Mimicry - Security Tool For Active Deception In Exploitation And Post-Exploitation
2023-3-24 19:30:0 Author: www.kitploit.com(查看原文) 阅读量:31 收藏

Mimicry is a security tool developed by Chaitin Technology for active deception in exploitation and post-exploitation.

Active deception can live migrate the attacker to the honeypot without awareness. We can achieve a higher security level at a lower cost with Active deception.

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Mimicry is a security tool developed by Chaitin Technology for active deception in exploitation and post-exploitation. (4)


Quick Start

1. Make sure docker, docker-compose is installed correctly on the machine

docker info
docker-compose version

2. Install honeypot service

docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d

3. Deploy deception tool on other machines

update config.yaml,replace ${honeypot_public_ip} to the public IP of honeypot service

4. Perform Webshell deceiving

./mimicry-tools webshell -c config.yaml -t php -p webshell_path

Advance Usage

Tool Description
Web-Deception Fake vulnerabilities in web applications
Webshell-Deception live migrate webshell to the honeypot
Shell-Deception live migrate ReverseShell/BindShell to the honeypot


Contact Us

  1. You can make bug feedback and feature suggestions directly through GitHub Issues.
  2. You can join the discussion group on Discord .

Mimicry - Security Tool For Active Deception In Exploitation And Post-Exploitation Mimicry - Security Tool For Active Deception In Exploitation And Post-Exploitation Reviewed by Zion3R on 8:30 AM Rating: 5

文章来源: http://www.kitploit.com/2023/03/mimicry-security-tool-for-active.html