Relocation overflow and code models
2023-5-14 15:0:0 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:42 收藏

When linking an oversized executable, it is possible to encounter errors such as relocation truncated to fit: R_X86_64_PC32 against `.text' (GNU ld) or relocation R_X86_64_PC32 out of range (ld.lld). These diagnostics are a result of the relocation overflow check, a feature in the linker.

This article aims to explain why such issues can occur and provides insights on how to mitigate them.

Certain groups prefer static linking or mostly static linking for the sake of deployment convenience and performance. In scenarios where the distributed program contains a significant amount of code (related: software bloat), employing full or mostly static linking can result in very large executable files. Consequently, certain relocations may be close to the distance limit, and even a minor disruption can trigger relocation overflow linker errors.

Static linking

In this section, we will deviate slightly from the main topic to discuss static linking. Static linking involves copying dependencies directly into the final executable and is often preferred in certain scenarios due to its advantages in deployment convenience and performance.

By including all dependencies within the executable itself, it can run without relying on external shared objects. This eliminates the potential risks associated with updating dependencies separately.

Static linking also offers performance benefits in several aspects:

  • Link-time optimization is more effective when all dependencies are known. Providing shared object information during executable optimization is possible, but it may not be a worthwhile engineering effort.
  • Profiling techniques are more efficient dealing with one single executable.
  • The traditional ELF dynamic linking approach incurs overhead to support symbol interposition.
  • Dynamic linking involves PLT and GOT, which can introduce additional overhead. Static linking eliminates the overhead.
  • Loading libraries in the dynamic loader has a time complexity O(|libs|^2*|libname|). The existing implementations are designed to handle tens of shared objects, rather than a thousand or more.

Furthermore, the current lack of techniques to partition an executable into a few larger shared objects, as opposed to numerous smaller shared objects, exacerbates the overhead issue.

These performance benefits make static linking an attractive option in certain scenarios, where the convenience and performance gains outweigh the potential drawbacks.

Relocation overflow

We will use the following C program to illustrate the concepts.

int var;
int callee();
int caller() { return callee() + var; }

The generated x86-64 assembly may appear as follows, with comments indicating the relocation types associated with each instruction:

.globl caller
call [email protected] # R_X86_64_PLT32
add eax, dword ptr [rip + var] # R_X86_64_PC32

.globl var
var: .long 0

Both R_X86_64_PLT32 and R_X86_64_PC32 have a value range of [-2**31,2**31). If the referenced symbol is too far away from the relocated location, we may get a relocation overflow.

In practice, relocation overflows due to code referencing code are not common. The more frequent occurrences of overflows involve the following categories (where we use .text to represent code sections, .rodata for read-only data, and so on):

  • .text <-> .rodata
  • .text <-> .eh_frame: .eh_frame has 32-bit offsets. 64-bit code offsets are possible, but I don't know if an implementation exists.
  • .text <-> .bss
  • .rodata <-> .bss

In many programs, .text <-> .data/.bss relocations have the stringent constraints. Overflows due to .text <-> .rodata relocations are possible but rare (although I have encountered such issues in the past). Typically, .rodata tends to be larger than the combined .data and .bss.

.rodata <-> .bss overflows are generally infrequent. However, caution must be exercised when working with metadata .quad label-. instead of .long label-.. Such issues can be easily addressed on the compiler side.

The current section layout of ld.lld is as follows:


One notable distinction from GNU ld is that .rodata precedes .text. This ordering decreases the distance between .text and .data/.bss, thereby alleviating relocation overflow pressure for references from .text to .data/.bss.

For handling .eh_frame, I suggest compiling with the -fno-asynchronous-unwind-tables option. .eh_frame is used by runtime support for C++ exceptions. Many programs don't utilitize exceptions, making .eh_frame non-mandatory. For profiling purposes, the limitations of the .eh_frame format have become apparent, and it is not the most suitable unwinding format.


