‍IW Weekly #79: RCE in Google Chrome, CVE-2023–40044, OIDC misconfiguration to ATO, accessing…
2023-10-3 00:18:0 Author: infosecwriteups.com(查看原文) 阅读量:13 收藏

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That’s all for this week. Hope you enjoyed these incredible finds and learned something new from today’s newsletter. Meet you again next week hacker, until then keep pushing 💪

This newsletter would not have been made possible without our amazing ambassadors.

Resource contribution by: Nikhil A Memane, Hardik Singh, Ayush Singh, Manikesh Singh, Vinay Kumar, Tuhin Bose, Manan, Shlok, Rachit Arora

Newsletter formatting by: Manan, Ayush Singh, Hardik Singh, Rushi Padhiyar, Nithin R, Shlok, Rachit Arora

Lots of love‌
‌Editorial team,‌
Infosec Writeups

‌PS: Past performance is not indicative of future returns, Investing involves risk. See disclosures masterworks.com/cd‌‌


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文章来源: https://infosecwriteups.com/iw-weekly-79-rce-in-google-chrome-cve-2023-40044-oidc-misconfiguration-to-ato-accessing-56069aa4de99?source=rss----7b722bfd1b8d---4