2023-9-26 16:34:39 Author: mp.weixin.qq.com(查看原文) 阅读量:4 收藏



(全称 The ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security)






ACM CCS与IEEE S&P、USENIX Security、NDSS并列称为系统安全领域的四大国际顶级学术会议






Understanding and Detecting Abused Image Hosting Modules as Malicious Services

论文作者:Geng Hong, Mengying Wu, Pei Chen, Xiaojing Liao, Guoyi Ye, Min Yang

As a new type of underground ecosystem, the exploitation of Abused IHMs as Malicious services (AIMIEs) is becoming increasingly prevalent among miscreants to host illegal images and propagate harmful content. However, there has been little effort to understand this new menace, in terms of its magnitude, impact, and techniques, not to mention any serious effort to detect vulnerable image hosting modules on a large scale. To fulfill this gap, this paper presents the first measurement study of AIMIEs. By collecting and analyzing 89 open-sourced AIMIEs, we reveal the landscape of AIMIEs, report the evolution and evasiveness of abused image hosting APIs from reputable companies such as Alibaba, Tencent, and Bytedance, and identify real-world abused images uploaded through those AIMIEs. In addition, we propose a tool, called Viola, to detect vulnerable image hosting modules (IHMs) in the wild. We find 477 vulnerable IHM upload APIs associated with 338 web services, which integrated vulnerable IHMs, and 207 victim FQDNs. The highest-ranked domain with vulnerable web service is baidu.com, followed by bilibili.com and 163.com. We have reported abused and vulnerable IHM upload APIs and received acknowledgments from 69 of them by the time of paper submission.


NestFuzz: Enhancing Fuzzing with Comprehensive Understanding of Input Processing Logic

论文作者:Peng Deng, Zhemin Yang, Lei Zhang, Guangliang Yang, Wenzheng Hong, Yuan Zhang, Min Yang

Fuzzing is one of the most popular and practical techniques for security analysis. In this work, we aim to address the critical problem of high-quality input generation with a novel input-aware fuzzing approach called NestFuzz. NestFuzz can universally and automatically model input format specifications and generate valid input.

The key observation behind NestFuzz is that the code semantics of the target program always highly imply the required input formats. Hence, NestFuzz applies fine-grained program analysis to understand the input processing logic, especially the dependencies across different input fields and substructures. To this end, we design a novel data structure, namely Input Processing Tree, and a new cascading dependency-aware mutation strategy to drive the fuzzing.

Our evaluation of 20 intensively-tested popular programs shows that NestFuzz is effective and practical. In comparison with the state-of-the-art fuzzers (AFL, AFLFast, AFL++, MOpt, AFLSmart, WEIZZ, ProFuzzer, and TIFF), NestFuzz achieves outperformance in terms of both code coverage and security vulnerability detection. NestFuzz finds 46 vulnerabilities that are both unique and serious. Until the moment this paper is written, 39 have been confirmed and 37 have been assigned with CVE-ids.


SyzDirect: Directed Greybox Fuzzing for Linux Kernel

论文作者:Xin Tan, Yuan Zhang, Jiadong Lu, Xin Xiong, Zhuang Liu, Min Yang

Bug reports and patch commits are dramatically increasing for OS kernels, incentivizing a critical need for kernel-level bug reproduction and patch testing. Directed greybox fuzzing (DGF), aiming to stress-test a specific part of code, is a promising approach for bug reproduction and patch testing. However, the existing DGF methods exclusively target user-space applications, presenting intrinsic limitations in handling OS kernels. In particular, these methods cannot pinpoint the appropriate system calls and the needed syscall parameter values to reach the target location, resulting in low efficiency and waste of resources.

In this paper, we present SyzDirect, a DGF solution for the Linux kernel. With a novel, scalable static analysis of the Linux kernel, SyzDirect identifies valuable information such as correct system calls and conditions on their arguments to reach the target location. During fuzzing, SyzDirect utilizes the static analysis results to guide the generation and mutation of test cases, followed by leveraging distance-based feedback for seed prioritization and power scheduling. We evaluated SyzDirect on upstream Linux kernels for bug reproduction and patch testing. The results show that SyzDirect can reproduce 320% more bugs and reach 25.6% more target patches than generic kernel fuzzers. It also improves the speed of bug reproduction and patch reaching by a factor of 154.3 and 680.9, respectively.


Under the Dark: A Systematical Study of Stealthy Mining Pools (Ab)use in the Wild

论文作者:Zhenrui Zhang∗, Geng Hong∗, Xiang Li, Zhuoqun Fu, Jia Zhang, Mingxuan Liu, Chuhan Wang, Jianjun Chen, Baojun Liu, Haixin Duan, Chao Zhang, Min Yang

Cryptocurrency mining is a crucial operation in blockchains, and miners often join mining pools to increase their chances of earning rewards. However, the energy-intensive nature of PoW cryptocurrency mining has led to its ban in New York State of the United States, China, and India. As a result, mining pools, serving as a central hub for mining activities, have become prime targets for regulatory enforcement. Furthermore, cryptojacking malware refers to self-owned stealthy mining pools to evade detection techniques and conceal profit wallet addresses. However, no systematic research has been conducted to analyze it, largely due to a lack of full understanding of the protocol implementation, usage, and port distribution of the stealth mining pool.

To the best of our knowledge, we carry out the first large-scale and longitudinal measurement research of stealthy mining pools to fill this gap. We report 7,629 stealthy mining pools among 59 countries. Further, we study the inner mechanisms of stealthy mining pools. By examining the 19,601 stealthy mining pool domains and IPs, our analysis reveals that stealthy mining pools carefully craft their domain semantics, protocol support, and lifespan to provide underground, user-friendly, and robust mining services. What’s worse, we uncover a strong correlation between stealthy mining pools and malware, with 23.3% of them being labeled as malicious. Besides, we evaluate the tricks used to evade state-of-the-art mining detection, including migrating domain name resolution methods, leveraging the botnet, and enabling TLS encryption. Finally, we conduct a qualitative study to evaluate the profit gains of malicious cryptomining activities through the stealthy pool from an insider perspective. Our results show that criminals have the potential to earn more than 1 million USD per year, boasting an average ROI of 2,750%. We have informed the relevant ISPs about uncovered stealthy mining pools and have received their acknowledgments.








文章来源: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzU4NzUxOTI0OQ==&mid=2247487006&idx=1&sn=218b96cea15748b409d12cc5bb2bcc07&chksm=fdeb8a60ca9c0376dfffc27b360ebc1f663a8761284747af6115ee7dea8509f56fedb0bc4f24&scene=58&subscene=0#rd