综上,为了减少创建和验证有效指令(instructions)所涉及的人力和困难度,我们提出了使用LLMs自动生成和选择指令(instructions)的新算法,这本质属于“自然语言合成(natural language program synthesis)”的理论范畴,算法采用黑盒优化的方法,基于LLM来自动生成,并启发式地搜索可行的候选解决方案。
我们将我们的算法称为“自动提示工程师(Automatic Prompt Engineer,APE)”。
我们考虑一个由采样的输入/输出数据集 Dtrain = {(Q, A)} 表示的任务,这个数据集 Dtrain 从 X 中采样得到,提示模型记为 M。
找到单个指令 ρ ,使得当向 M 输入[ρ;Q]时,M 产生相应的输出 A。
更正式地说,我们将其形式化化为一个优化问题,我们寻求指令 ρ 来最大化的期望值:
更一般的情况下,Q 可能是空字符串,因此我们优化 ρ 作为promp直接产生输出{A}。
Figure 1:
(a) Our method, Automatic Prompt Engineer (APE), automatically generates instructions for a task that is specified via output demonstrations: it generates several instruction candidates, either via direct inference or a recursive process based on semantic similarity, executes them using the target model, and selects the most appropriate instruction based on computed evaluation scores.
(b) As measured by the interquartile mean across the 24 NLP tasks introduced by Honovich et al. (2022), APE is able to surpass human performance when using the InstructGPT model (Ouyang et al., 2022).
但NLP的最新进展已经表明语言模型非常擅长生成不同的自然语言文本。因此,我们考虑利用预训练的LLM来提出一组好的候选解决方案 U,以指导我们的搜索程序。虽然LLM产生的随机样本不太可能刚好产生所需的 (Q, A)对,但我们可以要求LLM近似推断出最有可能的高分指令(instructions with high score)。
假设已知:输入/输出;从 P(ρ | Dtrain, f(ρ) )中进行近似采样
我们考虑以下几种方法从 P(ρ | Dtrain, f(ρ) is high) 生成高质量候选者。
我们采用基于“forward”模式,将分布 P(ρ | Dtrain, f(ρ) is high) 翻译成单词。如下图2所示。
Figure 2: Prompts for LLMs with forward mode
但这种模式也存在问题,即将 P(ρ | Dtrain, f(ρ) is high) 转化为文字需要跨越不同的任务进行工程定制,灵活度存在很大问题。
因此,我们希望有一种更灵活的方法,以便指令(instruction)可以位于文本中的任何位置。为了解决这个问题,我们考虑“reverse”模式,它使用具有填充能力( infilling capabilities)的LLM(例如:T5、GLM、InsertGPT),推断缺少的指令。
我们的“reverse”模式,通过从 P(ρ | Dtrain, f(ρ) is high) 直接采样,以此来填充空白处的指令(instruction),如下图3所示,
Figure 3: Prompts for LLMs with reverse mode
Figure 4: Prompts for LLMs with customized prompts
为了应对这种挑战,我们需要对 U 进行循环迭代重采样。
我们称这种迭代搜索过程为迭代APE(iterative APE)。
所以,一般情况下,我们默认使用不带迭代搜索的 APE。
本节探讨 APE 如何指导 LLM 达到所需的行为,我们从四个方面展开研究讨论:
我们的实验表明 APE 可以找到改进任务表现的prompt,同时,AP还经常会提出一些富有洞察力的技巧,帮助我们最好地提示语言模型,以适配到新任务上。
对于每个任务,我们从训练数据中采样五个输入-输出对,并使用算法1选择最佳指令。然后,我们通过在InstructGPT 3上执行指令来评估指令的质量。我们用不同的方法重复实验五次,们将我们的方法与两个基线进行比较:人类提示工程师以及Honovich等人提出的模型生成指令算法。
Zero-shot test accuracy on 24 Instruction Induction tasks. APE achieves human-level or better performance on all 24 out of 24 tasks.
(Left) Quality of the proposal distribution of models with different size as assessed by test execution accuracy.
(Right) Iterative Monte Carlo search improves the quality of the instruction candidates at each round.
提案质量在选择中重要吗? 如果我们从LLM那里抽取更多的候选指令,那么我们就更有可能找到更好的指令。
为了验证这个假设,我们增加采样大小从 4 增加到 128,并评估测试精度的变化,如下图所示。
(Left) Test execution of the best instruction as we increase the number of instruction candidates. We report the mean and standard deviation across 6 different tasks. (Middle) Spearman Correlation between the test accuracy and two metrics on 24 tasks.
(Right) Test execution accuracy of the best instruction selected using APE and iterative APE (APE (IT)).
