception as e: print(e) continue fname = x[func_no].replace("./", "") print("Processing "+fname) if len(nodes["children"])==0: continue global global_wxml process_wxml_nodes(nodes["children"][0]) write_file(fname,global_wxml[0],"w") global_wxml = ["",0] def process(flist,func): for f in flist: func(OUTPUT_FOLDER + f) with open(OUTPUT_FOLDER + "/app.json", "r") as fs: j = json.load(fs) for sub in j["subPackages"]: func(OUTPUT_FOLDER + "/" + sub["root"] + f) def get_package_content(wx_package, wxid): fsize = os.path.getsize(wx_package) f = open(wx_package, "rb") data = f.read(fsize) f.close() buf = data if int(data[0]) != 190 and data[0:6].decode() == "V1MMWX": buf = decrypt(wx_package, wxid) if int(buf[0]) != 190: buf = None return buf def init(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-w", help="Wechat mini program ID.") parser.add_argument("-i", help="A <folder name> which contains multiple wxapkg files, or a single wxapkg <file name>.") parser.add_argument("-o", help="Output folder.") parser.add_argument("-b",default=False, help="True/False means whether to beautify the JS code, True will result in a poor performance.") args = parser.parse_args() global OUTPUT_FOLDER OUTPUT_FOLDER = args.o if args.o is None: OUTPUT_FOLDER = "output" global NEED_BEAUTIFY_JS NEED_BEAUTIFY_JS = args.b wxid = args.w input = args.i wxapkg = [] if input is None: input = "." if ".wxapkg" in input and os.path.exists(input): wxapkg.append(input) elif os.path.exists(input): for fp,dirs,fs in os.walk(input): for f in fs: if ".wxapkg" in f: wxapkg.append(os.path.join(fp,f)) return wxid,wxapkg def main(): wxid, wxapkg = init() if wxid is None or len(wxapkg)==0: print("Error wxid or input files. Type < python3 wx.py --help > to get more information.") return md(OUTPUT_FOLDER) print("Unpacking package...") for apkg in wxapkg: buf = get_package_content(apkg,wxid) if buf is not None: process_package(buf) print("================================================================") print("") print("Unpacking JSON files...") process_json(OUTPUT_FOLDER+"/app-service.js") print("================================================================") print("") print("Unpacking JS files...") process(["/app-service.js"], process_js) print("================================================================") print("") print("Unpacking WXSS files...") process(["/page-frame.js", "/page-frame.html"], process_wxss) print("================================================================") print("") print("Unpacking WXML files...") process(["/app-service.js", "/page-frame.js", "/page-frame.html"], process_wxml) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
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