Virtual Networking Rooms @ IWCON 2023 Now Open
2023-11-14 21:31:57 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:9 收藏

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InfoSec Write-ups

InfoSec Write-ups

Hello hacker,

The best part of attending a security conference is networking.

You get exposure to hundreds of security professionals, bug bounty hunters, and students from all over the world. You walk around, talk with a few, exchange contact details, and make lifelong friendships.

These friendships can later turn into potential collaborations and shared projects.

After all, it’s true when they say, your net worth = network.

But what about attending a virtual cybersecurity conference?

How can you network at IWCON 2023, the world’s biggest cybersecurity conference with over 2.5 Mn digital impressions?

Simple, by attending out virtual networking rooms (get a sneak peek here).

IWCON is just like any other security conference, except that it’s virtual. You can attend from the comfort of your room and make friends with high-value individuals in different corners of the world.

When the talks are going on, you can attend them and ask live questions to our experts. Then, you can roam around in the “Lounge” and “sit” at any table of your choice. You’ll be able to see who else is sitting at the same table as you.

Then, you can start conversations, exchange contact details, and make lifelong friendships.

All of this, at just $25!

The networking rooms are currently open. If you’ve purchased a ticket, you’ll be able to log in and see who else is around.

Why wait for December when you can start making friends today?

We aren’t kidding when we say, “With IWCON 2023, you can end the year on a high.” Check out speaker line-up and save your seat today.


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Infosec Writeups
