Finish Strong, Start Fast: DataDome’s US Sales Team
2023-10-19 21:15:33 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:4 收藏

Promoting From Within

Matt Bour, Commercial Account Executive

Matt Bour joined DataDome in February 2023 as an enterprise business development representative. Since joining, not only has he smashed his objectives, he’s positioned himself as a leader and driving force within the US BDR team. He embodies DataDome’s four core values—Passion, Growth, Customer Centricity, and Team Spirit—and takes every opportunity to go above and beyond in efforts to better himself and his peers. For these reasons, Matt was promoted to commercial account executive in early October 2023!

Based in New York City, Matt chooses to go into the office three days a week. DataDome’s US HQ, located in the heart of Soho, is home to many functions at DataDome including sales, marketing, finance, people operations, strategy, and executive leadership. He explains “going to the office never feels like an act of labor because I know I have my people there. Having this level of exposure and ability to wear many hats helps me stay agile, aids immensely in my professional development, and provides me with a stronger business IQ in general.”

When asked about his experience during the end-of-year sales training, Matt says his biggest takeaway was the tone of cross-team collaborative sessions with Benjamin Fabre (Co-founder & CEO), Chris Raneire (Chief Revenue Officer), Aurelie Guerrieri (Chief Marketing Officer), and Andrew Hendry (Sr. Director of Product Marketing). After their informative presentations on product roadmaps, upcoming events, and feedback sessions to enhance the overall sales journey, Matt explains everyone pulled up chairs in a circle to discuss. From executives, to BDRs and AEs, every voice was heard and every idea was equal.

The executive team is so aligned in transforming and ensuring the outbound US sales process has every piece in place to succeed. Having most of the C-Suite in-person with us showcases that devotion.

—Matt Bour, Commercial Account Executive

Another key takeaway was learning more in-depth about DataDome’s growth journey—from its origination in 2015 to now—from Nicolas Tenacci, US Lead AE, who moved from Paris to NYC years ago to establish our sales presence in the states. Through stories similar to Nicolas’, it is obvious DataDome has been transformative and instrumental not only in professional lives, but personally as well.

As our team continues to expand, Matt explains, “future new joiners would want to join our team because when an idea sprouts, from any department, it is all hands on deck to execute priorities. Not only does our executive team hear us, they act quickly. We outperform Q4 year after year, which shows the amount of growth and career opportunity when joining the BotBusters.”

Be a Part of DataDome’s Growth

This year alone, the New York City office doubled in size and we recently celebrated the move into a new office space. Hiring diligent, hungry, passionate sales professionals is—and will continue to be—a priority for DataDome. We are actively hiring account executives and enterprise business development representatives!

The immense growth we’ve experienced clearly shows the level of opportunity available to current BotBusters and future new joiners. As we approach the end of the year, forecasting shows DataDome has a very exciting path forward. New customers are adopting our award-winning solutions and services, and new joiners are uniting in our mission to free the web from fraudulent traffic.

Our values—Team Spirit, Growth, Passion, and Customer Centricity—remain the foundation of our DNA. If they speak to you, we encourage you to apply to an open position or spontaneous application today!
