10 Google Dorks for Sensitive Data
2023-4-23 14:21:42 Author: infosecwriteups.com(查看原文) 阅读量:35 收藏

Discover Exposed Documents on Cloud Platforms with Google Dorks for Cybersecurity

Unearth sensitive data just by swapping example.com with your target:

site:docs.google.com inurl:"/d/" "example.com"

Microsoft’s cloud storage solution for files and photos. Score big by finding internal presentations and private photos that were accidentally made public:

site:onedrive.live.com "example.com"

Reveal Dropbox links containing source code, proprietary information, and even customer data:

site:dropbox.com/s "example.com"

Discover sensitive files like internal reports and client contracts by searching for Box-hosted files:

site:box.com/s "example.com"

Microsoft’s suite of developer services, including repos and pipelines. Uncover critical information like API keys, authentication tokens, and unsecured repositories by dorking Azure DevOps:

site:dev.azure.com "example.com"

Microsoft’s web-based collaboration platform. Find treasure troves of internal communications, project plans, and employee records, all available to the public eye:

site:http://sharepoint.com "example.com"

Object storage for developers to store and serve large amounts of data. Unearth juicy files like database backups, configuration files, and logs stored on DigitalOcean Spaces:

site:digitaloceanspaces.com "example.com"

Google’s mobile and web app development platform. Reveal app secrets, user data, and even private API endpoints by searching Firebase-hosted files:

site:firebaseio.com "example"

Example HackerOne Report: https://hackerone.com/reports/1065134

A platform for managing and distributing software artifacts. Jump on JFrog to discover exposed artifacts, builds, and release packages that could lead to serious security risks:

site:jfrog.io "example"

Example HackerOne Report: https://hackerone.com/reports/911606

Gain access to sensitive files like customer data and even full server backups by exploring these lesser-known S3 subdomains:

site:http://s3-external-1.amazonaws.com "example.com"
site:http://s3.dualstack.us-east-1.amazonaws.com "example.com"

And that’s it, folks! With these search strings in your toolkit, you’ll be able to uncover the hidden gems of the internet.

文章来源: https://infosecwriteups.com/10-google-dorks-for-sensitive-data-9454b09edc12?source=rss----7b722bfd1b8d--bug_bounty