TrustCloud Product Updates: September 2023
2023-9-29 00:42:58 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:5 收藏

See what’s new in TrustCloud

Our team has been hard at work creating updates and new features just for you, see what we’ve been up to over the last month.

NEW: Prove the ROI of your security and privacy investments with TrustCloud Business Intelligence (BI)
TrustCloud Business Intelligence is here! Now, you can see and share key results from across your compliance, risk management, and sales acceleration programs to showcase ROI, prove value, plan your resources, and easily align with stakeholders. Learn more about TrustCloud Business Intelligence here.

AWS Builder Community Hub

BI For Governance & Compliance: See a comprehensive overview of your controls and frameworks with actionable insights to drive automation and assurance.


BI For Sales Acceleration: See how customers interact with your artifacts and understand how your security and privacy investments accelerate revenue.


BI For Risk Management & Executive Alignment: Translate GRC, security, and privacy outcomes to financial impact so you and your board can finally be on the same page.


Looking for Design Partners: Programmatic Third-Party Risk Assessments
Assess vendors from the inside out without slowing down your business. Verify your vendors with control-based programmatic risk assessments directly in TrustCloud. Sign up to join our design partner program here.

TrustOps: build and manage your security and privacy programs

Simplify evidence updates with Slack and Jira integrations

Slack Descriptive Tasks: Now your team can receive their tasks in Slack and see the details behind what evidence is required to quickly resolve the task.

Jira Query Links: Stop uploading tickets one by one, satisfy your evidence needs with one link that can pull in all of your connected tickets

Coming soon: Match and modify control IDs
Consistency is key to avoiding confusion! Soon, you’ll have the ability to edit your control IDs to match your auditors or reports.

Coming soon: Multiple evidence upload
Speed up your program maintenance by uploading multiple pieces of evidence with a single click.

TrustShare: pass security reviews and accelerate revenue

See real-time updates on your questionnaire processing status
Now you can see a clear ETA on your processing status and have 100% confidence that your questionnaire was completed successfully.

Wow customers with your custom trust portal
First impressions are everything, here are a few tips to stand out:

  1. Customize your trust portal domain to better match your brand
  2. Link directly to your audit partner’s website
  3. Show them what’s next! Add the certifications you’re actively pursuing
  4. See how to update these settings and more here.

See how to update these settings and more here.

Coming soon: Publish updates to your newsfeed
Help your customers keep track of what’s new by sharing updates on your live newsfeed.

TrustRegister: manage risks and reduce liability

Customize your risk levels and formulas
Risk programs aren’t one-size-fits-all. They should be tailored to meet your specific needs, now you can customize your risk levels and formulas to best suit your requirements. Learn more.

Complex treatment plan ➡ Simple tasks
Automatically see the who, what, and when of your treatment plans. TrustCloud breaks down your treatment plans into action-oriented tasks so your team can take swift action. Learn more.

Coming soon: Instant residual risk calculation
See the impact your treatment plans and controls have on your residual risk instantly.

Did you know that you can see every update we’ve ever made? Check out our Changelogs to see the full list of our releases.  

The post TrustCloud Product Updates: September 2023 first appeared on TrustCloud.

*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from TrustCloud authored by Tejas Ranade. Read the original post at:
