Bug Hunting on Autopilot, Free VPS Setup
2023-8-28 15:22:48 Author: infosecwriteups.com(查看原文) 阅读量:30 收藏

Om Arora

InfoSec Write-ups

Are you get tired of having to keep your PC on for hours for running the tools ?

Do you want to keep running tools without having your laptop on?

And even get notifications on your phone when you find something interesting?

You are at the right place!!

So What Is A VPS ?

Imagine you have a powerful computer that you can split into smaller parts. Each part acts like its own mini-computer with its own space and resources. This is similar to how a Virtual Private Server (VPS) works.

How Can it Help With Bug Bounties?

A VPS is like having a special remote computer that you can use just for these bug bounty hunts. It’s not a physical computer, but it works like one. With a VPS, you can set up tools and programs to automatically search for security issues in websites and apps. This lets you hunt for bugs even when you’re not using your personal computer, and it can run these tasks 24/7.

What are some of the platforms that provide VPS service ?

  1. AWS EC2
  2. DigitalOcean
  3. Linode
  4. Vultr
  5. Google Cloud Platform (GCP)
  6. Microsoft Azure
  7. Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI)
  8. UpCloud
  9. Hetzner Cloud

Are They Free?

These platforms provide a starting credit that is valid for 3–4 months after which you have to pay.

Today we will be using Digital Ocean because they provide a $200 credit for students which is valid for 1 whole year.

So all you need is a student email to get a free VPS and even if you can’t get one don’t worry you can use This Referral Link To get free $200 credit

So Let’s Get Started!

So first you need to create an account of course, if you are a student you can link your account with GitHub to claim the $200

If you are not a student you can use https://m.do.co/c/b5c80ea3da15 this referral link to create an account and get $200 credit and get started with the automation!

Once you are registered click on the Create button on the top right corner and select Droplets

Then It asks you to choose a region, choose the one you live closest to.

Now Select an image, I am going to use ubuntu

Now while selecting the plan you need to choose wisely, I will advice to start with the basic plan to get to know your needs and how much you use it.

Now in the authentication method I prefer password but again its your own choice.

Now you can create a password and make sure to remember it!

After finishing you can click the create droplet button to create your own box!

Once it’s Done, you would see your box’s IP on the dashboard.

To connect to your VPS, you can access via SSH. If you are using Mac or Unix-like system, just simply put in below command

ssh root@<your-vps-ip>

If you are using Windows, you might need to download putty to access via SSH.

After logging in, I advice to create a new user so that you don’t have to run everything as root.

You can use the screen command to keep the processes running even when your system is not turned on.

screen is a terminal multiplexer utility in Linux that allows you to create and manage multiple terminal sessions within a single terminal window or SSH session. It's particularly useful when working remotely, managing long-running processes, or handling multiple tasks simultaneously.

sudo apt-get install screen

To create a new screen:

screen -S new-screen-name

Then You can run the tool you want and exit the screen, the tool will keep running .

To join the screen:

screen -r name

To list all the screens:

screen -ls

To exit a screen use ctrl + A + D

In the world of bug bounty hunting, efficiency and automation are key to success. With the power of Virtual Private Servers (VPS), the journey becomes not only streamlined but also highly productive.VPS offers the freedom to run your bug bounty tools and scripts around the clock, increasing your chances of discovering vulnerabilities and securing those sought-after rewards.

That’s it for this blog, if you want to know how to create a notification system with this so that you get the notifications of the automation in your mobile do let me know.

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文章来源: https://infosecwriteups.com/bug-hunting-on-autopilot-free-vps-setup-1036bb1113a?source=rss----7b722bfd1b8d--bug_bounty