SQL Injection in The HTTP Custom Header
2023-6-20 19:11:51 Author: infosecwriteups.com(查看原文) 阅读量:21 收藏

yoshi m lutfi

InfoSec Write-ups

It has been a long time since my last write-up. in this short write up I wanna share my last year's findings about SQL Injection that I found in the custom HTTP header request.

So, I was doing my API penetration testing for a target. let's say redacted.com and after successful login, the request has one more HTTP header in the request, User header, and the value is a username that login to the application.

POST /abcd/abcd
Authorization: token
Host: redacted.com
User: user.abc
Postman-Token: token

{body request}

Now, I try to change the username for IDOR possibility but the server validates it by giving a message with a 500 internal error code and an error message that cannot get this API access.

Error message when changing the User value

Because this parameter is validated it is potential also for SQL Injection, so I put basic SQL Injection to the request ‘ OR 1=1- - and send the request and with ease, the server accepts the request and gives valid information. No way :D

The request was accepted by the server

Okay, we got a valid SQL Injection and of course sqlmap will do the rest. But with this vulnerability, it turns out that we can also request to the server without an authorization token.

Successful request without Authorization token

I hope you can take some points from my write-up, and I am sorry for being inactive for a couple of months. Have a nice day and keep learning!

文章来源: https://infosecwriteups.com/sql-injection-in-the-http-custom-header-fd117ba1435e?source=rss----7b722bfd1b8d--bug_bounty