This Simple Hack Reveals Who’s Selling Your Data
2023-11-11 16:7:23 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:11 收藏

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Tom Philippe

InfoSec Write-ups

In an era where personal data has become a valuable commodity, concerns about data privacy have reached new heights. We all want control over our data yet we all know most companies are selling it. In this article, we explore a simple yet powerful trick to find out which companies sell our data, or even better, which companies were breached and leaked our data, sometimes discovering the breach before the company itself.

In the vast landscape of online interactions, your digital footprint is a trail of personal data left behind with every click, every keystroke. Keeping track of who has access to your data is a daunting problem.

The simple hack allows you to reveal the entities that might be trading your information. Its simplicity lies in its accessibility, making it an effective method for individuals concerned about their privacy, giving them insights into who may be accessing and selling this sensitive information.

This hack revolves around the concept of using unique email addresses for different online services. By adding a specific identifier to your email address when signing up for various platforms, you create a traceable link between your data and the service that may be responsible for any potential data breaches.

In the following section, we will provide you with a step-by-step guide on implementing this simple yet potent hack, enabling you to take charge of your digital privacy, and shine a light on who exactly uses, or misuses your data.

A myriad of online services who collect your data. Image from Vecteezy

Let’s see how you can implement this technique to uncover who might be selling your data.

Step 1: Create Unique Email Addresses

Begin by generating unique email addresses for each online service you use. Although it may seem like a challenging task, you actually do not need to create a new email address for every service you subscribe to. Using the “+” sign at the end of your email identifier, before the “@” allows you to…
