Exploiting Non-Cloud SSRF for More Fun & Profit
2023-7-31 11:10:50 Author: infosecwriteups.com(查看原文) 阅读量:12 收藏

Basavaraj Banakar

InfoSec Write-ups

Hi Everyone, This is Basavaraj, Back again with another SSRF Writeup :) You can check my older writeups here https://basu-banakar.medium.com/

Let's jump in directly, while hunting on some random target in my spare time, I came across one subdomain where we can see the reports related to the company and marketing, I found one functionality where we can see the report in pdf format.

To see the report in PDF format

And after clicking on the PDF Button it made one request and the response looked like this.

request and response

Now quickly inserted one random URL ex: evil.com in the status_url param and got the response of that evil.com, Now I confirmed the Full Read SSRF.

Confirmed the full read SSRF

What next, Will check for local file read via file:/// protocol, Now added file:///etc/passwd and sent the request and the response is 403 by Akamai :(

WAF Blocked due to file protocol

Dropped this here, and went for internal port scanning for localhost, and scanned 1–10000 Ports by using intruder and successfully found 2 open ports i.e 25 and 9080

25 Port open with esmtp postfixservice
9080 Open with some random internal webserver

Now I thought this exploit is enough to report, And reported this to the company and their response was like this :)

Love these kinds of responses :)

Now I started exploring more about this issue on the same day like Trying other protocols like Gopher, trying to find internal IPs, internal hosts, etc but no success, one more bad luck is they are not using the cloud as well :(

Took a break for 2hrs and started exploring more about Akamai waf that blocking file:/// protocol and came to know that there will be a set of WAF rules which are blocking the common files like etc/passwd, etc/hosts, etc/shadow, etc. and I started exploring different file paths regarding centos and I was able to read some files successfully but found one interesting file i.e proc/net/arp


Now noted down all the internal IPs and built the two CIDR Ranges which look like this :)–255–255–255–255

Now I converted these CIDR ranges to IP addresses and I got 1024 IP addresses.

What next?

Now let's use intruder to brute force these IPs :) and the results were astonishing :)

got access to a random internal web server
Internal web server with directory listing enabled with some files

Now here comes the tricky part, Now in response of the below request, I searched for hostnames that belong to the target for example “.target.” and found some 6000+ results for example: some-internal-app.target.ad here I guess .ad represents an active directory

6000+ internal hostnames
example hostname

Now extracted all internal hostnames and started brute-forcing them again using intruder, Now this will be the end because as an attacker I could have takeover the company 😂

And here are the results :)

Internal web server :)
Some monitoring service
Internal mapping manager
Some internal login page
HAProxy Stats

And that's a wrap, I was able to access 1000+ web services that are running in the internal network of the company.

If you have any suspicious SSRF endpoint, Hit me up on Twitter/Instagram we can collab :)

Twitter : https://twitter.com/basu_banakar

Instagram: https://instagram.com/basu_banakar

文章来源: https://infosecwriteups.com/exploiting-non-cloud-ssrf-for-more-fun-profit-3597934518c8?source=rss----7b722bfd1b8d--bug_bounty