上图表明,迭代搜索略微提高了 APE 相对人类表现不佳的任务的性能,但在其他任务上取得了相似的表现。迭代搜索对于具备良好初始 U 的挑战性任务最有用。
大型语言模型可以看作是执行通过自然语言提示编写的程序的通用计算机。而其中的关键问题就是如何将人类的指令意图转化为大语言模型能够理解的指令(prompt instruction)。
并且。 由于最近的LLM展示了遵循人类指令的令人印象深刻的能力,我们期望许多未来的模型(包括用于正式程序合成的模型),都具有自然语言界面。
from automatic_prompt_engineer import ape words = ["sane", "direct", "informally", "unpopular", "subtractive", "nonresidential", "inexact", "uptown", "incomparable", "powerful", "gaseous", "evenly", "formality", "deliberately", "off"] antonyms = ["insane", "indirect", "formally", "popular", "additive", "residential", "exact", "downtown", "comparable", "powerless", "solid", "unevenly", "informality", "accidentally", "on"] eval_template = \ """Instruction: [PROMPT] Input: [INPUT] Output: [OUTPUT]""" result, demo_fn = ape.simple_ape( dataset=(words, antonyms), eval_template=eval_template, ) print("result: ", result) print("demo_fn: ", demo_fn)
prompt_gen_template: I gave a friend an instruction. Based on the instruction they produced the following input-output pairs: [full_DEMO] The instruction was to [APE] ... eval_template: Instruction: [PROMPT] Input: [INPUT] Output: [OUTPUT] ... ... demos_template: Input: [INPUT] Output: [OUTPUT] ... prompt_gen_template: I gave a friend an instruction. Based on the instruction they produced the following input-output pairs: [full_DEMO] The instruction was to [APE] ... queries: ['I gave a friend an instruction. Based on the instruction they produced the following input-output pairs:\n\nInput: sane\nOutput: insane\n\nInput: incomparable\nOutput: comparable\n\nInput: formality\nOutput: informality\n\nInput: subtractive\nOutput: additive\n\nInput: direct\nOutput: indirect\n\nThe instruction was to [APE]'] queries: ['I gave a friend an instruction. Based on the instruction they produced the following input-output pairs:\n\nInput: sane\nOutput: insane\n\nInput: incomparable\nOutput: comparable\n\nInput: formality\nOutput: informality\n\nInput: subtractive\nOutput: additive\n\nInput: direct\nOutput: indirect\n\nThe instruction was to [APE]', 'I gave a friend an instruction. Based on the instruction they produced the following input-output pairs:\n\nInput: unpopular\nOutput: popular\n\nInput: sane\nOutput: insane\n\nInput: off\nOutput: on\n\nInput: incomparable\nOutput: comparable\n\nInput: formality\nOutput: informality\n\nThe instruction was to [APE]'] queries: ['I gave a friend an instruction. Based on the instruction they produced the following input-output pairs:\n\nInput: sane\nOutput: insane\n\nInput: incomparable\nOutput: comparable\n\nInput: formality\nOutput: informality\n\nInput: subtractive\nOutput: additive\n\nInput: direct\nOutput: indirect\n\nThe instruction was to [APE]', 'I gave a friend an instruction. Based on the instruction they produced the following input-output pairs:\n\nInput: unpopular\nOutput: popular\n\nInput: sane\nOutput: insane\n\nInput: off\nOutput: on\n\nInput: incomparable\nOutput: comparable\n\nInput: formality\nOutput: informality\n\nThe instruction was to [APE]', 'I gave a friend an instruction. Based on the instruction they produced the following input-output pairs:\n\nInput: uptown\nOutput: downtown\n\nInput: sane\nOutput: insane\n\nInput: deliberately\nOutput: accidentally\n\nInput: subtractive\nOutput: additive\n\nInput: nonresidential\nOutput: residential\n\nThe instruction was to [APE]'] queries: ['I gave a friend an instruction. Based on the instruction they produced the following input-output pairs:\n\nInput: sane\nOutput: insane\n\nInput: incomparable\nOutput: comparable\n\nInput: formality\nOutput: informality\n\nInput: subtractive\nOutput: additive\n\nInput: direct\nOutput: indirect\n\nThe instruction was to [APE]', 'I gave a friend an instruction. Based on the instruction they produced the following input-output pairs:\n\nInput: unpopular\nOutput: popular\n\nInput: sane\nOutput: insane\n\nInput: off\nOutput: on\n\nInput: incomparable\nOutput: comparable\n\nInput: formality\nOutput: informality\n\nThe instruction was to [APE]', 'I gave a friend an instruction. Based on the instruction they produced the following input-output pairs:\n\nInput: uptown\nOutput: downtown\n\nInput: sane\nOutput: insane\n\nInput: deliberately\nOutput: accidentally\n\nInput: subtractive\nOutput: additive\n\nInput: nonresidential\nOutput: residential\n\nThe instruction was to [APE]', 'I gave a friend an instruction. Based on the instruction they produced the following input-output pairs:\n\nInput: unpopular\nOutput: popular\n\nInput: