Bug Bounty Hunting — Essential Tools and Techniques
2023-10-30 03:1:13 Author: infosecwriteups.com(查看原文) 阅读量:10 收藏

Security Lit Limited

InfoSec Write-ups

Welcome to the Bug Bounty series where we explore the exciting world of ethical hacking. In this blog post, we will dive into the essential tools and techniques used by bug bounty hunters. Based on popular demand, we will take a closer look at Kali Linux as the operating system and Burp Suite Community Edition as the primary tool.

When it comes to bug bounty hunting, Burp Suite is an invaluable tool. With its intercepting proxy functionality, you can intercept and modify requests, making it easier to spot vulnerabilities. The automated vulnerability detection feature saves both time and effort by scanning for common security issues. To enable proxies for Burp Suite, we recommend using Foxy Proxy. It allows you to direct traffic through Burp Suite and perform efficient spidering to uncover potential vulnerabilities. Another helpful tool is Cookie Editor, which allows you to edit cookies for authentication testing. Lastly, BuiltWith provides valuable information about the languages and technologies used on a website, giving you insights into potential vulnerabilities.

To discover web content, we rely on fuzzing tools like w fuzz. With a comprehensive word list, this tool helps uncover hidden directories and filenames on web application servers. For brute forcing directories and file names, you can use tools like derp or dare buster, which automate the process and save you valuable time. Additionally, subdomain enumeration is crucial in bug bounty hunting. Tools like nocpy and sublister allow you to identify subdomains associated with the target domain. Combined with word lists, sublister and knock provide comprehensive subdomain enumeration.

To expand your arsenal, set lists are a must-have tool for any bug bounty hunter. These lists contain usernames, passwords, URLs, fuzzing strings, and common directories of files and subdomains. Cyclist, a security tester’s companion, is a collection of multiple types of lists used during security assessments. Additionally, web crawling tools like Scrappy can replace the spidering functionality of Burp Suite. Utilizing Python, Scrappy…

文章来源: https://infosecwriteups.com/bug-bounty-hunting-essential-tools-and-techniques-e01e8c68352e?source=rss----7b722bfd1b8d--bug_bounty