Where Do Ransomware Gangs Reside in the Dark Web?
2023-10-24 04:15:51 Author: hakin9.org(查看原文) 阅读量:16 收藏

This article will provide a guided tour through the techniques employed by cybercriminals, their hiding places, and their unfortunate victims. To complete our exploration, we will utilize the Tor browser to uncover the information they expose when companies refuse to yield to their extortion demands. Good day! Any issues today? Applications aren't working, servers are experiencing problems, files are encrypted, they're demanding payment in cryptocurrencies, and they're threatening to expose our information! Anything else? We can't tend to our customers and suppliers, and we have no idea what's going on! It can only be one thing... Ransomware. In the blink of an eye, a company, regardless of its industry or size, could be compromised to such an extent that it can no longer operate. Sales plummet, and the negative impact reverberates through the media and social networks. Let's start by getting to know the enemy. Ransomware is a type of....

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文章来源: https://hakin9.org/where-do-ransomware-gangs-reside-in-the-dark-web/