In this example we will install bme280 driver:

$ nuget install Meadow.Foundation.Sensors.Atmospheric.Bme280

Next we need to edit our Blink.csproj to use it:

    <PackageReference Include="Meadow.F7" Version="*" />
    <PackageReference Include="Meadow.Foundation" Version="*" />
    <PAckageReference Include="Meadow.Foundation.Sensors.Atmospheric.Bme280" Version="*" />

This is an example to use bme280:

using Meadow;
using Meadow.Devices;
using Meadow.Foundation;
using Meadow.Foundation.Leds;
using Meadow.Peripherals.Leds;
using Meadow.Units;
using Meadow.Foundation.Sensors.Atmospheric;
using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace MeadowApp
    // Change F7FeatherV2 to F7FeatherV1 for V1.x boards
    public class MeadowApp : App<F7FeatherV2>
	Bme280 _bme280;

        public override Task Initialize()

	    var i2cBus = Device.CreateI2cBus();
	    _bme280 = new Bme280(i2cBus);

            return base.Initialize();

        public override Task Run()


            while (true)
                Resolver.Log.Info($"{_bme280.Pressure.GetValueOrDefault(new Pressure(0, Pressure.UnitType.Psi)).Psi}");
                //await Task.Delay(1000);