Cerbero Suite 6.5 and Cerbero Engine 3.5 are out!
2023-5-31 15:43:29 Author: blog.cerbero.io(查看原文) 阅读量:19 收藏

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We have released Cerbero Suite 6.5 and Cerbero Engine 3.5. What follows is a list of the most important new features.

HybridAnalysis Intelligence

We have released the HybridAnalysis Intelligence package for all commercial licenses of Cerbero Suite Advanced. Once the package is installed, you can search malware samples on the Hybrid Analysis cloud.

ISO Format

We have released the ISO Format package for all licenses of Cerbero Suite Standard and Advanced.

PList Format

We have released the PList Format package for all licenses of Cerbero Suite Standard and Advanced. This package provides support for Apple’s property list files.

PList files can be either XML files or binary files: both formats are supported.

CRX Format

We have released the CRX Format package for all licenses of Cerbero Suite Standard and Advanced. This package provides support for the Chrome extension format.

The package also allows to download Chrome extensions by their public URL.

Chrome extensions can be downloaded either from the main window or from the analysis workspace action.

WScript module documentation

We have documented the WScript module which provides the API for parsing Windows Script files such as VBS, VBE, JS and JSE.

文章来源: https://blog.cerbero.io/?p=2728