Post-AI Marketing – More Human than Ever
2023-7-28 16:41:4 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:13 收藏

At the end of 2022, I thought I was out of a job. That’s when I first logged into ChatGPT and asked it to write an article outline. I looked at a bot connecting words into logical sentences, formatting the outline with bolded text and bullet point lists. In the end, it even included a Style Guide for the writer with suggestions about the tone and complexity of the final draft. “Damn…” I thought. “Time to pack my bags.” The outline looked very solid. Some things were missing here or there, but nothing a human writer wouldn’t forget too. And the best part—all it took to generate it was a short prompt typed into a chat-like window. This felt like entering a whole new world of possibilities. I imagined this technology would be improving fast, giving us more content of better quality than ever before. My social media feed also....

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