The x86-64 psABI defines multiple code models. The small code model is the one we are most familiar with. In the small code model, symbols are required to be located within the range [0, 2**31 - 2**24).

The medium code model introduces large data sections such as .lrodata, .ldata, .lbss, and uses movabs instructions to access them. GCC providess several variants for .ldata, including .ldata.rel, .ldata.rel.local,, and

Linkers are expected to recognize these large data sections and place them in appropriate locations. GNU ld uses the following section layout in its internal linker scripts:

.rodata # if -z separate-code, MAXPAGESIZE alignment
.lrodata # MAXPAGESIZE alignment
.ldata # MAXPAGESIZE alignment

GNU ld places .lbss, .lrodata, .ldata after .bss and inserts 2 MAXPAGESIZE alignments for .lrodata and .ldata.

.lbss is placed immediately after .bss, creating a single BSS, i.e. a read-write PT_LOAD program header with p_filesz<p_memsz. The file image in the segment is smaller than the memory image. When the dynamic loader creates the memory image for the PT_LOAD segment, it will set the byte range [p_filesz,p_memsz) to zeros. However, there is a missing optimization that the [p_filesz,p_memsz) portion occupies zero bytes in the object file, preventing overlap between .lrodata and BSS in the file image.

For ld.lld, I am contemplating the following section layout:

.text # if --ro-segment, MAXPAGESIZE alignment
.data # MAXPAGESIZE alignment
.ldata # MAXPAGESIZE alignment

GCC generates both regular and large data sections with -mcmodel=medium. This is decided by a section size threshold (-mlarge-data-threshold). In practice, programs always mix object files built from small and medium/large code models (just think of prebuilt object files including libc). The large data sections built with -mcmodel=large do not exert relocation pressure on sections in object files with -mcmodel=small

However, GCC only generates regular data sections with -mcmodel=large. -mlarge-data-threshold is ignored. As a result, the data sections built with -mcmodel=large may exert relocation pressure on sections in object files with -mcmodel=small.

I propose that we make -mcmodel=large respect -mlarge-data-threshold and generate large data sections as well. I posted a GCC patch and Uros Bizjak asked me to discuss the issue with the x86-64 psABI group. So I created Large data sections for the large code model.


Likewise, the psABI defines multiple code models. The small code model allows for a maximum text segment size of 2GiB and a maximum combined span of text and data segments of 4GiB. For small position-independent code (pic), there is an additional restriction on the size of the Global Offset Table (GOT), which must be smaller than 32KiB. The maximum combined span of text and data segments is larger than that of x86-64.

Linked object file sizes for AArch64 and x86-64 are comparable, but AArch64 linked object files are more resistant to relocation overflows.

For .text <-> .rodata and .text <-> .bss references, x86-64 uses R_X86_64_REX_GOTPCRELX/R_X86_64_PC32 relocations, which have a smaller range [-2**31,2**31). In contrast, AArch64 employs R_AARCH64_ADR_PREL_PG_HI21 relocations, which has a doubled range of [-2**32,2**32). This larger range makes it unlikely for AArch64 to encounter relocation overflow issues before the binary becomes excessively oversized for x86-64.

bl      callee              // R_AARCH64_CALL26
adrp x8, var // R_AARCH64_ADR_PREL_PG_HI21
ldr w8, [x8, :lo12:var] // R_AARCH64_LDST32_ABS_LO12_NC

Note: if callee is far away from caller, the linker will generate a range extension thunk.

GCC and Clang don't implement -mcmodel=large for PIC. This makes sense as we haven't identified a use case yet.


There are several strategies to mitigate relocation overflow issues.

  • Make the program smaller by reducing code and data size.
  • Partition the large monolithic executable into the main executable and a few shared objects.
  • Use linker script commands INSERT BEFORE and INSERT AFTER to reorder output sections.

Debug information

For large executables, it is possible to encounter DWARF32 limitation. I will address this topic in another article.