informally\nOutput: formally\n\nInput: sane\nOutput: insane\n\nInput: deliberately\nOutput: accidentally\n\nInput: uptown\nOutput: downtown\n\nThe instruction was to [APE]'] queries: ['I gave a friend an instruction. Based on the instruction they produced the following input-output pairs:\n\nInput: sane\nOutput: insane\n\nInput: incomparable\nOutput: comparable\n\nInput: formality\nOutput: informality\n\nInput: subtractive\nOutput: additive\n\nInput: direct\nOutput: indirect\n\nThe instruction was to [APE]', 'I gave a friend an instruction. Based on the instruction they produced the following input-output pairs:\n\nInput: unpopular\nOutput: popular\n\nInput: sane\nOutput: insane\n\nInput: off\nOutput: on\n\nInput: incomparable\nOutput: comparable\n\nInput: formality\nOutput: informality\n\nThe instruction was to [APE]', 'I gave a friend an instruction. Based on the instruction they produced the following input-output pairs:\n\nInput: uptown\nOutput: downtown\n\nInput: sane\nOutput: insane\n\nInput: deliberately\nOutput: accidentally\n\nInput: subtractive\nOutput: additive\n\nInput: nonresidential\nOutput: residential\n\nThe instruction was to [APE]', 'I gave a friend an instruction. Based on the instruction they produced the following input-output pairs:\n\nInput: unpopular\nOutput: popular\n\nInput: informally\nOutput: formally\n\nInput: sane\nOutput: insane\n\nInput: deliberately\nOutput: accidentally\n\nInput: uptown\nOutput: downtown\n\nThe instruction was to [APE]', 'I gave a friend an instruction. Based on the instruction they produced the following input-output pairs:\n\nInput: nonresidential\nOutput: residential\n\nInput: subtractive\nOutput: additive\n\nInput: direct\nOutput: indirect\n\nInput: off\nOutput: on\n\nInput: sane\nOutput: insane\n\nThe instruction was to [APE]'] ... Generating prompts... prompts: [' produce antonyms.', ' reverse the input-output pairs.', ' "reverse the input."', ' produce an antonym for each word.', ' reverse the input-output pairs.', ' reverse the input-output pairs.', ' "reverse the input-output pairs."', ' reverse the input-output pairs.', ' "reverse the input."', ' reverse the input-output pairs.', ' reverse the input-output pairs.', ' reverse the input-output pairs.', ' reverse the input-output pairs.', ' reverse the input-output pairs.', ' reverse the word.', ' produce the opposite of the input.', ' give the opposite of the word given.', ' give the opposite of the word provided.', ' produce an output that is the opposite of the input.', ' reverse the word.', ' reverse the input-output pairs.', ' reverse the input-output pairs.', ' reverse the input.', ' reverse the word.', ' take the input and reverse it.', ' reverse the input-output pairs.', ' reverse the input-output pairs.', ' reverse the input-output pairs.', ' choose the antonym of the word given.', ' reverse the input-output pairs.', ' reverse the input-output pairs.', ' produce the opposite of the given word.', ' "give the antonym of the word."', ' reverse the word order.', ' give the opposite of the word provided.', ' reverse the input-output pairs.', ' reverse the word.', ' reverse the word.', ' "reverse the meaning" of the word.', ' "list antonyms".', ' take the inputted word and its antonym.', ' reverse the input.', ' take the opposite of the input.', ' reverse the input-output pairs.', ' reverse the input.', ' reverse the input.', ' reverse the input.', ' produce an antonym for each word.', ' produce antonyms.', ' take the input and reverse it.'] Model returned 50 prompts. Deduplicating... Deduplicated to 20 prompts. Evaluating prompts... res: score: prompt ---------------- -0.20: give the opposite of the word provided. -0.24: produce an antonym for each word. -0.24: give the opposite of the word given. -0.24: produce the opposite of the given word. -0.25: choose the antonym of the word given. -0.26: produce antonyms. -0.26: "give the antonym of the word." -0.36: "list antonyms". -0.40: "reverse the meaning" of the word. -0.50: take the opposite of the input. Finished evaluating. result: score: prompt ---------------- -0.20: give the opposite of the word provided. -0.24: produce an antonym for each word. -0.24: give the opposite of the word given. -0.24: produce the opposite of the given word. -0.25: choose the antonym of the word given. -0.26: produce antonyms. -0.26: "give the antonym of the word." -0.36: "list antonyms". -0.40: "reverse the meaning" of the word. -0.50: take the opposite of the input.